Chiropractic vs Hospital
Chiropractic vs hospital…..HUGE different paradigms here! Not enough time and not enough room on our blog to tell you all the differences! How to use chiropractic? Some people say that when you go to a chiropractor you have to keep going back? Truth! It is addictive to be healthy. Chiropractic maintains your health by having your nerves checked and then adjusting if necessary. The reason to come back is that each adjustment builds off the next and you just so happen to live your live through your nerve system. Chiropractic deals solely with the nerve system! Chiropractors are nerve system specialists! Chiropractic deals with keeping you functioning to your optimal level…..drug free! If you have a healthy functioning nerve system, you have a healthy functioning body….awesome side effects!!
Hospitals and chiropractic should not be used interchangeably. When individuals usually go to a hospital it is mostly for trauma care, crisis care or emergency care. One time care and then you are done. The hospitals do pretty awesome and are continuing to make some leaps with that type of care. Why you should not use chiropractic like a hospital? If you are only coming in when you feel some aches, tenderness, soreness, or some pain we are missing the entire concept of chiropractic. Chiropractors can alleviate your pain and get you to the place you wanna be, but then stopping care means we didn’t accomplish anything for your overall health. Chiropractic can give you a crutch and allow your body to get over the pain, but we want to go for the healing factor. The healing factor is much more powerful than the cure that might come in the form of a pill. In chiropractic we focus on the body functioning together as an entire unit. Every single nerve controls every single organ, cell, tissue, gland, muscle, etc etc. Having your nerves checked on a regular basis makes sense so you are running at your optimal potential. Use chiropractic the way it was intended!