Chiropractic and Epilepsy
Does chiropractic and epilepsy have a common connection? Epilepsy and any kind of seizure is characterized by being a neurological problem. Chiropractic is not just low back pain. Chiropractors are nerve system specialists that deal with how your nerves function collectively as a unit. Epilepsy and seizures occur when abnormal firing is triggered in the brain from your neurons. Most people have several seconds or minutes before they realize they are going to experience an “episode.” With no known causes for these individuals we are stuck with giving them medication to cover up symptoms and inhibit communication all together, which means other things in your body begin to become affected as well. Anticonvulsive medication might in fact help some, but for a good majority they are still suffering. Chiropractic and epilepsy is not a cure, it is a way to manage the frequency and severity naturally. Naturally allows your body to become stronger and without relying on a crutch for support all the time.
Chiropractic and epilepsy do have a common connection. Your brain is designed to keep you functioning at your optimal potential. Your brains sends messages to every part of your body, and in return your body sends messages back to your brain. Chiropractic and epilepsy share a connection because the “connection” is what is lost when an “episode” occurs. Your brains messages are guarded by your spinal bones. If a spinal subluxation (subluxation being what chiropractors find and adjust) occurs in your upper neck region then the connection is lost. By adjusting the spinal subluxation and allowing your body to function to your potential, you then have a clear connection. No drugs and no cutting of any sort is involved. Chiropractic and epilepsy is a solid foundation for those suffering. From the Journal Of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, researchers looked at 17 children who had received unsuccessful management with anticonvulsive medications. All 17 children began chiropractic care, 88% of the patients (15 out of 17) experienced significant reduction in the frequency and severity of their epileptic seizures. Continued research is and will always be ongoing. True corrections that go unreported happen in chiropractic offices every day! Chiropractic and epilepsy will always have a connection to allow you function the way you see fit. Get checked.