Chiropractic vs ADHD
Chiropractic does not have medicine nor does it treat ADHD. Chiropractic does not use a class II narcotic drug called Ritalin to suppress our children’s signs and symptoms. When our children are distracted by their surroundings, have an inability to concentrate, and inattentive to possibly name a few of signs as parents we enter protection mode for our children. We begin to attack their diet and look for food insensitivity, reactions, anything that might develop occurrences or flareups. While monitoring the diet is a crucial natural step in the right direction, more can be done. Chiropractic offers a non-drug and non-invasive method that targets the underlying problems and not just the symptoms. When signs and symptoms of motor imbalance are apparent, something is working harder than it should be and something else is not working. There has to be a controlled balance in order for proper development. If our children’s motor development is in influx and motor activity is hyperactive, people begin to think ADHD. Chiropractic does not treat nor cure, it allows your child suffering from ADHD to heal from within…naturally.
Let us take a look at chiropractic real quick for a re-cap. Chiropractic deals specifically with the nerve system which controls all other systems. Chiropractors check your nerve system and perform specific chiropractic adjustments to spinal vertebrae that become misaligned (subluxated) and cause dysfunction in your body, by acting (pressure) upon our nerves. Chiropractic allows your children’s communication to run the way it should! If the transmission is blocked from the brain to our muscles, GI system, respiratory, etc etc, then communication will be in influx causing dysfunction. If your child is suffering from symptoms associated with ADHD then the time to act is now. Chiropractic deals with the nerve system naturally. Chiropractors are trained to identify neurological deficits and symptoms and overcome with healing from within. No drugs, no dope, just letting the body heal the way it was designed. Having your child’s nerve system checked to remove interference is something only chiropractic deals with. Get checked!