Chiropractic And ADHD
Chiropractic and ADHD has a different story than you are used to. More and more families are suffering from side effects of ADHD. Mothers and fathers will spend countless hours researching and looking for alternative methods after trying the medical route. Families will begin to realize that the gut does have something to do with it, that there is a chemical bomb exploding in your child repetitively over and over again. Chiropractic and ADHD share a story that more than likely starts back during the pregnancy and even at birth. Chiropractors are nerve system specialists. A vertebral subluxation is when one or more vertebral bones move and cut off connection to organs, cells, tissues, glands, etc. Imagine a stressful pregnancy or a stressful birth (C-section, breached, prolonged hours) and creating subluxations for your new child. Not a pretty picture to paint for a developing child. Chiropractic and ADHD is a story that has a different outcome.
Your vagus nerve starts at the top of your neck and happens to travel all the way down into the gut (among other places)! If your child’s vagus nerve has been dys-connected due to a vertebral subluxation, then what happens to the gut? Connection is lost from the brain to the gut because the vagus nerve is causing inflammation to occur, immunity issues, and an overall pissed off kid. Chiropractic and ADHD can help reverse the story you have heard over and over again. Put attention on the root cause of the chemical bomb that is happening in your child and all your research and hopes will come into light. Chiropractic and ADHD creates a different story and establishes the foundation for a healthy life. Healthy nerve system….healthy life! All you have to do is ask and have your nerves checked to access the health of your child.
For an awesome read and some stats follow the link: Chiropractic and ADHD