Menstrual Pain vs Chiropractic

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

Menstrual Pain vs Chiropractic

The infamous menstrual cycle that is a love / hate relationship.  Many females come into the office with secondary complaints of bloating, cramping, and general pelvic pain.  These type of symptoms for your menstrual cycle do not have to be apparent. While many medical doctors will suggest to take analgesic drugs or some sort of inflammatory drug to mask your symptoms and  put toxins in your body, why not address the actual CAUSE.  Yes, there is evidence out there that the pain will be masked and symptoms masked while taking the inflammatory drugs, however you are still putting toxins into your body and covering up the cause!

What can a chiropractor do for me?  Menstrual pain and I don’t have to take drugs?   Chiropractic care can help?  The nerves that control your female reproductive organs to allow you to experience your menstrual cycle are located at the bottom of your spinal column.  If there is a subluxation present you can experience signs and symptoms such as bloating, cramping, and pelvic pain during your menstrual cycles.  The subluxation is what chiropractors find and correct.  The subluxation decreases your nerve supply to your female reproductive organs, thus creating your sings and symptoms.  Many females will come into the office for generic low back pain and do not realize that the pain is associated with their irregular menstrual cycles as well.

Pain is and will always be the last thing to show up (unless you get hit by a truck, plane, steamroller…you get the picture).  Many females patients after the course of adjustments will tell us that their signs and symptoms usually associated with their menstrual cycle are absent! Specific chiropractic adjustments aimed at your cause and not chasing your symptoms can establish clear 100% communication to your female reproductive organs.  So, when the next menstrual cycle comes around your body is clear of interference and ready to rock!

Fighting Vertigo

By | ADHD, Asthma, Benefits of Chiropractic

Fighting Vertigo

A sense of dizziness or the world spinning around you can be a very traumatic experience.  In most instances when someone is experiencing vertigo, they will also have other symptoms such as nausea, sweating, vomiting and even headaches.  The major key is not to treat the symptoms of vertigo that are being apparent and mask things, but to go after the cause and look for the root of the cause.  Vertigo occurs due to an injury sustained, accident, trauma, so many different types of variables.  How does vertigo become apparent though?   If your body begins to function improperly and manifests certain characteristics to protect yourself such as in the inner ear, then yes signs and symptoms will become apparent.   What controls everything you do in your body….that is right…NERVES!  Sensory nerves in particular are not functioning at 100% if vertigo is present.

Sensory nerves and your lower brain stem are in particular disarray when vertigo is present.  Communication is not being sent back and forth because a subluxation (what chiropractor’s find and adjust)is present.

Chiropractic speaking, if you do sustain a accident, trauma or a head injury we would examine the spinal column, especially the upper cervical area, specifically called your atlas (C1) and axis (C2).  When an injury occurs and your body goes into protection mode, those spinal bones can move and apply pressure on the nerves and the lower part of your brain stem.  Because, what controls spatial orientation, coordination, and postural tone…..that is right…NERVES!  Specific adjustments to your upper cervical area can restore your communication line and perform uninterrupted.

Even if you have not suffered from an accident, trauma, or injury and still have components of vertigo.  To have your nerve system checked by a chiropractor and to address the cause of your problems is the major premise that can assist and allow your body to HEAL.

The Sticky Icky DISC

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

The Sticky Icky DISC

When people think of a herniated disc they sometimes use slipped, ruptured, and bulging disc.  How does the disc do this?  Basically, the disc starts to push out through its encasing like toothpaste; however remember it is still attached and will remain attached.  The casing (the tube of tooth paste) is weakened which allows your disc to push through and expose itself.  Once the disc is exposed through the casing it can be very painful and signs and symptoms start to appear.

How do disc herniation’s happen?  If your spinal column has chronic instability, over time that is going to take a toll on your disc space.  There are some instances when just gradual instability is monument-ed by a drastic movement (such as lifting a heavy box wrong for the billionth time) that allows you to express the signs and symptoms of a disc injury.  When you have a disc herniation your body becomes very susceptible to any sudden movements, which is brought on by your instability.

How does someone acquire instability?  Instability exists in your spinal column when subluxations (what chiropractor’s find and adjust) are present for a prolonged period of time.  What your amazing body begins to do is compensate for the instability thus creating wear and tear on your spinal column.

What can be done for someone who has a herniation?  The disc herniation has already happened so the damage has already been done.  Imagine blowing a balloon up, and then popping the balloon.  You cannot blow the balloon back up and then pop it a second time.  This analogy is like that with your disc herniation.  Chiropractic will allow your body to maintain the disc herniation and be symptomatic and pain free so you can live your life the way you have always wanted to.  It is the chiropractor’s job to maintain your health so you can HEAL.

Ear Infections And Chiropractic

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Ear Infections And Chiropractic

When our little ones are suffering from an ear infection we basically are suffering as well.  Ear infections are very painful and can be very traumatic for our young ones.  Chiropractic care can assist your children in overcoming an ear infection and establishing the ability to fend from other possible ear infections.  Most likely when our young ones have an ear infection it is a viral infection.  So, some people will see their medical doctor and then be allowed to used antibiotics!  Why, would you use an antibiotic for a viral infection?  Merely based on the principal that the antibiotic is an anti-inflammatory and will help the swelling aspect?

Chiropractic allows normal function of the ear and allows the fluid to drain by performing specific chiropractic adjustments to the upper cervical area.  Our children’s E-Tubes are still forming and are very susceptible to fluid accumulating in them.  If you go through the gauntlet and another round of antibiotics and say  “maybe-they’ll-work-and-maybe-they-won’t” or if you think about surgery.  It is time for you to utilize chiropractic care for your children.  Chiropractic will allow your children to heal and overcome their ear infections.  Giving your child another “crutch” such as antibiotics or surgery will just make them more susceptible to relying on a “crutch” again.

Specific chiropractic adjustments to your children with ear infections allows their body restore proper alignment and proper function so our kids can be the rock-stars they want to be!  Chiropractic adjustments are safe and effective and allows your child to fight for themselves.  It allows your child to build a solid defense and grow without obstacles!  Allow your body to develop the proper way and adjust the proper way.  Get checked and attack the ear infections at the cause!