The Chiropractic Skeptic Guide

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The Chiropractic Skeptic Guide

The Chiropractic skeptic has and will always be a part of our profession.  Who is this chiropractic skeptic?  Well, unfortunately it is someone who has “tried” chiropractic before and probably had a bad experience. The chiropractic skeptic could be someone who has never ever been to a chiropractor before.  In both instances there needs to be a remedy.  For the first chiropractic skeptic, who had a bad experience, we would say just because you “tried” a chiropractor doesn’t mean you experienced chiropractic.  A specific, principled chiropractor that goes after the cause of your condition and not treating symptoms is where you need to be.  Chiropractic is having your nerve system accessed for possible dysfunction, thus leading to signs and symptoms.  Experience a chiropractor who checks and if necessary adjusts subluxations.

The chiropractic skeptic who has never experienced chiropractic before.  They might simply think they don’t have pain, so don’t need to see a chiropractor.  To that we say, chiropractors are nerve system specialists.  Your central nerve system is the master controller, branched off of your central nerve system: motor nerves, sensory nerves, and autonomic nerves.  Sensory nerves feeling the actual “pain” is extremely small.  Nerve tension can and does exist without the actual sensation of “pain”.  Hence, why chiropractors check for possible subluxations.  Have to make sure your motor nerves, autonomic nerves and sensory nerves are functioning correctly.  There is a vast difference between how you feel and how you function.  Chiropractors are concerned with how your nerve system functions as one unit together.  Chiropractors do not take away nor do they give you anything for your body.  If your master control system is functioning at 100%, then your organs, cells, tissues, and glands are functioning at 100%.  Granted this is just a short blog.  There is ton’s of information for the chiropractic skeptic that will answer any doubt or thought process.  All you have to do is ask.

The Chiropractic Facts

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The Chiropractic Facts

People’s opinions and thoughts about what chiropractic is varies from state to state, city to city, and in some instances family to family.  The hardcore chiropractic facts are set in stone, it is just a matter of our/my generation messing it up for others.  The year was 1895 and the very first chiropractic adjustment was performed by Dr. D.D. Palmer in Davenport, IA.  The adjustment was for the restoration of a hearing loss!  That is the beginning of some chiropractic facts.  In 1895 Frederick E Blaisdell patents the pencil as well…..that is not chiropractic facts.  It is pretty important what Dr. Palmer accomplished at that time.  He also set a foundation to explore new values, principles, and an understanding of what the body is capable of.  Before the first adjustment Dr. Palmer was a magnetic healer and tried many other different types of healing arts.  After the first adjustment the study and foundation of chiropractic was established, no more magnets.

Did Dr. Palmer use some sort of blueberry enzyme soap, magnets, health plus Vit C, or some electrical laser for the first adjustment?  NO!  The only tools at his disposal were his hands.  Chiro means hand in Latin.  Practic in Latin means practice.  Chiropractors use their hands to find and locate disturbances (subluxations = a bone, muscle, tissue pressing upon a nerve thus creating dysfunction in one’s system) and adjust them.  Here are some chiropractic facts.  If somebodies master control system (nerve system) is not allowing them to adapt to their stress in life, then your body will not express its full potential.  How does someone not adapt?  Your body will give you signs and symptoms: the flu, headaches, sciatica, ADHD, acid re-flux, hemorrhoids, infertility, and indigestion…get the picture?  Chiropractic allows your body to adapt and HEAL by itself.  No gimmicks, and no possible side effects like you see on drug advertisements.  The only side effect that chiropractic produces is to express life the way you were supposed to.  Chiropractic facts.


Some fun interesting chiropractic facts: Click ME


The Healing Aid or Crutch

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The Healing Aid or Crutch

Ever wonder if your body has the healing power you are designed to have?  Well, it does!  The healing power that your body has is capable of anything!  Chiropractic is not designed to make you instantly feel better, it is designed to make you heal!  When you sustain an injury such as a cut on your hand what happens?  You begin to bleed, a scab forms, and eventually your skin looks no  different then before.  HEALING!  Your body did not require any form of medication or any outside influence.  The same can be said for just about anything (within limits of matter).  If you decide to start giving your body a crutch or a band-aid over and over again, it will soon begin to depend on those forms of assistance.  Our analogy here for crutch and band-aid is that of medication, drugs, dope, unnecessary surgery, etc, etc.  Allow your body to do what it is supposed to do uninfluenced by outside means.

Chiropractic and healing are synonymous.  Chiropractic allows your body to heal the way it was intended.  Chiropractic care is health care allowing your body to restore proper connection inside and allowing your amazing body to do what it is supposed to do!  Common side effects of chiropractic care allowing your body to heal properly include but are not limited to: positive stamina, reduced drug use, elevated mood, restful sleep, improved mood, and improved immune and digestive health.  The list goes on and on.  As our world gets sicker and sicker more people are reaching out to alternative means.  Chiropractic is not considered true alternative, in fact it is it’s own complete identity of a paradigm of what health is.  The power that made the body heals the body.  Chiropractic allows healing to flourish naturally.

Cost Effective Health Care

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Cost Effective Health Care

Cost effective health care in the form of chiropractic.  Chiropractic is not sick insurance, life insurance, or disability insurance.  Chiropractic care is health care!  Health care is exactly in the words, you are wanting to maintain your health.  Health does not come in the form of pills or surgery.  Health care comes in the form of allowing your body to be at its peak potential!  In comparison with other forms of care: “Reduced odds of surgery were observed for…those whose first provider was a chiropractor. 42.7% of workers [with back injuries] who first saw a surgeon had surgery, in contrast to only 1.5% of those who saw a chiropractor.”-Keeney et al (2012), Spine.  Seems like that is cost effective!  

“Low back pain initiated with a doctor of chiropractic (DC) saves 40 percent on health care costs when compared with care initiated through a medical doctor (MD), according to a study that analyzed data from 85,000 Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) beneficiaries in Tennessee over a two-year span,” –Liliedahl et al (2010), Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics.  The concept of health care is to REMAIN HEALTHY.  Your greatest asset hands down, that everyone has is the ability to alter  your health.  “Chiropractic is the largest, most regulated, and best recognized of the complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) professions. CAM patient surveys show that chiropractors are used more often than any other alternative provider group and patient satisfaction with chiropractic care is very high,”-Meeker, Haldeman (2002), Annals of Internal Medicine.  Health care without restrictions and without medication, sounds like it makes sense.  Have your nerves checked by a chiropractor.

Fight Or Flight

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Fight Or Flight

Fight or flight is and has always been a way that your body depends on functioning as a unit.  Fight or flight is how your body utilizes two different types of nerve systems.  These systems are set up and should be utilized in order for proper functioning.  When your body is at rest, growth, relaxation (etc), you are utilizing your parasympathetic nerve system.  When your body’s adrenal glands are stimulated and you starting pumping some “fighting juice”, tension, and signs and symptoms become apparent throughout your body.  Your bodies fighting response (sympathetic) are turned on when a subluxation (misalignment of the spine) is present in your body.  Your body’s fighting response is not initially to elicit pain, it is to elicit signs and symptoms!  Fight or flight, the fight response is: high blood pressure, asthma, fevers, seizures, autism, colic, etc.  Your body’s flight response is not to make you sound like your giving up, it is actually opposite of this.  Your flight response (parasympathetic) is to establish growth, healing, and normal continual functioning of your body.  Once your body is using both systems together.  Too much flight is a bad thing!

Fight or flight is designed to be used together in harmony.  Too much of something is a bad thing, too little of something is a bad thing when dealing with your body.  Subluxation’s can allow your body to do this though, and can cause too much or too little.  Restoring proper connection with chiropractic care is a way for fight or flight to work together.  When your body is overcome by stress, you need to adapt and overcome.  Chiropractic allows proper communication so your body can adapt and overcome, and get stronger from your condition!  Proper nerve system harmony between these two systems means proper functioning as a unit!  Have your nerves checked to establish the proper fight or flight unity.

Kalispell Pain Clinic…..Wait What

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Kalispell Pain Clinic…..Wait What

The Kalispell Pain Clinic!  Good thing there is no such place in Kalispell.  There are some other businesses that are associated with pain.  Is Carlson Chiropractic Offices the Kalispell Pain Clinic?  NO!  Does pain happen to bring people into the office? Yes!  Are we trying to educate so our peeps understand where the pain comes from…yeppers!  First, let us clarify.  A visit to the chiropractic office is to have your nerves checked and to adjust if necessary.  Always getting checked first!  As stated before pain does bring people into the office, 90% of the time those people who experienced pain had signs or symptoms for a couple of years then their pain shows up(the other 10% will be people who had an anvil drop on their arm…things of this nature).  

Their bodies were giving them warning signs long before the pain ever showed!  Someone started having headaches, high blood pressure, irregular menses, chronic asthma attacks, etc……….these signs and symptoms are all PAINFUL!  Would you head to the Kalispell pain clinic if you experienced those types of pain?  Yet, in our society we do not think of a chiropractor for these pains, just for low back pain!  When you do see such things as a Kalispell Pain Clinic or any pain clinic for that matter they sometimes have the word SPINE attached to them!  Why is this?  All experiences you have in your life whether good or bad are expressed via your NERVE SYSTEM.  Most pain clinics will try to suppress your signs and symptoms with dope…..copious amounts of pain killers, steroids….basically just dope.

Kalispell pain clinic and chiropractors?  Well, the very first sign of pain your body gives you is a sign or symptom.  Just because you have been living with it for 4 years does not make it normal for you!  In fact you could say it is COMMON for people who have similar subluxations!  Chiropractors and back pain…..more like chiropractors and sign and symptoms!  Kalispell pain clinic if there ever was such a thing or if there ever will be is not a safe and healthy alternative.  Listen to your body.  Do not assume that a sign and symptom is a “normal” thing for your life.  If you do happen to experience the “normal” sign or symptom, time is now to have your nerves checked by a chiropractor.  Don’t wait for the pain.

Come Back When You Have Pain….Said No Chiropractor Ever

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Come Back When You Have Pain….Said No Chiropractor Ever

Neck pain leading to your shoulder?  How does this work?  Neck pain that all of a sudden travels and happens to enter into my shoulder region and even down into my elbow and even into my fingertips?  Some low back pain just happened to show up after 2 days and I cannot seem to shake it.  If we use chiropractic like the way it was intended then no chiropractor should ever say come back when its painful.  You can use chiropractic like an ER, and chiropractic does have a message for you, but (BUT) we are missing the light bulb of what chiropractic is.  Well,  first of all let us talk about pain itself so we don’t get off on the wrong track.  Pain is and always will be the last thing to show up physiologically unless a tank hits you, jump off 12 stories and land on your head, get into a fight with Mike Tyson,  you get the picture.  There are some different types of pain that we need to be aware of.

You see when dealing with pain you can break it down into superficial pain (someone cutting your skin) or into deep pain (tendons and tissues that you do not see).  Then you have visceral pain (organ).  Visceral pain once it happens your body is diffuse in nature, less precisely graded and typically accompanied by slowing of the heart, lowered blood pressure, cold sweats and nausea.  Okay, just talking about 3 types of pain here(more to come).  Major premise to understand is that when you first have a response your body will enter protection mode : thirst, electrolyte balance, dysfunction in the respiratory and circulatory system,  flexion reflex, postural readjustment, rubbing….etc etc.  Why does your body do these things when pain comes a knocking?  Your body wants to function, your body works as a 1 unit.  It does not care about pain, it wants to make sure you function….say it again… wants to make sure you function the way you should be!  You see when your body throws up a red flag such as a sign or symptom, the sign and symptoms should be your first sign of actual pain!  Do not let pain be a dictating your chiropractic care.  Hence, why you come and just get checked for possible dysfunction in your body!

A Chiropractor’s View On Carpel Tunnel

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A Chiropractor’s View On Carpel Tunnel

Many chiropractor’s see practice members everyday who are suffering from carpel tunnel like symptoms.  What can a chiropractor do for me and my carpel tunnel?  Well, first off, a chiropractor will not use any cutting devices, medication, or any blood letting……joke…but for real!  A chiropractor will access the nerves and the function of those particular nerves that are causing your signs and symptoms.  Let us explain.  To help solve this “issue” you need to trace the nerves back to the starting point.  Which just so happens to be at the base of your neck.  A chiropractor will look and access the particular wrist with inflammation, however you have to look to the spine first.  Subluxations of the spine can cause signs and symptoms of carpel tunnel.  Specific chiropractic adjustments to the cervical region, elbow, and wrist are based on assessment of each individual practice member.  Remember, the median nerve that is being entrapped originates and is traced all the way back into your spinal column.

Repetitive motion and improper movements at your wrist can cause signs and symptoms to appear at that specific area.  What and how is your neck even involved and a chiropractor?  Chiropractic deals with your nerve system, the master controller of your entire body.  What is carpel tunnel?  Carpel tunnel is a nerve dysfunction issue.  While other doctors might prescribe steroids and injections to alleviate the symptoms and “treat” your signs, you will be neglecting the actual cause of the carpel tunnel.    Most surgeries when performed will only cause ligament / scar tissue build up which will then require another cutting and cause your symptoms to re-appear.  Most people don’t think about a chiropractor for carpel tunnel.  Why not?  Chiropractic is not designed to make you instantly feel better, it is designed to make you heal!  A Chiropractic will use x-rays to determine the specific cause of your signs and symptoms and use his hands to adjust the cause.

Are there other factors that need to be taken into consideration when addressing someone with carpel tunnel?  Such as changing positions, monitoring your posture and repetitive motions and work…yes!  Just think, when we often hear of someone with carpel tunnel they often say they type a ton and are at a desk job.  So, if they are sitting at a desk for prolonged periods of time and their neck causes them pain / discomfort from looking down, then looking up at the monitor, and then back down, and then back up…..repetitive motions in your neck region as well. Wait, didn’t you say something about the median nerve originating from the base of your neck?  Yeppers!  A chiropractor visualizes the whole body approach.  See as a chiropractor we get to play Sherlock Holmes and investigate your nerves and their function so we can trace it back to the actual scene of the crime!  Always look to the spine first!

Thyroid’s Running Rampant

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Thyroid’s Running Rampant

I have an overactive thyroid and chiropractic care can help me?  I have an under-active thyroid and chiropractic care can help me?  I have one of those weird names regarding my thyroid….chiropractic care can help me? Yes, Yes, and Yes.  Thyroid issues are running rampant in our society.  It has been estimated that between 1 percent and 4 percent of adults have moderate to severe hypothyroidism, and 10 percent to 12 percent have mild or sub-clinical hypothyroidism.  Mind you those numbers are “Estimated.”  If you are having  your levels checked and your T3 and T4 and all sorts of other levels are fluctuating what do you do?  You can try herbal remedies for your thyroid and that could work, you could try other natural ways of helpingand those could work as well.  What can chiropractic offer you?  The function of the nerve system is to coordinate all other behaviors  that you experience in life.  Your nerve system integrates everything to make sure you are functioning correctly.

Subluxations arise and do not allow proper communication between your brain and your organs, cell’s, tissue’s and glands.  Evidence supports that certain cases of thyroid disorders may result from the malfunction of nerves in the brain and spinal cord that control the thyroid’s production of thyroid hormone.  There are numerous signs and symptoms for an overactive or under-active gland and people express different symptoms.  Chiropractic does not focus on chasing all of those symptoms around and around.  Chiropractic looks at and addresses the cause of the symptoms resulting from a dysfunctional thyroid.  Low thyroid function not only drags down function of every system in the body, but it also frequently signals chronic inflammation and immune dysregulation.  Just imagine what a high thyroid function does to every system in your body!

You might say why do I still exhibit signs and symptoms when my thyroid levels are normal?  Unfortunately our medical model does not adequately manage thyroid dysfunction.  Chiropractic is not designed to cure anything or to take someone off their thyroid hormone replacement therapy.  Chiropractic is designed to make you heal.  Our role in thyroid dysfunction is to allow your body to establish communication and function at the level you are designed.  Better quality of life while maintaining your thyroid dysfunction is key!  Have your nerves checked by a chiropractor!

Chiropractor Equals Pain?

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Chiropractor Equals Pain?

Too often we think of pain with the chiropractor.  By all means, YES, we can help you with pain.  Chiropractic is so much more than actual pain though.  Going to the chiropractor for pain is like robbing a bank and just stealing the free candy suckers and not taking anything else!  

The Subluxation is what we went to school to find, detect, correct and leave alone!  Let’s say you go through life, age 18 you start to develop signs and symptoms of irregular menses, cramps, and “regular” bowel movements once every 3 days.  Well as you continue your life and you go through this you begin to believe that this is normal.  You begin to believe that there is nothing for this and this is the life I am given.  Ummmm…wrong!  Finally, let’s say 10 years down the road you develop signs and symptoms of lower back pain.  You wait about two weeks and then finally decide to go see a chiropractor because the pain just doesn’t seem to go away!  

As a chiropractor would go through your history and find some info out you begin to tell him about your irregular menses, cramps, and “regular” bowel movements once every 3 days.  LIGHT BULB!  Pain sensation is always the last sensation to appear (unless you are in some sort of accident).  Your nerves are designed to keep you healthy, they are trying to keep you functioning at 100%.  If you have a Subluxation (In simplest terms, a subluxation (a.k.a. Vertebral Subluxation) is when one or more of the bones of your spine (vertebrae) move out of position and create pressure on, or irritate spinal nerves) that is applying pressure on your nerves, your nerves will not be sending 100% communication to your organs, cell’s, tissue’s, and gland’s!  

So, when you were 18 years old and started to develop signs and symptoms of a Subluxation, you just assumed it was “normal.”  You see, pain is always the last thing to show up and usually the very first thing to leave your body!  Why?  Because your nerves are trying to keep you functioning at 100%.  When you start to have signs and symptoms that is your first cue to consult your chiropractor.  Dealing with pain is not fun!  Dealing with 10 years of irregular menses, cramps, and “regular” bowel movements once every 3 days is not fun!  Do not assume signs and symptoms are your normal lifestyle!  Have regular check-ups by your chiropractor to make sure your nerves are functioning at 100%!