Pediatric Chiropractic Care

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Why is pediatric chiropractic care important?  The simplest reason being is that they have a nerve system as well!  To expand this approach on pediatric chiropractic care we dive into a quick snapshot of chiropractic.  Chiropractic is a noninvasive form of health care that seeks to keep individuals healthy without medication, surgery etc.  Every human experience we encounter has to be processed via our nerve system.  Any incoming data from the environment has to be perceived via your nerve system and any outgoing data has to be organized via your nerve system.  Pressure upon a nerve (pinched nerve) is called a subluxation.  A subluxation limits the potential of your body by causing a disconnection from your brain to your vital organs, cells, tissues, glands, everything.  Chiropractic removes the pressure from the nerve so your body is able to stay connected and function at your optimal potential.

pediatric chiropractic care

Now that we have a quick understanding of chiropractic, let’s head to our main topic of pediatric chiropractic care.  Pediatric chiropractic care is vitally important due to the fact that an infant’s spine will double in size in their first two years of life!  The spine serves to protect the most important system in the body, the nerve system.  What are most infants doing during their first years of life?  They are sitting, crawling, walking, climbing, and most likely falling down in some sort of fashion.  These are just some of the possible physical stressors that can cause a subluxation in an infant.  As they continue to grow their spine begins to take shape and develop the three curvatures that sustain life.  Pediatric chiropractic care allows early detection of possible subluxation’s that limit our child’s potential.

Realize that a subluxation is not something you can just spot that stands out like a “Stop” sign along the road.  Subluxations are deep and nasty things that sometimes take years to fully manifest.  Possible signs and symptoms can be delayed milestones, difficult or painful latching, frequent spitting up, colic, etc.  Pediatric chiropractic care limits the interference in the nerve system so our children can grow to their maximum potential.

Common Signs And Symptoms

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Common Signs And Symptoms

Common signs and symptoms?  What “condition” are we referring to when writing this is the question?  Any signs and symptoms at all are an alert system for your body to let you know that something is not right!  The problem with signs and symptoms is that we think they are normal for our daily lives.  There are two different categories that we associate our signs and symptoms with.  You can be walking down the sidewalk and take the wrong step and “BAM” you twist your ankle.  When these incidents occur we have an immediate cause and effect, we instantly know what happened and what the consequences will be.  The other category occurs when seemingly small but noticeable signs and symptoms plague our lives and we just continue to live with it.  For some they have no pain, so is there anything wrong with their body?  The entire aspect of letting pain be your guide to a healthy life is a horrible paradigm that we have created in our society.

So, what are common signs and symptoms?  Anything that causes your body to function less than your optimal potential.  Your body has amazing capabilities and warning systems to let you know when things are not working properly.  What we tend to do in our society is cover up our signs and symptoms with over the counter medication and prescriptions.  Using medication will allow you to put a “Band-Aid” on things for a short period of time but does not address the cause.  Then after a while your body will reveal signs and symptoms again and have to take even more medication.  This entire cycle becomes a very debilitating process and wreaks havoc on your body.  Chiropractic will address your signs any symptoms, more importantly it will go after the causative factor of why.  Any dysfunction that your body goes through is controlled and regulated by your nerve system.  Chiropractor’s check your nerve system for possible dysfunction and adjust the cause, which in turn allows your body to heal!


What Is Wellness

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

What Is Wellness

What is wellness?  This word can and does mean one thing for one person and can be night and day for the next person.  Wellness definition according to Merriam-Webster: The quality or state of being in good health especially as an actively sought goal.  From our standpoint we address wellness on an individual level, because everyone has different goals of what they think healthy is for them.  For some, wellness can be living life without symptoms.  For others, wellness is living life to their true potential with limiting symptoms.   In general, most think wellness is eating healthy, exercising, and living right!  So, to put our own twist on this game of what wellness is we incorporate chiropractic.  We start with what chiropractic is not:  it is not sick care, it is not back pain care, it is not supplemental care, it is not wellness care.  Chiropractic is HEALTH CARE for the entire family.

Sometimes we are confused on what health care is and what it is not.  Health care is not taking anything away from your body or giving your body any artificial “stimulation.”  Health care is allowing your own innate intelligence to flourish and grow on a day to day basis, thus encapsulating the word wellness!  Chiropractic allows wellness for individuals by SUPPORTING the innate intelligence of the central nerve system.  The central nerve system coordinates and controls every organ, gland, tissue, and cell in the body!  Chiropractors check and access your nerve system to make sure your entire body is connected via your nerve system.  Any disconnection in your body is apparent with signs and symptoms: muscle pain, headaches, constipation, infertility, etc.  So, by eating a nutritious diet, regular exercise, and having regular chiropractic check-ups you can ensure your wellness is in hand.  Life is a balancing act and we are here to help!

Not Just Muscle Pain

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Not Just Muscle Pain

Chiropractic is not just muscle pain.  Some in our society think that chiropractic is just for relief of muscle pain or just any sensation of pain in general.  Muscle pain is an issue and will be dealt with; however there is an underlying causative factor as to why there is muscle pain.  A subluxation occurs when a vertebrae applies pressure on a spinal nerve, this “pressure” on the nerve creates dysfunction within the body.  Dysfunction causes the messages from the brain to the muscles to become distorted, resulting in improper firing sequences.  Your body does this for protective measures to at least have some functionality available.  You see, that nerve with pressure on it not only has motor control (which is geared towards your muscles) but it also has autonomic control.  Your autonomic nerves are regulating and controlling your adrenal glands: kidneys, heart, lungs, etc.  Even with pressure upon a nerve, your body is still designed to function, regardless of the sensation of muscle pain!

Visiting the chiropractor for just muscle pain is like robbing a bank and just taking the free pens!  Chiropractors focus on correcting the cause of your problems, not just the suppressing symptoms that are apparent.  Muscle pain is an issue that can come and go while the real signs and symptoms can continue for fester for a prolonged period of time.  That is why regular chiropractic adjustments maintain the vital communication from your brain to your body to allow you to function at optimal potential and stay healthy!  So, the question is what are you concentrating on?  Are you more focused on the symptoms or what is actually causing the problem?  By addressing the problem not only do the symptoms disperse but your body in general is allowed to heal with proper connection to all your organs, cells, tissues, and glands.  Regardless if it’s muscle pain or just a curiosity, you live your life through your nerve system.  Every human interaction you have is processed through your nerve system.  It is a chiropractor’s responsibility to make sure that system is functioning at 100% 


Family Health Care

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Family Health Care – Carlson Chiropractic Offices

Why family health care?  Great question!  It is our responsibility to raise the awareness of what health is and what it is not.  Your body develops, grows, heals, and deteriorates on the cellular level.  Your body is constantly being resurrected one cell at a time.  The integrity of those cells depend upon a healthy functioning nerve system coordinating that action and forming the building blocks for life.  Chiropractic is the only profession that focuses specifically and solely on the function of the nerve system.  Your nerve system is the master control system of your entire body.  If you want to express life to your fullest potential and live without limits, this requires a healthy functioning nerve system.  We say family health care because everyone uses their nerve system!  

Family health care is simple.  In our world today we complicate it way to much and don’t have to. If the signals from the master control CENTER (brain) are normal then the body functions normally.  If there is a “disconnection” from the brain to the organs, cells, tissues, glands, etc then the body responds with signs and symptoms.  This “disconnection” is caused by a vertebral subluxation.  A vertebral subluxation is a deep and nasty thing that festers with time, it takes time to exhibit the signs of pain that most people associate chiropractic with.  In actuality the signs and symptoms should be the first cue for you to visit your chiropractor.  Think of a subluxation along the lines of a cavity.  Halloween rolls and along and parents instantly think that cavities are going to appear the next day.  Cavities take time to express themselves into the actual sensation of pain.

Family health care is simple!  Having a clear and connected nerve system ensures optimal potential.  No medication needs to be taken and nothing from your body needs to be taken away.  Chiropractic allows your body to heal the way your body is intended to.  Yes, we realize that healing takes time.  Healing is not just the removal of pain, it’s the return of life and living it.  Family health care is that simple!  


Stress Less

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Stress Less

Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress…and more Stress!  Would you like to guess the number one reason why individuals visit a chiropractic office?  Stress!  Want to stress less?  Hear what we have to say:  Chiropractic is just not low back and headaches.  Subluxation (pinched nerve) is what chiropractors find and correct.  A subluxation inhibits the communication between brain to organ, cell, tissue, gland, etc.  If the communication is blocked between brain and vital component of body, safe to say there has to be some component of stress involved.  Now, if you’re thinking that stress is just something you “think” about, you are partially correct.  If it was just something we thought about, stressing less would be easy to accomplish.  If you are chronically thinking about paying bills, speaking in public, or passing your classes then yes, “thinking/emotions” will plague your body with stress.  What about physical stress?  Repetitive motion, car accidents, jumping out of airplanes, yes, that is all physical stress on your body.  What about toxicity in your body?  Medication, too much alcohol, eating in excess, can all be toxic stress on your body.  These different types of stress (emotional, physical, toxic) affects the entire body.

From a whole body approach what can be done?  Exercise and maintain your current day to day diet!  Have your nerve system checked for possible subluxations (stress) on a consistent basis.  Allow your master control system to function at its up-most potential. That is the key to stress less.  Now, if you allow your body to heal and adapt from the emotional physical and toxic stress on your body, then you have nothing to fret about!  Use signs and symptoms as a way to realize what is going on with your body.  Weight gain, digestive problems, heart problems and many more are possible signs and symptoms that there is stress on your nerve system.  To stress less make sure your nerve system is clear and free of possible subluxations.  Remember, everyone was born to be healthy!


Pretty Poor Posture

By | ADHD, Asthma, Benefits of Chiropractic

Pretty Poor Posture


Posture is your body’s alignment when sitting, standing, walking, and any basic movement.  The center focus of our alignment is our spinal column and consistent with those structures is your overall skeletal system.  Your musculoskeletal system is then responsible for holding that skeletal system in place.  Guess what just so happens to control and maintain proper function in both of these systems?  The NERVE SYSTEM, your body’s only master control system.  Poor posture wreaks havoc on our society and it does not seem to be getting any better.  Poor posture is a direct result of stress that your body “learns” to deal with.  Stress is placed on your body physically, mentally, and chemically.

Example- We undergo gravity our entire life, our skeletal system keeps us up right, muscle holds bones together, nerves make sure everything is functioning correctly.  Then stress is applied to our nerve system such as a subluxation (pinched nerve).  If that “pinched nerve” is not capable of sending the correct message from the brain to the muscle to make sure the muscle holds, what is the consequence?  Poor posture!  Now, this is just one example of how poor posture can show itself.

From a structural aspect, your spine will twist, curve, and form to the stress that is placed on your body.  Imagine that your spine is like a telephone pole.  The telephone poles are supposed to be strong, durable, and most important, straight and allow proper communication to go forth.  Your spine, when you look at someone straight on (head-to-head) should be straight; when looking at someone from the side there should be 3 curves in the spinal column.  Much like when stress is placed on the telephone pole the messages and communication are inhibited or severely altered.  The same with your spine, if poor posture is evident that equals stress on your nerve system.  Stress on your nerve system leads to disconnection from your brain to your organs, cells, tissues, glands, etc.

We think of poor posture as more of a cosmetic problem when, in essence, it is a health problem.  Poor posture has a direct correlation with the disease process.  Inhibit messages from brain to vital organs and things stop working correctly.  Chiropractic realizes this correlation with your posture and your overall health.  Specific X-rays are utilized so that your spine and your care is personalized and geared towards you!  Have your nerve checked!


Walk In Chiropractic

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

Walk In Chiropractic

Who’s a “walk in” chiropractic?  It’s not a who, but a what!  At Carlson Chiropractic Offices we are able to allow people to call unexpectedly and provide walk in chiropractic care.  Now, we should establish some ground rules first.  The reason we have this option available is because everyone is living life, and sometimes your nerves do some crazy things.  You never know when to expect the unexpected.  There are certain office procedures that are required, new paperwork, consultation, neurological assessment,  and X-ray images to access the integrity of the spinal column.  All of these procedures are required and performed for individuals who have scheduled an appointment beforehand.  The number one reason why we provide walk in chiropractic is because you can never be too “busy” to provide health care for families.

Walk in chiropractic is more of a saying than an event these days.  Most individuals will Google something and call a chiropractic office and schedule a new appointment the same day and that is considered walk in chiropractic.  Guess what?  That works!  Now, if it just so happens that we do have a walk in, during a time in our schedule that is not ideal what happens?  IF we are not able to give you the time that you need and deserve, we happen to know a lot of other chiropractors that are willing to help.  There really is not a lot you can say about walk in chiropractic.  Our goal and our intention is to provide specific chiropractic care for everyone that gives us the opportunity.  Opportunity is always available here at Carlson Chiropractic Offices.  We are in the office and helping others Monday – Saturday in the Kalispell, MT community.

The Cause Of Sports Injuries

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

The Cause Of Sports Injuries

The cause of sports injuries can be very abrupt and noticeable or can prolong themselves for a period of time.  In this article we are talking about sports injuries that take time to notice and can wreak havoc on an athlete’s career.  (If you want to see some noticeable sports injuries that have a direct cause, just Click ME and watch some clips).  Now, the other sports injuries that wreak havoc on an athlete we need to find the major principle of WHY.  Most bodies are not given the opportunity to adapt and heal from a problem.  Most likely, there is some sort of physical stress placed on the athlete and if this stress goes on for a pro-longed period of time then our body does not function to its potential.  Correct potential is supposed to be the optimal for an athlete!  For those sports injuries that continue on and linger we need to address the body as an entire unit, not just the area causing the issues.

The example we will use today is a very common issue, a sprained ankle.  An athlete encounters a sprained ankle, takes time to heal and boom is back on the field in no time.  The sprained ankle happens again a couple of months down the road and then again.  This injury sort of becomes chronic in nature.  So, how do we address the ankle?  Is there weakness in the ligaments and tendons protecting the ankle joint, yes.  As a chiropractor would I address and check the spine as well?  Yes!  Imagine if that athlete has a subluxation (pinched nerve/dysfunction in the nerve system) in their lumbar spine.  So, without going into too much detail about the cells, tissues, and glands being affected by this subluxation, let’s talk about the bio-mechanics.  If there is a subluxation the athletes’ gait is altered; if their gait is altered, muscles are altered, and if muscles are altered then structure is altered.  Which then, in turn, leaves a weakened structure at the ankles.  Chiropractors evaluate the body as a whole, rather than in separate parts.  When it comes to sports injuries, an athlete knows that everything is connected and everything needs to function at their optimal potential.