Fibromyalgia and Chiropractic

By | ADHD, Asthma, Benefits of Chiropractic

Fibromyalgia and Chiropractic

Fibromyalgia and chiropractic share a common trait.  Fibromyalgia often expresses itself by attacking our muscles and giving us chronic tension throughout the day.  Fibromyalgia and chiropractic are associated due to the fact that we are dealing with the musculoskeletal system.  More specifically though, we are dealing with the nerve system that regulates and controls those individual muscles.  Individuals who are burdened with fibromyalgia often have a quality of life that is based around their symptoms and how they are feeling that day.  Chronic pain and tightness in joints, difficulty concentrating, headaches and other possible symptoms do not have to be controlling your way of life.  The cause of fibromyalgia is often linked to accidents, chronic illness or some other incident that often leads people to second guess if they actually have fibromyalgia.  Looking for the cause?  Look to the master control system, the nerve system.

Fibromyalgia and chiropractic are related due to the fact that your nerve system is the top player in the scenario.  Chiropractic focuses specifically on the nerve system and making sure that by checking the nerve system, we are directly going after the cause of your problem and not the signs and symptoms.  Any sign and symptom that may appear is your body’s best way of functioning.  Fibromyalgia produces many signs and symptoms, all of these have to have a reason and a CAUSE.

When a vertebrae moves out of proper position and applies pressure on a single nerve, this creates an entire central nerve system disturbance.  Which means the entire body enters into a protection mode to survive as best as it can.  Enter the chronic state of “fight” and chronic illness.  Fibromyalgia and chiropractic address your cause by allowing your body to heal and to function by removing dysfunction from the entire body.  This is only done with specific and accurate adjustments to the spine to allow proper function.  By restoring proper communication to the body, you in turn allow the entire body to express its optimal potential.

Read a little bit more about fibromyalgia and chiropractic care. :CLICK ME



Why Kids Chiropractic?

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Why Kids Chiropractic?

Why kids chiropractic?  Why not!  Our kids our going through some important milestones as they continue to grow and develop.  All of these developmental milestones are regulated and controlled by their nerve system.  Chiropractors are nerve system specialist who locate and if necessary adjust subluxations that create dysfunction in the body.  A subluxation creates a central nerve system discommunication with the rest of the body by placing stress on the nerve system itself.  Kids experience rapid development of their spine and nerve system in their first years of life.  By seeking regular chiropractic care, you allow your kid to develop and function to their optimal potential.  Chiropractic is noninvasive, no medication is required, and no surgery is required.  Specific chiropractic adjustments allow the body to heal by returning normal communication to and from brain to body.

In some cases people might say that kids chiropractic is not valid because they don’t have back pain  Back pain?  Judging our child’s health based on pain is a flawed system.  When we say that adjustments allow the body to heal by returning normal COMMUNICATION to and from brain to body, we are saying that initially there has to be a disconnect.  A disconnect in the human body occurs at the nerve system level, specifically speaking a subluxation.  A disconnect allows signs and symptoms to appear: colic, constipation, digestive issues, ear infections, sensory processing disorders, asthma, allergies and other challenges.  Our newborn child or developing kid is not going to be telling us about pain, they are going to be admitting sign and symptoms to let us know that something is wrong.  Kids chiropractic focuses on improving proper development by allowing the body to communicate without a disconnect.  Suffering from health challenges for a kid is not the way to go nor is it normal development.  Kids chiropractic is for all kids regardless of challenges to ensure a sustainable life.


Asthma And Chiropractic Care

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Asthma And Chiropractic Care


Asthma and chiropractic care.  Most do not understand this statement or why someone would seek chiropractic care for it.  Realize that any sign and symptom your body produces is a red flag that something is not working right.  A sign and symptom is a central nerve system disturbance that is created via a subluxation.  A subluxation is what chiropractor’s locate and adjust if necessary.  A subluxation creates dysfunction within the nerve system by limiting the messages your body should be receiving from brain to body and vice versa.  Having a subluxation that exists for any extended period of time will significantly limit your potential in life.

Asthma and chiropractic care locates the cause of your dysfunction in your body.  Asthma is often related to the alignment of the first and second thoracic vertebrae.  These two vertebrae have nerves that exit and support and control your lung fields as well as your tubes.  Imagine if there was pressure upon these nerves, your body is not going to be responding and functioning the way it is supposed to be.  Asthma and chiropractic care look at your body as an entire unit with the understanding that your nerve system is the master controller.  Asthma and chiropractic care realizes that your immune system is compromised.  Your central nerve system regulates and controls your immune system.  asthma and chiropractic care

Asthma and chiropractic is and should be your first response.  Chiropractic care is not going to cure anything, it is going to allow your body to heal and restore normal function.  No medication is required, no surgery has to be performed, just specific chiropractic adjustments.  Asthma and chiropractic care is a way to live to your fullest without the need of restrictions.   Everyone is designed to be healthy, naturally.  Use the resources in your community if you are suffering and live to your fullest.  

Symptoms represent the body’s best efforts to heal itself.  By treating symptoms, you are suppressing the body’s natural response and inhibiting the healing process.  Instead of treating symptoms, doctors should stimulate the body’s defense to allow for completion of the healing process – Dr. Stephen Cummings


By | Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections


The word posture plays a huge role in our day to day lives.  A seemingly small thing that adds up over time.  For some we assume proper posture is sticking the chest out and holding our head up straight.  This definitely plays a role, yet there are more important factors that directly affect this.  When referring to posture we are talking about our spine.  Our spine encases and protects our most important component of our body, our nerve system.  When looking at someone from the front they should have no curves in their body (spinal curvatures that is).  When viewing somebody from the side though, there should be three spinal curvatures.  We have to remember that gravity effects us our entire life (kind of an important thing), and hose spinal curvatures serve to act as giant shock absorber’s as we go through life.posture

What plagues our overall posture?  The most notorious factor that can wreak havoc on our everyday posture is sitting.  Sitting distorts and imposes improper weight upon our spine which has a direct correlation on how our body functions.  This is due to the fact that when our nerve system has improper curvatures our entire body works differently.  Think of it this way, telephone poles are usually straight so that they can send messages back and forth without disturbance.  When a telephone line is down, there is no communication to be delivered.  A downed power line is similar to that of a subluxation.  A subluxation is when a spinal bone moves and applies direct pressure upon a nerve thus disturbing the flow of communication from your brain to your body.  Improper posture creates dysfunction within the entire body because your communication is inhibited.  Poor posture over time can create such disturbances as subluxations.  

Subluxations are re-occurring downed power lines that disrupts your entire body.  Improper posture over time can maintain and support these subluxations in a negative way.  This occurs by your body giving you signs and symptoms to let you know that something is WRONG.  Specific chiropractic adjustments will and do help correct posture by removing the interference (subluxation), thus allowing your body to maintain proper function.  


The Fight Of Metabolism

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

The constant fight of maintaining or decreasing our metabolism is a huge factor for many.  We can all understand and rationalize that as we gain in age that things begin to slow down, and one of those is our metabolism.  Individuals that are in their middle-ages or not even out of high school yet should not have to suffer with fluctuating metabolism problems.  Realizing that our current trend in society to a more sedentary lifestyle with fast food for three meals a day does play a role in this.  Diet, exercise, and lifestyle choices are all variables to consider when talking about metabolism.  The fight of metabolism that we are going to address here is centered on our hormones and specifically our nerve system control.  Addressing the changes your body makes in metabolism without a clear and connected nerve system.metabolism

Ask about three people you know if they or somebody they know has a problem with their thyroid gland.  Most likely you will come out with 100% participation of someone suffering with thyroid dysfunction.  Metabolism is directly proportional to how your thyroid gland is functioning and receiving clear communication from your nerve system.  If there is stress placed on the body via some sort of physical, chemical, or emotional stress then your body will slow down its overall function.  Stress placed on the nerve system will slow digestion, metabolism, hormones, and cellular function (among other things).  Your entire physiology will drastically change when your nerve system is not optimally functioning.  

Chiropractic recognizes that your entire body needs to function at its optimal potential.  By removing stress placed on your nerve system, you are able to function the way you are supposed to.  A disturbance in the nerve that regulates and controls your thyroid gland is directly correlated with metabolism.  Now, just to clarify we are not saying we are going to change your weight and instantly lose fifty pounds.  Chiropractic care will remove the disturbance placed on your nerve system which will allow your body to begin to heal.  Allowing proper connection from nerve to gland and gland to nerve is essential for any component of the body.

Carpal Tunnel Relief

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Carpal Tunnel Relief

Carpal tunnel relief is often linked to people wearing a brace or having some sort of surgery performed.  Carpal tunnel is caused by pressure on our median nerve which regulates and controls our hands, more specifically speaking our thumbs, index and middle fingers.  Symptoms can and will vary for each individual, the most common being weakness, numbness, and irritation in the fingers listed above.  Individuals with neck discomfort also exhibit signs and symptoms of weakness, numbness, and irritation in the fingers.  How do you actually know if what you’re experiencing is carpal tunnel?  Your top priority should be to have your nerves checked.

With carpal tunnel relief, just like anything else in your body, it starts with relief of the nerve.  Understand, if we have a bad experience in life we have to blame and look towards our nerve system for the cause and result.  Carpal tunnel is interesting because people understand that to obtain relief you have to address the nerve that is causing the discomfort.  This principle of relieving pressure on a nerve is key to understanding chiropractic.  Carpal tunnel relief is just not about looking at the wrist that is giving you the pinpoint sign and symptoms.  Everything starts from somewhere with regards to your body, and as previously stated you have to look to the nerve system first.  Ninety percent of all carpal tunnel patients were found to have nerve root irritation in their cervical spine, a condition known as double crush phenomena Journal of Neurology.  

carpal tunnel reliefYour median nerve has its beginnings in your neck, and if there is pressure upon the nerve in your neck region than you can exhibit signs and symptoms of carpal tunnel.  The stereotype is out that secretaries and individuals who type are more prone to having carpel tunnel.  Widen the outlook and see that most often the people that are prone to carpel tunnel exhibit poor posture, chronic sitting, and have a poor ergonomic work station.  All of this further contributing to a compromised nerve system, specifically speaking to our neck region.  Carpal tunnel relief is addressed by removing pressure from a nerve.  Chiropractors are nerve system specialist that check your nerves and, if necessary, perform specific adjustments.  Carpal tunnel relief = get your nerves checked.


More Than Just Back And Neck Pain

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

More Than Just Back And Neck Pain

Back and neck pain are typically synonymous with anything chiropractic.  This thought process is very self-limiting and restricts why individuals actually come to the chiropractor.  Back and neck pain are issues to be concerned about, it is the underlying issue that needs to be focused on.  Your nerve system is your master controller of your entire body, when you have a bad experience in life such as back and neck pain you have to “blame” your nerves.  Superficially along your muscles you will feel tension, fatigue, and often knots in your muscles.  This is not normal to feel this way for extended periods of time!  This chronic fatigue and tension that you “feel” in your muscles has to start from somewhere, and more importantly has to have a reason.  If the tension and fatigue goes on for a prolonged period of time you will eventually develop back and neck pain.

All of this discomfort is produced from your nerve system.  Let’s use a common example such as sitting down and on the computer for extended periods of the day.  Sitting down and compromising “normal” curvatures of the spine by forward head position adds up over time.  Having an improper posture for extended periods of the day creates misalignment in the spine.  Misalignment creates nerve dysfunction.  Nerve dysfunction is called a subluxation, which results in improper communication between your brain and the rest of your body.  Surrounding muscles can become tight, sensitive, tense, or may even spasm.  Soft tissue will tend to swell resulting in inflammation which causes damage to your body.  Then, just then after this goes on for some time you finally have back and neck pain.  Subluxation’s are silent in nature and go on for years just like cavities in your teeth!  That is why regular chiropractic check-ups are essential for your overall health!

Health is simple, you need to listen to your body and do what it tells you!  Do not let pain be a determining factor if you are healthy or not!  Have your nerve checked before the back and neck pain set in!


Stress Less

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Stress Less

Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress…and more Stress!  Would you like to guess the number one reason why individuals visit a chiropractic office?  Stress!  Want to stress less?  Hear what we have to say:  Chiropractic is just not low back and headaches.  Subluxation (pinched nerve) is what chiropractors find and correct.  A subluxation inhibits the communication between brain to organ, cell, tissue, gland, etc.  If the communication is blocked between brain and vital component of body, safe to say there has to be some component of stress involved.  Now, if you’re thinking that stress is just something you “think” about, you are partially correct.  If it was just something we thought about, stressing less would be easy to accomplish.  If you are chronically thinking about paying bills, speaking in public, or passing your classes then yes, “thinking/emotions” will plague your body with stress.  What about physical stress?  Repetitive motion, car accidents, jumping out of airplanes, yes, that is all physical stress on your body.  What about toxicity in your body?  Medication, too much alcohol, eating in excess, can all be toxic stress on your body.  These different types of stress (emotional, physical, toxic) affects the entire body.

From a whole body approach what can be done?  Exercise and maintain your current day to day diet!  Have your nerve system checked for possible subluxations (stress) on a consistent basis.  Allow your master control system to function at its up-most potential. That is the key to stress less.  Now, if you allow your body to heal and adapt from the emotional physical and toxic stress on your body, then you have nothing to fret about!  Use signs and symptoms as a way to realize what is going on with your body.  Weight gain, digestive problems, heart problems and many more are possible signs and symptoms that there is stress on your nerve system.  To stress less make sure your nerve system is clear and free of possible subluxations.  Remember, everyone was born to be healthy!