Ready For Optimal Function?

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Ready For Optimal Function?

The beginning of the year makes for lots of changes within our lives.  Whether we are looking to change our diet, exercise routine, business strategy or whatever it is, change has to occur.  Most individuals are scared of change, that’s why we typically wait for a change in the year to mark the point.  We need a fresh starting point and the new year is that point.  Having our body perform at optimal function is the making of the strongest foundation you can set for yourself.  Your first course of action should be to optimize your own natural health and healing from the inside out.

Optimal Function Begins When?

Being healthy begins when you want it to.  Simple.  The human body does not take vacations and every day it is always changing.  Staying on top of your daily activities transforms into weekly habits and then lifestyle changes.  You have the power to change your life at any moment. Don’t forget that!  Make lifestyle changes you can implement today to improve your overall quality of life.  Get your hands dirty and get to work.  Some of the best things that you can do for yourself are always withing reach.

Enter Chiropractic = Optimal Function

Being healthy starts with taking care of your inside first and foremost.  Chiropractic care focuses specifically and solely on the central nerve system (CNS).  The CNS controls everything you do on a daily basis to even how you digest your food and what nutrients you absorb.  There is no secret in wanting and maintaining a healthy functioning body.  Make sure you CNS is properly connected and working at it’s optimal potential ensures optimal function.  Chiropractic care allows your body to move  and operate correctly.  ​If things aren’t moving the way they are supposed to move, it will have a negative impact on your ability to function.

How To Beat Chronic Inflammation

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

How To Beat Chronic Inflammation

Chronic inflammation giving you a run for your health?  Address the cause of the inflammation at the root regardless of obstacles in your way.  Inflammation is a very strategic part of the body helping to defend itself.  Seen as a positive factor that your body initiates to combat.  Certain times the bodies immune system will call to action a defense in order to adapt.  Certain times is used very loosely, as becoming chronic means dysfunction within the body.

The Tissue Cell Versus Inflammation

Cells are the building blocks of life and specifically speaking the tissue cell is the master of all cells.  The tissue cell is at the center of development and thus maintaining our ability to be who we are.  Your bodies inability to adapt to stressors in your environment in the tissue cell creates chronic inflammation.  The tissue cell is regulated, controlled, and coordinated via your central nerve system.  Addressing the cause of something is looking specifically towards the nerve system first.

A Sign & Symptom

Any sign and symptom your body throws your way is initially a positive thing.  Yes, initially it might be burdensome and not really “fun” to experience.  Your body is attempting to adapt and to heal from some sort of stressor placed on it.  When a sign and symptom appears even before you realize it, inflammation has begun.  Your body begins to work harder and faster than it needs to in order to survive and adapt.

Consistency Is The Magic Bean

Everything takes time.  The body is no different, in that in order to obtain optimal function you have to be willing to give it time.  If your body is under constant stress and never “getting” over something, then your basically bordering on insanity.  Regular check-ups to access how your nerve system is functioning allows your body to adapt.  By stimulating the nerve system your body is properly coordinated and enables the tissue cell to decrease the chronic stress response.


Feeling Good Vs Functioning Good

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Feeling Good Vs Functioning Good

Feeling versus functioning is a misleading concept that we often get stuck in with regards to our health.  Which is more important to you?  The entire concept of “feel” is very subjective in nature and differs from one person to another.  Functioning on the other hand is ultimately what chiropractor’s are trying to achieve for patients.   I could be feeling really good and yet at the same time have complete loss of function of one arm.  Which is more important to you?

The Feel Good

When you start seeing a chiropractor, when done specifically and correctly you can “get” a patient to feel good.  The reason for this is because the sensory part of the central nerve system is drastically a relatively small component of how your body operates.  Sensory nerves are important, yet compared to your motor and autonomic nerves the sensory is roughly 10% of the entire system together.  What one person might consider as pain the other person wouldn’t even stop to think about it.  Nerve tension exists without pain.

Function Function Function

The spine and nerve system are interrelated and connected to every aspect of our expression of health and wellness.  The central nerve system coordinates, controls, and determines every ascpect of function that we encounter on a daily basis.  Fixing the cause of your problems is addressing the dysfunction present in your body.  If taking medication to numb feelings to allow you to function is your idea of healing you are only making things worse.  Let your body be it’s guide and listen to it.

Comes & Goes

For some people, they can be feeling good one day and then the next feel completely horrible.  Understand that healing takes time, and your body is never going to stop healing.  Feeling good is pretty cool, functioning good is AMAZING!

Headache – What You Need To Know

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Headache – What You Need To Know

Headache giving you troubles?  Let’s get to the source of the headache and understand the dynamics of why your body is doing what it is.  A headache is a broad term for any type of specific pain/discomfort located in the head/neck region. There are several different types of classifications for headaches and how they are specifically classified.  Tension headaches, cluster headaches, migraine headaches, sinus headaches, and rebound headaches (hangovers don’t count, you should know your cause for that one).  Several factors are directly responsible for headaches: emotional stress, poor posture, physiological factors, diet, and the most important: the central nerve system.  A headache initially is your bodies way of trying to tell you something that is wrong, it’s a red flag, an alert system that something is amiss.  A sign or symptom is your body’s best way of functioning at that time.  When the headache becomes constant and begins to re-appear on a daily basis, weekly basis, or monthly basis, you never really are healing or overcoming the headache.  When headaches begin to become chronic occurrences in your life, help should be sought out.  This help comes with specific chiropractic care.

Specific chiropractic care allows your body to heal and to adapt to your headache so you overcome it!  By taking x-ray’s and accessing the spine chiropractors are trained to locate specific interference’s within your body and to adjust if necessary.  An interference in the central nerve system comes about in the form of a subluxation.  A subluxation places undo stress upon a specific nerve thus creating a quagmire of events in the entire central nerve system all together.  As a consequence of having a subluxation, your body will begin to give you signs and symptoms, which one can be headaches.  Over 70% of all headaches arise from problems with the cervical spine and its related structures – Canadian Family Physician.  By having your nerve system checked on a regular basis you can allow your body to heal/adapt to your headaches and live your life to your fullest potential.

Chiropractic Kids – Staying & Being Healthy

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Chiropractic Kids – Staying & Being Healthy

Chiropractic kids – staying and being healthy is a really big statement and mouthful.  If your under the mindset that chiropractic is simply for middle-aged males who work in a factory and have chronic low back pain, then this is for you.  Let’s back it up a little bit and start with the very first chiropractic adjustment.  In 1895 the very first chiropractic adjustment was not for lower back pain or neck pain, it was to restore hearing in a deaf individual.  Most kids are not going to be suffering from back or neck pain, instead they suffer from colic, chronic ear infections, asthma, ADHD, sensory processing disorders, bed wetting, and the list goes on and on.  Chiropractic kids are visiting their chiropractor to make sure that their body is running and developing at their top potential.

There is a direct correlation that after receiving a specific chiropractic adjustment that your body has no other option but to function properly and restore the healing process.  For example, think of any sign or symptom that your body produces.  This sign or symptom is initially your bodies way to adapt and begin the healing process.  If the sign or symptom becomes chronic and leads to another sign or symptom then we are never getting better.  Chiropractic kids have no other alternative but to function and perform at their optimal potential.  This is accomplished by having a clear and connected nerve system.

Staying and being healthy on a day to day basis comes with its struggles.  The nuts and bolts of staying and being healthy begins and ends with the nerve system.  Chiropractic kids not only have a higher prevalence to prevent signs and symptoms but they also respond faster and get stronger through it!  Have your child checked for possible nerve dysfunction to ensure they are developing at their fullest potential.  Would you like to learn morn about chiropractic kids? Click Me for available research.

What Is Pain?

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

What Is Pain?

What is the actual sensation of pain?  Well, what is pain?  Everyone experiences pain differently and the particular “kind” we are focusing on is physical pain.  We often assume that pain is present after being involved in a trauma (car accident, skiing accident, etc.) and that it should resolve within a couple of days.  For the most part the actual sensation of physical pain will subside after a major accident, injury or trauma.  Some individuals will not feel the sensation of pain for years down the road until they do something in their normal routine of life and BOOM the pain strikes again!  Then after waiting again for a couple of days or weeks the pain subsides and we think we are all better.  This cycle will repeat on and off depending on your quality of life and continue to be a part of you.  During your bouts of pain throughout the years your body will give you periodically signs and symptoms, which are not initially “painful” but inhibit your lifestyle.  What is pain?  Pain is your body’s way of letting you know for a brief instant that something is wrong, consider it an SOS message.

The Insanity Cycle

What is pain?  When we think about pain we often think about chiropractors.  Understand that when your body is under distress you still have to function, ultimately your body is not designed to feel the sensation of pain for periods of time.  Your body will activate your adrenal glands and other protective mechanisms to make sure you are functioning and not exhibiting pain.  Years go on with your body wasting unnecessary energy by constantly living in protection mode (not pain) enabling you to go day to day with limited function.  Then when your body needs a quick rest and “spins out” the sensation of pain is present again.  In between these bouts of pain your signs and symptoms will manifest (migraines, irregular cycle, chronic sickness, constipation, etc.).  What is pain?  The same pain you feel regulates and controls organs, cells, tissues, and glands, it is a NERVE!  Pain, signs and symptoms are all transmitted via nerves.  This entire cycle borders on insanity constantly experiencing the same difficulties without ever doing anything for it.

Pain Vs Chiropractic

What is pain?  Specific chiropractic care can help with your pain.  The sensation of pain is so small with regards to your nerves that chiropractic can get you out of pain as fast as possible.  Once you are “out” of pain though that is when your body can begin to heal with chiropractic care.  The reason for this is because if your body is in pain you are constantly protecting yourself, your body is not focused on growth and healing.  Your body cannot be in two different stages, protection and growth.  Don’t wait for pain to be your sign to seek help, be preventive and allow your body to grow to your optimal potential.


Respiratory Infections And Chiropractic

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Respiratory Infections And Chiropractic

Chronic bronchitis, upper respiratory infections, asthma, are just a handful of some of the airway breathing disorders that inhibit our quality of life.  Respiratory disorders vary for each individual and are usually categorized into upper and lower respiratory conditions.  The most common upper respiratory tract infection that we encounter is the common cold, which directly effects the nose, throat and surrounding passages.  Lower respiratory infections that we commonly hear of are pneumonia and bronchitis.  Without going into to much detail, upper and lower infections are still respiratory disorders.  When we encounter a respiratory infection our body is susceptible due to our immune system not properly functioning.  Respiratory infections though distressful at times are a way that your body tells you something is happening.  Respiratory infections should occur for a short period of time and your immune system should be able to prevail and get stronger from it.  Chronic, reoccurring infections is a compromised immune system that is not on the path to healing but rather in a constant state of survival.

When a respiratory infection occurs we often give superficial band-aids that cover up the symptoms we are expressing.  We have a tendency to neglect the immune system and the reason we are susceptible.  Chiropractic enters the picture because it focus on the nerve system that specifically controls and regulates every experience you have in life.  The nerve system is in direct control of your immune system and how it operates.  Chiropractic does not just focus on the upper or lower respiratory tracts specifically, it utilizes a full body approach that begins with the nerve.  Nerve system dysfunction likely plays a role in chronic upper airway inflammatory disease (Otolaryngol Head & Neck Surgery Journal).  Nerve dysfunction is categorized in chiropractic as a subluxation.  A subluxation places undo stress upon a nerve limiting it’s communication to and from the brain, creating an entire central nerve system dysfunction.  Thus chronic and reoccurring respiratory infections.  Specific chiropractic adjustments relieve stress upon the nerve allowing proper function and more importantly immune system function to be re-established.

Muscle Pain Is Caused From What?

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Muscle Pain Is Caused From What?

Muscle pain is caused from what?  Before we go on with this blog let’s attack the known muscle pain that is often associated with a “Charley Horse”.  Charley Horses are often brought on after somebody directly or indirectly makes contact with their fist (or an object) to your arm, leg or other part of your body, thus resulting in a cramping sensation.  Muscle pain will often ensure after a Charley Horse.  So, now to talk about the other muscle pain that is chronic and often burdensome to others.  The musculoskeletal system is vitally important to maintaining life and allowing you to perform functions on a daily basis.  What wreaks havoc on our muscles?  Posture!  Poor posture is a catalyst for chronic muscle pain.  Look at our society and see how many people have desk related jobs where they are sitting for extended periods of time or constantly compromising their neck muscles while texting. 

As the story goes with chronic muscle pain there has to be an underlying reason why?  Enter the Nerve System!  The nerve system regulates and controls all other systems within the human body, and the musculoskeletal system is one of those.  The nerve system is protected by your spinal bones and within your spine you are supposed to have three curvatures when visualizing somebody from the side and then a straight spine when visualizing somebody from the front or back.  Subluxations within the spine occur without you noticing and take time to manifest until you actually notice a symptom such as chronic pain.  A subluxation places stress upon your spinal nerves which in turn creates a central nerve system dysfunction within your body.  Posture plays a key role in the creation of subluxations by creating improper curvatures within the spine.  As these improper curvatures continually progress your spinal nerves are disconnected from sending proper messages to organs, cells, tissues, and muscle.  Muscle pain progresses due to your body constantly wanting to walk straight and fighting the constant improper posture brought on by subluxations.  Your muscles begin over-firing on one side and under-firing on the other side of your spine or both sides can be constantly over-firing (everyone is different).  

By correcting the subluxations with specific chiropractic care your body is properly connected and transmitting messages to your muscles.  Restoring proper curvatures within the spine enables your nerve system to function at its optimal capacity which allows your musculoskeletal system to fire appropriately, which in time decreases muscle pain.  The body is an amazing structure, treating muscle pain with over the counter medication or potions only covers up the true underlying reason.  Have your nerve system evaluated and get checked for possible subluxations.


Here is an article about chiropractic care and muscle pain: Click Me to open.

Healthy Kids Education

By | ADHD, Asthma, Benefits of Chiropractic

Healthy Kids Education

Healthy kids education?  Healthy kids is what each parent wants and looks to achieve during their lifespan.  When we think of healthy kids our first thought is typically free of disease and symptoms.  Unfortunately, this is not the case for the growing trend in our society.  As a chiropractor I come under the title of doctor, my mentors and schooling taught me that doctor means “teacher”.  It is our responsibility to inform and educate about why you see a chiropractor and the endless health choices that come under specific chiropractic care.  One of the first duties of the physician is to educate the masses not to take medicine – Sir William Osler.  When it comes to health we have been masked to believe that it comes in the form of a lotion, pill or needle.  Our body was not designed to process artificial stimulation on a continual basis, it is not the natural order.  The body was designed to heal on its own accord and it takes time to heal.

To impact our society we need to focus on the kids.  Healthy kids begins with the upbringing, foundation of healthy eating, regular exercise, and positive emotional stimulation.  When it comes to their overall well-being and health related issues, chiropractors are primary health care doctors.  The first physical trauma that we all experience is birth, regardless of how amazing it is, it is still traumatic.  Right then you should be wanting your child checked to make sure that their nerve system is properly functioning.  Nerves and chiropractic, the two words go hand in hand.  Chiropractors are nerve system specialists who remove interference in the body by specifically adjusting subluxations.  A subluxation occurs when stress is placed on a spinal nerve, thus in turn creating dysfunction within the body.

Healthy kids start with a healthy functioning nerve system.  All processes that begin with signs and symptoms have an origin, a malfunctioning nerve system.  Think of some common childhood health problems: ear infections, colic, constipation, colds, etc.  If the immune system is compromised then the nerve system controlling this has to be compromised to an extent.  So, what do we do if our kids have signs and symptoms?  Get their nerve system checked!  Want to boost their immune system the natural way?  Want to help strengthen their immunity and potentially reduce the incidence of general illness?  No drugs required!  Regular chiropractic adjustments to ensure their optimal potential leads to healthy kids!


Healthy Immune System

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Healthy Immune System

What is a healthy immune system?  Definition of the immune system: Is the body’s defense against infectious organisms and other invaders. Through a series of steps called the immune response.  A healthy immune system means that your body is operating to its fullest potential, regardless of the obstacles put in its way.  On the rise in our society are countless pathologies associated with auto-immune disorders or just sickness all together.  In order for sickness to occur your immune system has to be compromised along the way.  “It is apparent that a continuous concerted monitoring of immune system activities, and responding by the somatosensory and automatic nervous systems, is important to maintain HEALTH – and that a balance of afferent and efferent neuronal activity must be maintained to avoid pathology” (CELL).  To sum up the statement: a well-balanced nerve system is essential to provide specific actions/health within ones immune system.

A healthy immune system is balanced with a healthy diet, regular exercise and…of course a healthy functional nerve system supplying the cells of the immune system.  The cellular level, your body is maintained and operates down to the cellular level.  The body functions properly only because the cells constantly communicate with each other.  Your immune system, every day, is regulating and improving cells to adequately function and maintain life.  Your immune system’s ability to coordinate proper cells is directly correlated with how your nerve system functions and operates.  The nerve system is your body’s master controller, everything and I mean EVERYTHING that your body does is directly controlled by your nerve system.

A subluxation occurs in the body and places stress upon your entire central nerve system.  A subluxation is what chiropractors are trained to find and correct.  When a subluxation is present it disrupts the body’s proper functioning ability.  A subluxation is something that you necessarily do not “feel” right away, instead you develop continual signs and symptoms.  Imagine being constantly sick, low energy, poor quality of life, etc.  A subluxation can plague your body and places your immune system in a constant state of FIGHT!  Give your immune system the proper ability to sustain life and function appropriately with specific chiropractic care.  No drugs are required!  Get checked for possible subluxations that destroying your quality of life.