Pregnancy Health Care

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

Pregnancy Health Care

Eating right, moving right, and adjusting right is essential for positive pregnancy health care.  Your master control system (nerve system) needs to be functioning on all gears to enjoy your pregnancy.  Neurological stimulation from MOVEMENT charges the brain’s batteries.  Chiropractors provide specific movement (adjustment’s) to your spinal region, thus decreasing interference, thus resulting in pregnancy health care.  Healthy functioning spine = healthy functioning reproductive system.  Emotional stress can lead to fear-based pregnancy.  Pregnancy health care does not come in the form of shot’s, pill’s, unnecessary ultrasounds, blueberry enema’s and whatever has been happening in recent years.  If you are eating right, your body does not have to stress about breaking down horrible toxic food.  If you are moving right (exercising), your body knows what to do.  If you are having your nerve system checked by a chiropractor, your body is adjusting and adapting to the stress placed on it.

Eating right and moving right should be self-explanatory.  Chiropractic though (hopefully chiropractic will be self-explanatory as well)?  Chiropractic is just not about sore backs.  “The function of the nervous system is to perceive the environment and coordinate the behavior of all other cells” Dr. Bruce Liption, PhD Biologist.  Chiropractors check for dysfunction in the nerve system.  A pregnant mother is developing a new individual.  That new individual probably needs some new cells right, just among some other things?  Pregnancy health care is not a medical process.  For instance, awesome individuals like Fern Creek Midwives are here to assist you through this awesome experience.  Fear-based pregnancy is not the way to go.  Eat right, move right, have your nerves checked, have some awesome midwives or “alternative” means of having the pregnancy you want.  Pregnancy health care should not be complicated.  

Fun research article about pregnancy health care: Click Me.

Fern Creek Midwives: Click Me.

Your Kid’s Health

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

Your Kid’s Health

Your kid’s health and the chiropractor?  Doesn’t something have to be “wrong” with your body if you are going to the chiropractor?  No, in fact having your kids seen by a chiropractor will promote a strong healthy life.  Spinal health is related to general health, so take care of your spine.  Your kid’s health is controlled and regulated by the main body system that coordinates ALL body functions; the nerve system.  Chiropractic is safe and effective for your kid’s health.  90% of your kid’s neurological development is completed within the first six years of life.  Makes complete sense to have your kids checked for possible subluxation’s (nerve dysfunction).  Nerve dysfunction can and does exist without us knowing about it.    Your overall health as you “grow-up” is directly affected by how you take care of your nerve system.

Understanding how your body is wired is important to realizing how you function.  Your brain and your nerve system controls everything you do.  As our kids are growing, their nerve system is controlling their motor, sensory and autonomic nerve development. Which in turn is controlling their organs, cell’s, tissue’s, gland’s, ligament’s, muscles, and everything you can think of.  Any dysfunction that your body gives you can be related back to the nerve system.  Why and how can it be traced back to the nerve system?  Simple, as stated before, your body’s main system is the nerve system.  If your kid has a possible subluxation then their body will elicit signs and symptoms.  To support your kid’s health as they develop, your chiropractor will access their nerve system to maintain proper function and stability.  Have your kid’s health checked for possible subluxations.

As always, for some inspiring and influential material about your kid’s health and chiropractic, click on me.


The Chiropractic Skeptic Guide

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

The Chiropractic Skeptic Guide

The Chiropractic skeptic has and will always be a part of our profession.  Who is this chiropractic skeptic?  Well, unfortunately it is someone who has “tried” chiropractic before and probably had a bad experience. The chiropractic skeptic could be someone who has never ever been to a chiropractor before.  In both instances there needs to be a remedy.  For the first chiropractic skeptic, who had a bad experience, we would say just because you “tried” a chiropractor doesn’t mean you experienced chiropractic.  A specific, principled chiropractor that goes after the cause of your condition and not treating symptoms is where you need to be.  Chiropractic is having your nerve system accessed for possible dysfunction, thus leading to signs and symptoms.  Experience a chiropractor who checks and if necessary adjusts subluxations.

The chiropractic skeptic who has never experienced chiropractic before.  They might simply think they don’t have pain, so don’t need to see a chiropractor.  To that we say, chiropractors are nerve system specialists.  Your central nerve system is the master controller, branched off of your central nerve system: motor nerves, sensory nerves, and autonomic nerves.  Sensory nerves feeling the actual “pain” is extremely small.  Nerve tension can and does exist without the actual sensation of “pain”.  Hence, why chiropractors check for possible subluxations.  Have to make sure your motor nerves, autonomic nerves and sensory nerves are functioning correctly.  There is a vast difference between how you feel and how you function.  Chiropractors are concerned with how your nerve system functions as one unit together.  Chiropractors do not take away nor do they give you anything for your body.  If your master control system is functioning at 100%, then your organs, cells, tissues, and glands are functioning at 100%.  Granted this is just a short blog.  There is ton’s of information for the chiropractic skeptic that will answer any doubt or thought process.  All you have to do is ask.

High Blood Pressure Controlled By.

By | High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure Controlled By…

It is Valentine’s Day and yes we are going to talk about high blood pressure!  We assume we have high blood pressure and we have to immediately blame our faulty heart.  The problem lies solely in the heart and nothing else is attributed to this failure.  Now, granted if you’re going out on a date with someone tonight you might have some high blood pressure or you just might be “nerve-es”.  Back to reality here.  Being chiropractors we are always and constantly checking for proper nerve function. Proper nerve function and communication is essential for a healthy life.  The vagus nerve just so happens to communicate to our heart.  Communication from your brain to your heart is via the vagus nerve.  If communication is inhibited then your heart will begin to suffer.  Guess one way how your heart lets you know you have a lack of communication?  High blood pressure!

There is a bone at the top of the neck called the Atlas vertebrae.  If the atlas bone decides to move and apply pressure to your vagus nerve, that results in a loss of communication.  With that loss of communication the organ the nerve is supposed to control suffers.  That special organ we are talking about due to Valentine’s Day is the heart!  High blood pressure is controlled and regulated by your master control system.  If you have a bad experience in life you have to find your nerve system at fault.  To make sure your body is adapting and functioning the way you want it to, have your nerves checked!  Now, are we neglecting the healthy eating and proper exercise components of this?  Not at all.  Proper exercise and nutrition go hand in hand for a healthy functioning nerve system as well as a healthy functioning cardiovascular system.  We are stating that the most important influence on your body to make sure you adapt and overcome is having a healthy functioning nerve system.  Have your nerves checked.  Happy Valentine’s Day.


The Healing Aid or Crutch

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

The Healing Aid or Crutch

Ever wonder if your body has the healing power you are designed to have?  Well, it does!  The healing power that your body has is capable of anything!  Chiropractic is not designed to make you instantly feel better, it is designed to make you heal!  When you sustain an injury such as a cut on your hand what happens?  You begin to bleed, a scab forms, and eventually your skin looks no  different then before.  HEALING!  Your body did not require any form of medication or any outside influence.  The same can be said for just about anything (within limits of matter).  If you decide to start giving your body a crutch or a band-aid over and over again, it will soon begin to depend on those forms of assistance.  Our analogy here for crutch and band-aid is that of medication, drugs, dope, unnecessary surgery, etc, etc.  Allow your body to do what it is supposed to do uninfluenced by outside means.

Chiropractic and healing are synonymous.  Chiropractic allows your body to heal the way it was intended.  Chiropractic care is health care allowing your body to restore proper connection inside and allowing your amazing body to do what it is supposed to do!  Common side effects of chiropractic care allowing your body to heal properly include but are not limited to: positive stamina, reduced drug use, elevated mood, restful sleep, improved mood, and improved immune and digestive health.  The list goes on and on.  As our world gets sicker and sicker more people are reaching out to alternative means.  Chiropractic is not considered true alternative, in fact it is it’s own complete identity of a paradigm of what health is.  The power that made the body heals the body.  Chiropractic allows healing to flourish naturally.

Chiropractic And ADHD

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

Chiropractic And ADHD

Chiropractic and ADHD has a different story than you are used to.  More and more families are suffering from side effects of ADHD.  Mothers and fathers will spend countless hours researching and looking for alternative methods after trying the medical route.  Families will begin to realize that the gut does have something to do with it, that there is a chemical bomb exploding in your child repetitively over and over again.  Chiropractic and ADHD share a story that more than likely starts back during the pregnancy and even at birth.  Chiropractors are nerve system specialists.  A vertebral subluxation is when one or more vertebral bones move and cut off connection to organs, cells, tissues, glands, etc.  Imagine a stressful pregnancy or a stressful birth (C-section, breached, prolonged hours) and creating subluxations for your new child.  Not a pretty picture to paint for a developing child.  Chiropractic and ADHD is a story that has a different outcome.

Your vagus nerve starts at the top of your neck and happens to travel all the way down into the gut (among other places)!  If your child’s vagus nerve has been dys-connected due to a vertebral subluxation, then what happens to the gut?  Connection is lost from the brain to the gut because the vagus nerve is causing inflammation to occur, immunity issues, and an overall pissed off kid.  Chiropractic and ADHD can help reverse the story you have heard over and over again.  Put attention on the root cause of the chemical bomb that is happening in your child and all your research and hopes will come into light.  Chiropractic and ADHD creates a different story and establishes the foundation for a healthy life.  Healthy nerve system….healthy life!  All you have to do is ask and have your nerves checked to access the health of your child.

For an awesome read and some stats follow the link: Chiropractic and ADHD

Kids and Chiropractic

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

Kids and Chiropractic

Kids and chiropractic?  Kids need chiropractic as well?  Well, we hope this thought process does not elude you!  Yes, of course kids and chiropractic!  First major physical trauma that we all endure regardless of how awesome it was… birth.  Just imagine some of the births when forceps and vacuums have to be used!  Kids and chiropractic is vital for their success in life.  Having your kids growing and functioning the way they are supposed to be is very ideal!  All parents love their kids, so lets make sure our kids our growing the way they should be!  What can a chiropractor do for my kids?  Making sure your kid is developing at optimal functioning capacity!  How does a chiropractor do that?  By removing interference and dysfunction from their bodies, just like adults!  However, kids have certain windows of opportunity to develop.  Their glands are developing for a certain amount of time then stop, their heart is developing for  a certain amount of time then stops, their lungs, organs, ligaments, etc etc.  Who controls their development?  Their nerve system!  If their nerve system is not functioning correctly their body is not developing correctly.

How do you determine if their nerves are dys-functioning?  Kids and chiropractic is just like adults and chiropractic.  We take x-rays if necessary, check for possible subluxations that cause dysfunction in their nerves, and then adjust those specific segments.  Proper preparation means that we do not have to adjust anything that doesn’t need adjusted, so we don’t guess on their health just like adults!  No medication, no drug can properly establish communication so your body functions the way it is supposed to be.  Kids and chiropractic sets a foundation for a healthy life.  If you are looking for preventative measures to ensure your kids develop and function the way they were supposed to be……healthy…then chiropractic is your means of accomplishing this.

Cost Effective Health Care

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

Cost Effective Health Care

Cost effective health care in the form of chiropractic.  Chiropractic is not sick insurance, life insurance, or disability insurance.  Chiropractic care is health care!  Health care is exactly in the words, you are wanting to maintain your health.  Health does not come in the form of pills or surgery.  Health care comes in the form of allowing your body to be at its peak potential!  In comparison with other forms of care: “Reduced odds of surgery were observed for…those whose first provider was a chiropractor. 42.7% of workers [with back injuries] who first saw a surgeon had surgery, in contrast to only 1.5% of those who saw a chiropractor.”-Keeney et al (2012), Spine.  Seems like that is cost effective!  

“Low back pain initiated with a doctor of chiropractic (DC) saves 40 percent on health care costs when compared with care initiated through a medical doctor (MD), according to a study that analyzed data from 85,000 Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) beneficiaries in Tennessee over a two-year span,” –Liliedahl et al (2010), Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics.  The concept of health care is to REMAIN HEALTHY.  Your greatest asset hands down, that everyone has is the ability to alter  your health.  “Chiropractic is the largest, most regulated, and best recognized of the complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) professions. CAM patient surveys show that chiropractors are used more often than any other alternative provider group and patient satisfaction with chiropractic care is very high,”-Meeker, Haldeman (2002), Annals of Internal Medicine.  Health care without restrictions and without medication, sounds like it makes sense.  Have your nerves checked by a chiropractor.

Common Sense For The Common Cold

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Common Sense For The Common Cold

The common cold and some common sense!  Personal contact is decidedly the most likely way in which cold like symptoms are contracted.  So, are we supposed to just hibernate during the season and avoid any contact with other people?  That could work, and it would be very boring at the same time.  When your body does respond to the common cold the first line of defense is going to be sneezing and maybe a runny nose.  These can be very annoying and we are told by many advertisements to suppress these signs and symptoms.  Sneezing is a way your body defends against the common cold when your immune system senses attackers in your nasal and sinus cavities.  Coughing is another way your body defends against the common cold, yet ads in magazines and television say to take a cough suppressant or a pain reliever for a fever.  Your bodies immune system uses coughing to get rid of unwanted invaders in the throat and chest.  Pain reliever for a fever?  FACT: Viruses and bacteria cant live in higher temperatures, hence your bodies response to produce a fever to provide inadequate conditions so the invaders die.

The common cold and chiropractic! Of course we have to involve chiropractic in this discussion!  When your nerve system is free of subluxations (what chiropractors find and correct) your resistance to “catching” common cold’s are at its optimum.  Chiropractic allows your body to ward off sickness and disease by allowing your nerve system to function the way it is supposed to be, which means your immune system is 100% as well as all your other systems!  Chiropractors are the only ones that access and correct subluxations that rob your nerves of their full potential (your body’s full potential).  Chiropractic is the best PREventative measure for the common cold.

Health Prevention In Kalispell

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

Health Prevention In Kalispell

Health prevention in Kalispell, Montana!  What sort of pill does this health prevention come in?  Not a pill, not a super drink, but in the form of chiropractic.  You see your health and vitality flows from above – down – inside and out!  Health prevention does not come in the form of taking something outside – inwards.  Such as Aspirin!  The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s website states  ” FDA has concluded that the data do not support the use of aspirin as a preventive medication by people who have not had a heart attack, stroke or cardiovascular problems, a use that is called ‘primary prevention.’  In such people, the benefit has not been established but risks – such dangerous bleeding into the brain or stomach – are still present.”  Studies by the Journal of the AMA, and Journal of the American College of Cardiology have findings that patients taking aspirin showed a higher risk for recurrent heart problems.  Come on Now!

Health prevention can and always will be in the form of chiropractic care.  Why?  Chiropractic does not take anything away from you, nor does it give you anything!  Chiropractic allows your body to establish proper communication which allows your body to develop and function the way it was intended.  Chiropractic is health prevention because it is a lifestyle.  It is a lifestyle that everyday we are trying to inform more and more about.  Chiropractic health prevention is not a new wave or trend, it has been around for a long time (some bigger companies just so happen to have a lot more money than we do “big pharm”).  Want fewer sick days, don’t want to miss work, want to live your life dope free?  Invest in your health prevention with chiropractic care.