How You “Think” Doesn’t Impact My Health…Think Again!

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Thinking Doesn’t Impact My Health…Think Again!

Think About What You Think About

Most people would suspect that physical trauma is the number one reason why people seek Chiropractic care.  But in actuality, the number one reason why people seek care is due to how they think, or emotional stress.  How you think directly impacts your health.  Early Chiropractic philosophy stated that “Auto-Suggestions” was one reason why people would seek care.  It was their inability to adapt to their own auto-suggestions.  Today we supplement the phrase auto-suggestions with stress.  Stress is what brings people into the office.  Our thinking process either creates positive affirmations or emotional stress.

The Chemical Break-Down of Thinking

When your body begins to become bombarded with obligations such as bills, taxes, and daily routines, internal changes occur that alter your thought process.  Chemically, your internal monolog will increase adrenalin, blood glucose, cortisol, and even cholesterol levels.  Serotonin will be the one chemical that actually decreases as a result of stress.  Serotonin, commonly known as the “happiness chemical”, is a huge factor in your mood and getting quality sleep to rest your body.

The Physiological Response to Thinking

The chemicals in the previous paragraph will begin to alter your brain activity and how your body responds.  So, how you think now will begin to impact your health in a way you can understand…in a way that you actually feel. Your quality of sleep is severely depleted, your immune system is compromised, heart rate will spike, and your blood pressure will begin to rise.  Along with these noticeable symptoms, you will also feel increased muscle tension and knots along the spine.  All of this as a result of your thinking!

Chiropractic Can Change How You Think

When the spine is properly aligned and free of interference, your thought process is limited in its negative abilities.  After receiving a specific chiropractic adjustment, there is a 99% correlation that your pre-frontal cortex becomes enhanced.  What does this mean?  The pre-frontal cortex of your brain controls planning, complex cognitive behavior, personality, expression, decision making, and moderating social behavior.  In simple terms, it controls how you think.  Specific chiropractic adjustments help the positive thought process.  Stay adjusted, stay positive!




Learn Why Patience Is Key To Healing Your Body

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Patience is the Key to Healing Your Body

Teaching Patience to Patients

In this day and age the status quo is living in the fast-food lane, meaning we want things to happen NOW.  The age of patience is becoming a lost art. Industries will cater to this fast-food lane mentality and sell you products, trends, fads, and gimmicks, trying to convince you that something can happen in the NOW.  The “sale” that strikes a nerve with chiropractic care is emergency or urgent care.  Unfortunately my profession will sell you the quick “fix”.  Chiropractic care is not an emergency room or urgent care.  Chiropractic enables your body to adapt to the external stressors that plague it.  Feeling good just comes with the territory.  If you only come in to see the chiropractor when you’re in pain, then you should only eat healthy food when you get sick.  It takes time for your body to heal and adapt.  It takes patience.

The Truth about Patience in Healing

Nobody is too busy to heal, it just comes down to your priorities and choices you make in life.  Chiropractic care is not designed to make you instantly feel better.  It is actually designed to instantaneously begin the healing process and allow your body to adapt to your stressors.  Simple enough? Patience is fundamental with chiropractic because adapting to your stressors is a process, not an event.

The Father of Patience

“Healing is a matter of time, it is sometimes a matter of opportunity,” – Hippocrates.  Think of it this way.  If you work a 9-5 job Monday through Friday, and a good majority of that time you are sitting at a desk utilizing a computer, a substantial amount of physical and emotional stress is placed on your body.  Chiropractic care enables your body to adapt to the external stressors in your life.  If you have complete loss of patience you will just conform to the “status quo” and take medication.  Your body will always go through stress, but it’s your innate responsibility to promote adapting.  Adapting comes with understanding how patience is required in healing.  If you get a cut, a scab will form and you will heal.  If you break a bone, you will heal.  The same can be said for just about ANYTHING in your body when you give it time.  Chiropractic care paired with patience will promote adapting and healing within your body. #getchecked

Pediatric Chiropractic Care – The Establishment Of Health

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Pediatric Chiropractic Care – The Establishment of Health

The First Trauma That Goes Unrecognized

When establishing health, always look towards the spine first.  Why?  The brain was the first “thing” that was made in utero. The brain then made the spinal cord and a protective coat of armor called the spine / spinal bones / vertebrae.  By accessing the health of the spine, we are accessing the entire health of the body.  The first trauma that your spine endures is the birth process.  This is often neglected and forgotten about because of the euphoric feeling that happens after a new born is brought into the world.  Early labor, active labor, delivery and the overall birth itself is stressful on a newborn.  We cannot stress enough the importance of pediatric chiropractic following birth.

Pediatric Chiropractic Care

If you want the best for your child, get them checked immediately after the birth process and continue from there.  A subluxation is an irritated nerve fiber that places undo stress upon the central nerve system.  A subluxation can be created through the birth process.  The only way to know is to get checked following birth.  Your spine is literally the backbone of your body’s ability to function properly. The focus of chiropractic care is to remove any physiological blocks to the proper expression of the body’s innate wisdom.  Pediatric chiropractic adjustments are gentle and noninvasive on your child.

The Numbers Are Not In Our Favor

Check out these statistics about the United States and the growing epidemics in our children.  These numbers are silent in nature and only hit home when it is our child that is affected.  Birth traumas that went uncorrected and neglected increased risk of autism five-fold.

  • Autism 1 in 45 children
  • Attention Deficit 1 in 10 children
  • Asthma 1 in 10 children
  • Allergies 1 in 4 children
  • Diabetes 1 in 4 children
  • Obesity 1 in 3 children
  • Major Depression 1 in 2 children

We are not saying that birth trauma causes these numbers or does not cause these numbers.  You have two choices…Stress Vulnerability or Stress Resiliency.  In our office and the community we are reaching, we are committed to Stress Resiliency Care in our office.  Pediatric chiropractic care is the foundation to health.

How To Ditch The Junk And Create Health

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Ditch the Junk and Create Health

Is It Healthcare or Sick-care?

It’s the end of January and the New Year started with a BANG.  Either you have set the stage to create health and are continuing on your journey, or maybe you just need a little push.  The “healthcare” industry thrives on the New Year and people looking for a fresh start.  Wikipedia put the definition of “Healthcare Industry” as such: The healthcare industry is an aggregation and integration of sectors within the economic system that provides goods and services to treat patients with curative, preventive, rehabilitative, and palliative care.  The healthcare industry is ranked 4th of all industries in the United States.  When measuring the US healthcare compared to others, study after study continuously ranked the US in the bottom half.  What exactly does that mean?  Despite high spending on health care, the U.S. population has poor health.

Create Health by Eliminating Junk

To create health, you need to eliminate the junk that you have been exposed to.  Gimmicks, trends, health fads and the newest and latest PILLS.  It’s literally junk.  Here’s a nice tid-bit of information for you.  The FDA stated that 70% of all supplement companies violate agency rules.  This means there is no filter for what they can create, produce and SAY to get you thinking that you will benefit from one of their potions. This is not even talking about medicine and the pills they produce, this is just the supplement industry itself.  Just think, if their efficacy has such low standards, what other rules are they manipulating?  They will say anything to make you think that they can “cure, heal, or fix” you.

Create Health with the Foundation First

A healthy inside creates a healthy outside.  The inside we are referring to is the central nerve system (CNS).  The CNS made every organ, tissue, and cell in your body.  If you want to be healthy make sure your spine, which protects the CNS, is completely free of interference. It’s no secret, trend, or new fad that creating a healthy you begins with the inside first.  Specific Chiropractic care does not sell you anything.  Chiropractic care only enables your body to do what it is supposed to do…be healthy.  #getchecked

Know Us Before You Need Us…The Misconception About Chiropractic

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Know Us Before You Need Us…The Misconception About Chiropractic

The First Truths

Blurred lines create the biggest misconceptions of what Chiropractic actually is.  To set the record straight the very first recorded adjustment in 1895 in Davenport, Iowa was not for lower back pain or a headache.  The first recorded adjustment in fact enabled a deaf individual to restore his hearing.  Thus Chiropractic was born.  Looking toward the spine for all disease in the body was NOT something new.  Hippocrates, The Father Of Medicine, stated, “Look Well To The Spine For The Cause Of Disease.”  Even American Indian hieroglyphics demonstrated ‘back-walking’.  The sick would lie down and have their spines manipulated by the feet of others.

Blurred Lines Create The Misconception

The age of insurance creates and sets new demands.  With the age of insurance beginning in the mid 1990’s there became an alarming rate of what they called “musculoskeletal pain.”  One might say this was due to the changing lifestyle of desk jobs, diet, or just an accumulation of not taking care of ourselves.  Either way, insurance companies started dictating what was necessary for the patient rather than the patient deciding for themselves.  When pain would occur, Chiropractors had great results in helping patients; the insurance companies recognized this and did not like it.  They would rather you get out of pain as fast as possible and never let you HEAL or ADAPT.  The “quick fix” was a growing trend that was not dealing with overall health and well-being.

Education Is The Foundation To Correct The Misconception

Keep in mind that in the mid 1990’s pharmaceutical companies did not have the power they now assume.  A pain reliever drug such as Tylenol was not even invented until the 1950’s and it started out just like all drugs as a prescription first.  There was no such thing as walking to the gas station and buying a pain reliever over the counter.  Regardless, if you use your Chiropractor as an expensive Tylenol, then you will only get Tylenol like results, aka temporary.  Chiropractic is the study, art, and science of getting the sick better and keeping the healthy well.  #getchecked


Chronic Ear Infections: Covering Up Or Healing

By | ADHD, Asthma, Benefits of Chiropractic

When the word chronic is used to describe a health condition that you have, typically 10 out of 10 times it will be a bad thing.  Why?  Well, first of all you do not hear people saying “I am chronically healthy!”  Many mothers who bring their children into our office for chronic ear infections typically do so as a last resort.  We think that chiropractic care is only for backaches…which is an absolute lie and false information.  Chiropractors are trained experts in the detection and adjustment of vertebral subluxations.  Vertebral subluxations cause chronic ear infections.  What is a vertebral subluxation?  Let’s continue!

The Actual Cause Of Chronic Ear Infections

The actual cause of all dysfunction in the human body, such as an ear infection, is vertebral subluxations.  The vertebral subluxation represents all physical disease in the body.  How and why?  A vertebral subluxation limits the body from adapting and healing.  It places undo stress and tension on the central nerve system, which controls all life.  This then restricts all messages sent throughout the body, or in this case, the inner ear.  When the central nerve system is limited by what it can do, in-coordination occurs within the body.  In-coordination will cause neglect of tissue cells, resulting in symptoms such as ear infections.

Cover It Up Or Help It Heal?

The primary function of the body is to use all parts in harmony to maintain health.  Constant movement in the inner ear allows the Eustachian tubes to function properly by draining.  A vertebral subluxation does not allow the Eustachian tubes to drain due to a disconnection between the brain and the inner ear.  It is that simple.  Covering up chronic ear infections with medication does not allow healing to happen.  Hence, the use of the word chronic.  Keep health simple and keep it straight. If you want more information or more specifics backed up with our research all you have to do is ask.  #getchecked


Feed Dis-ease Or Prevent Dis-ease. Choose Wisely?

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

If You Believe You Can…You Will!

Is it just a belief or is it a fact that you can choose to be healthy?  Both are actually true.  Science supports that if you choose to be healthy you will be healthy.  Notice the word “choose.”  If you believe you will be healthy… you still have to act upon that belief.  You must lay down the foundation of health and what it means.  Getting checked by your chiropractor, exercising, watching your posture, and putting the right food in your body are all great examples.  Prevention does not come in the form of a pill.

Dis-ease vs Disease 

Referencing the Chiropractic Textbook by R.W. Stephenson 1927 he defines dis-ease and disease as:

Dis-ease defined.  “A Chiropractic term meaning not having ease; or lack of ease.  It is a lack of entity.  It is a condition of matter when it does not have the property of ease.  Ease is the entity, and dis-ease the lack of it.”

Disease defined.  “Disease is a term used by physicians for sickness.  To them it is an entity and is worthy of a name, hence diagnosis.”

In order to simplify the difference between dis-ease and disease, we break down the meaning of entity.  Often when we classify someone with the entity of disease, we say they things such as, “That kid is autistic,” or, ” I am diabetic.”  By putting a label on somebody we dismiss the person as an actual human being and classify them as the disease, which is not the case.  The body having lack of ease will create symptoms to remind us that something is amiss in the body.

You Cannot Catch Disease

Literally what the title states, you cannot simply catch disease.  In our society we often hear that someone “caught” this disease.  When in reality you did not catch anything.   If your tissue cells have uncoordinated and non-adaptive properties, your body will be dysfunctional as a result.  Remember, health is hard-work!  Chiropractic ensures that your master control system, the central nervous system, is working at optimal potential.  When the brain is functioning correctly and without limits, the body is at ease.


Follow The Flow Chart To Unhealthiness …Why To Be Specific

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Follow The Flow Chart To Unhealthiness…Why To Be Specific

Be Specific Or Be Nothing

Flow charts and their lack of specificity is nothing new.  A sequence of actions or things involved in a complex system or activity is what is described as a flow chart.  In reality while a flow chart works for cars, machine, putting a construction set together, and other integrative processing of components, they are unique towards that item.  The flow chart is specific towards that entity for what it is designed for, simple.  For your health and overall well-being flow charts fail to produce.  Why?  Specificity is key.  Your body is the complete opposite of everyone else.  So be specific towards you.

I Want What They Had

With chiropractic and your health specificity  is no different.  Some people think that all chiropractor’s “do the same thing” and “adjust the same way.”  It just cannot be so.  Gonstead chiropractic is a full spine approach that focus on your spine specifically, it is one of the most advanced and scientifically sound methods of chiropractic.  With Gonstead chiropractic you do not “get” what the other person “gets”.  Speficic adjusting procedures are unique and personalized to your spine to correct your subluxations in your spine.  Thus creating a healthier version of you, and the best part is that no flow chart is required.

My Own Flow Chart

When focusing on someone’s health and well-being you must look towards the spine first.  ​”All drugs in the world cannot adjust a subluxated vertebrae.” B.J. Palmer, D.C., Ph.C.  Specific Gonstead chiropractic care creates your own, and unique version of a flow chart.  Specific spinal motion for you is like your brain’s energy generator.  It will give you more clarity and more energy.​  The key to understanding where your spine needs motion comes from understanding you.  Our job is to keep you expressing life in a healthy and substantial manner. 

How To Stop The Depression

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

How To Stop The Depression

Did you know that the number one reason people seek chiropractic care is for emotional stress?  The biggest contributing factor to adversely affect somebodies health and well-being is their emotional stability.  Depression is the top form of emotional stress that visits our office.  Have you ever experienced the so called butterflies in your stomach before?  When we are emotionally distraught over something our entire body “feels” it.  People say I can feel the stress weighing me down.  Remember the same nerves that send messages to your muscles (where you feel things) also control your vital organs.

Chiropractic & Depression

Specific chiropractic care has been an integral part in helping people with depression since the beginning of chiropractic.  A natural solution for handling emotional instability starts with the central nerve system.  Heavy abuse of medication to suppress ones ability to even “feel” is not allowing someone to heal nor overcome their emotional stress.  Imagine having emotional stress on a continual basis.  Every action you attempt to complete as a result will be altered due to your distress.

The Brain & Rewards

The brain is made up of specific parts.  Every interaction you perform or think of performing in life is maintained via the brain/central nerve system.  Specifically when talking about emotions the part of the brain that regulates and controls those interactions is called the pre-frontal cortex.  All of your behaviors and your emotional stability is programmed specifically in an area of the brain.

The Adjustment

Guess what happens when your body is fully connected with no limitations?  After a specific adjustment is administered, your body has no other option but to establish proper connection with your pre-frontal cortex.  Ultimately it’s the game changer.  Hormone’s, endorphin’s, and an overall sense of healing is established.  Like releasing the air in an inflated balloon, chiropractic adjustments reduce the stress and tension and.  The research is out there, do your own and just Google depression and chiropractic.  Enjoy healing.





The Growing Trend Of Healthcare

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

The Growing Trend Of Healthcare

Healthcare is a very distinct word that can be skewed to mean something completely different.  For instance healthcare is not visiting your medical doctor on a frequent basis for so called “Check-ups”.  Webster’s dictionary states : Health-care – efforts made to maintain or restore physical, mental, or emotional well-being especially by trained and licensed professionals.  Taking care of your body is something that requires handwork and consistency.  It’s the little things that add up.

Healthcare Scams

Anyway that someone can try and make money off of somebody else happens all to often.  Here are some quick examples of why health sells in the marketplace.  All leading back to taking care of yourself is hard work.

  • Waist training belts. The idea that you can lose fat and get in shape by putting a vibrating belt on.  Listen up, exercise is hard to do and yet so rewarding when done right.
  • Diet pills.  Once again the concept that taking something artificial is going to change you.  Being diligent with your diet is tough work.  Limit your cheat days.
  • Fat-free food.  Depending on how much you know, trust me.  Fat is good in moderation and where it comes from.
  • Miracle Fixes.  There is nothing short of a miracle that would not have been discovered by now when it comes to health.  Health is not changing, our viewpoints are.

Back To The Basics For Specific Healthcare

When the body is weakened by stress, toxins, poor nutrition, or lack of exercise, disease has a better chance of getting a foothold.   Chiropractic ensures that the body is functioning at optimal potential without any gimmicks.  Realize that the central nerve system is what chiropractic focuses on.  A healthy and connected nerve system allows life to be expressed at 100% vitality.  ​The path to health is not easy. You must take time to eat right, prepare your day, and get adjusted. You must schedule exercise into your day. You must sleep well. You must be willing to take action.