Saving Money On Your Health

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, chiropractic adjustment, inflammation, kids chiropractic | No Comments

Saving money on your health makes sense, right? Fortunately, it’s nothing new. Not a ‘quick’ sale, gimmick, fad, or trend that someone is trying to sell you. In all honesty it really comes down to your intentions that you want to make into health forming habits. Now, it just so happens that we are health care professionals – Chiropractors. Our entire basis is the study of health and what causes people to LIVE.

Chiropractic is a philosophy, a science and an art of things NATURAL; a system of adjusting the segments of the spinal column by hand only, for the correction of the cause of dis-ease. What limits health, what causes the body to be in a state of dis-ease (which means your body is not at ease)? The answer is a vertebral subluxation. This is a misalignment within the spinal column that occludes the connection between your brain and body. This hinders the TISSUE cell from adapting to the stresses of life. The tissue cell being the building blocks of everything you do!

Saving money on your health starts and ends with your central nerve system (CNS). How come? If you do not take care of your CNS it’s pretty clear to say it will not take care of you. Ponder this thought process for a while. Take the word “allergy”. Interestingly enough that a 45 year old presents to a Chiropractic office that just “developed” an allergen. Yet they have been living their entire life “allergy” free? Safe to say that something compromised the integrity of their immune system thus rendering this person more stress vulnerable to symptoms occurring.

Now, one would say that nothing is promised. You can eat all your vegetables, workout everyday, have little no body fat, take care of your CNS and still have a heart attack or develop cancer. True. Your quality of life is how you make it. Chiropractic ensures that you CNS is optimal in every season of life.

Chiropractic is premiums small and dividends large. It is health insurance to the max. If you do not take care of your health now, you will have to pay for it later.  

How Much Are You Worth?

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, chiropractic adjustment, immune system | No Comments

How much are you worth? What’s the criteria we are measuring? Your health. How much is your health worth to you? Invaluable should be the answer you are looking for. A sense of urgency is what keeps your health ESSENTIAL all the time. Not just during seasons of life when something “bad” happens like the COVID. Invest in your health on a daily basis and the outcomes will be reaped for the long-term.

How much is your health worth to you? Unfortunately we have raised a society where bad health is really expensive, and price tags begin to add up when we neglect our health. Especially during this season of our life and everyone being directly impacted by the happenings of our world.

If this season of life is your wake-up call, fantastic then! Use it to your advantage and begin a life of health. Start with your central nerve system. It controls and made every part of you. Sound like your worth enough now?

In the study of Chiropractic we cannot emphasize enough the concept of prevention. From the minute of conception to the minute of death your life is run and controlled via your master control system – the central nerve system. Chiropractic ensures optimal efficiency and coordination with the central nerve system by adjusting specific areas of interference.

When spinal imbalances occur, a subluxation (misalignment within the spine placing stress upon a single nerve) lowers the body’s adaptability threshold. Your bodies adaptability is referring to how you respond to stressors and how you are able to overcome health problems that arise.

Instead of waiting for things to happen, why not take the stance of being PRO-active. Be honest with yourself and own your health now instead of attempting to “get” it back later. An old adage of health is as such – ” Young man who spends his time to gather wealth will neglect his health, and later in life will spend his wealth to gather his health.” Own your health now and invest in what you were born with.


Buy My Special Pillow…It Will Fix Everything Wrong With You

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Buy My Special Pillow…It Will Fix Everything!

The Analogy Of My Special Pillow

The My Special Pillow analogy has been around in our society for a period of time and will continue to stick around.  Why is the pillow industry always trying to create the “latest and greatest”?  Because they want you to buy it!  Just like anything else, they will try to improve something that is pretty darn simple.  Unfortunately, our society will get you to buy the coolest of the coolest pillow out there because some random sleep study confirmed people actually sleep “better” with it.

My Special Pillow Is Doctor Recommended

The “Doctor Recommended” special pillow…It is simply just another way for someone to make a kick-back and sell you something.  As a Chiropractor, I never learned that the best way to promote my status as a Doctor was to sell “stuff” to the public. This can be said for any type of doctor profession out there.  Remember: My Special Pillow is just an analogy for the health industry as a whole.  This can be said for supplements, oils, laser-beams, exercises, special diets, lotions, etc.  Just because a diet is “Doctor Recommended” does not mean anything at all.  Literally.

The Truth of My Special Pillow

Health is hard-work.  My Special Pillow is trying to sell you the concept that health can be bought.  Being healthy as we know it starts from the inside of your body.  Why the inside?  Remember the first “Thing” made in your body was the brain and then then spinal cord, thus forming the central nerve system (CNS).  The CNS made everything else in your body…everything.  What about the heart…made by the CNS.  What about your left foot…made by the CNS.  And so on and so on.  Make sure that your CNS is free of stress by getting regular chiropractic check-ups.  Two other factors to implement are eating right and exercising.  That’s it.  The My Special Pillow concept will try to lure you away with the latest and greatest.  Just hold fast and stick to the things that survived the test of time. #getchecked

Family Health Care

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Family Health Care – Carlson Chiropractic Offices

Why family health care?  Great question!  It is our responsibility to raise the awareness of what health is and what it is not.  Your body develops, grows, heals, and deteriorates on the cellular level.  Your body is constantly being resurrected one cell at a time.  The integrity of those cells depend upon a healthy functioning nerve system coordinating that action and forming the building blocks for life.  Chiropractic is the only profession that focuses specifically and solely on the function of the nerve system.  Your nerve system is the master control system of your entire body.  If you want to express life to your fullest potential and live without limits, this requires a healthy functioning nerve system.  We say family health care because everyone uses their nerve system!  

Family health care is simple.  In our world today we complicate it way to much and don’t have to. If the signals from the master control CENTER (brain) are normal then the body functions normally.  If there is a “disconnection” from the brain to the organs, cells, tissues, glands, etc then the body responds with signs and symptoms.  This “disconnection” is caused by a vertebral subluxation.  A vertebral subluxation is a deep and nasty thing that festers with time, it takes time to exhibit the signs of pain that most people associate chiropractic with.  In actuality the signs and symptoms should be the first cue for you to visit your chiropractor.  Think of a subluxation along the lines of a cavity.  Halloween rolls and along and parents instantly think that cavities are going to appear the next day.  Cavities take time to express themselves into the actual sensation of pain.

Family health care is simple!  Having a clear and connected nerve system ensures optimal potential.  No medication needs to be taken and nothing from your body needs to be taken away.  Chiropractic allows your body to heal the way your body is intended to.  Yes, we realize that healing takes time.  Healing is not just the removal of pain, it’s the return of life and living it.  Family health care is that simple!