Freedom From Health “Care”

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Ready or not 2020 came in with a BANG and is moving full speed ahead! If you have not heard the wake-up call to take health matters into your own hands then this blog is for you.

 If we take time to look at the facts, we’re designed to be healthy. The immune system is meant to be compromised during certain times so it can then flourish in abundance, allowing the body to properly adapt and become even stronger.

Want to shift your health into overdrive and utilize what you were born with? Our starting point shall be the central nerve system (CNS). Everyone is born with one due to the fact that it makes everything in you. One would not exist without a CNS. Think of your CNS as the alpha and omega. If you want to sustain health and rely on the things that are naturally within you, then look no further!

Many would have you believe that health comes in the form of a syringe or a pill that has been chemically made. We actually live our lives through the central nerve system, every experience in life being processed and controlled via the CNS. This cannot be conjured up in a lab, it is not something you have to “take” externally. So, take personal responsibility and guard it well!

Specific Gonstead Chiropractic care is designed to keep you well enough long enough with a CNS free of dysfunction. Our care is designed to correct subluxations (misalignments within the spinal column creating dysfunction within the body) that inhibit one’s potential to fully express life. Our adjustments are accurate and designed with corrective forces that reduce subluxations allowing neural connections to flourish, enabling your body to ADAPT more effectively over life!

With 2020 in full effect we should realize we have to take care of our health due to what many of us already realize: no one is coming to save us! If you find yourself in a middle of a lake and want to get to shore, start rowing hard and fast to save yourself! Freedom from health care starts with personal responsibility and caring for the central nerve system because it is the most practical solution for anyone to obtain. We do not support dependency in any form! We do however support knowledge and prevention in the most probable of solutions!

Led Astray With Your Health? Jump Back On!

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Consider the source. Always try to do your homework regarding the source of any information. This is especially crucial in current times. On the other hand, self thinking people who exercise critical thought may sometimes need guidance.  Some would say that we are born with two things: our names and our health. What we do with them is up to the choices we make and the encounters that shape them.

We have been led to believe that health can be bought. It’s something that only certain people can acquire. Obviously false!  Yet this concept has been branded in more minds than we can count. If you have been led astray with health propaganda and the growing commerce behind it, get off that bus!

Buying health is like the Diderot Effect. We jump from one diet to the next, promising us a new brand of green tea because we saw a flashy post on someone’s Twitter account about “fast results.” The Diderot Effect is such that obtaining a new possession often creates a spiral of consumption which leads one to acquire new things. And when these latest fads don’t work, just take some pills!

 Chiropractic states that our focus is the study of health and what causes people to live functionally without limitations. Being healthy can be addictive; we often take our good health for granted. When it rains five days in a row, it’s easy to  look forward to the sun and complain about the rain. Similarly, when our body is in a dysfunctional state it’s easy to talk about what we “used” to be like while complaining about the pain.

A major emphasis with Chiropractic is a preventional lifestyle. If you are taking care of your Central Nerve System (CNS) you will have more “Sunnier Days.” How?  True health care begins by taking care of your CNS. A CNS that is free of vertebral subluxations is allowed to flourish and keep the normal state of health present and continued therefrom. The CNS controls your every human experience you have.

So jump on this bus! Good health shouldn’t be complicated. A spinal check-up here, a spinal check-up there. So please don’t get caught up in the “Diderot Effect Of Fake Health.”

How Long Till I Get Betta?

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When it comes to the human body and the process of healing, we know that things have to take TIME. If you do not take the time to adequately heal then you never will “get betta”! Something that does not take time will be a waste of time, even more so when dealing with the framework of the human body.

Healing is a process that is interlaced and conducted via the central nerve system (CNS). Think of the CNS as the conduit or inter highway system that made every part of you and sustains that function on a daily basis. When a spinal nerve is impeded (due to a subluxation) of the flow of intelligence it is supposed to supply to the tissue cell it becomes adequately less than it should be. As a result, the body over TIME enters into a state of dis-ease because there is interference with the transmission of the body producing adaptive forces to keep you healthy! We understand that healing is generated through the smallest part of the makeup of the body, the tissue cell.

Did you know that tissue cells have a nerve supply? They must or we would cease to exist. We have a general understanding that cells take time and each one varies to regenerate based on our body’s needs. We have a general understanding of the “time frame” yet everyone’s resistance or needs tend to differ. For example, we know that bone cells take 8+ years to complete a cycle, red blood cells live for approximately 120 days, skin cells approximately 30 days, etc, etc. Notice the time frame.

When you begin the process of healing you must take it minute to minute, day to day, week to week, and so on. Small minor improvements will continue to increase when you take the TIME to do it right. Always have hope and keep the steady climb!

How The Law Of Fear Works

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, energy, High Blood Pressure, immune system | No Comments

The stressful SHIFT is and has been occurring for some time since the COVID. We are talking about the emotional cascade of events that comes as extra baggage with everything associated with the COVID. The message is clear and with it comes the fear, with fear comes STRESS. When fear manifests it SHIFTS the trajectory of ones health for an instant or forever, depending on how well you adapt to the stress. We need to implement specific tactics that allow us to sustain our health.

You might not have FEAR during this time. Fantastic. Your body still begins to shift when your waiting in line at the grocery store and next to you is the person with the Hazmat suit. Be honest, it alters your perception and “can” trigger a stress response.

Specific tactics to enhance your bodies adaptability start with the central nerve system (CNS).  Resilience is our top concern.  Allowing the body to enhance its resiliency in times of chaos begin with a functional and coordinated CNS.
The difference between a bodies immune system that is resilient vs an immune system that is depleted is in the limitations of matter.  And what limits matter? The vertebral subluxation (misalignment within the spinal column) disrupts the communication from brain to body altering and shifting every system within the body (immune system as well) to a dysfunctional state!
The vertebral subluxation-itself a limitation of matter-which occludes an opening producing pressure upon nerves reducing the supply of the producer to the product (limits your brain to body connection and versa).
If there were no vertebral subluxation

  • no occlusion of any verterbal foramina
  • no pressure upon nerves
  • no reduction of supply between producer and product
  • no LIMITATION of product to reproduce the producer

To adjust the subluxation is to advance mankind, up his efficiency, increase his ADAPTABILITY, make him more natural and more at peace within himself. – Chiropractic Philosophy Science And Art

Ensuring health from within begins with addressing your spinal column. Create a new law of health by looking towards your health from within first and foremost. 

Kids Chiropractic Office

By | ADHD, Allergies, Benefits of Chiropractic, chiropractic adjustment, Chiropractic Myths | No Comments

Why kids Chiropractic office? The more important question is- why would we not have an office with a focus on Kids and family? Our approach is not new and it is backed by science, more importantly though its backed by common sense. Becoming aware of making healthy choices for your kids is a process that leads to a fulfilling life for them.

Unfortunately, we have this misconception of something “new”. A newborn child is something “new”. A new vehicle that you buy and drive off the lot is new, looks new, drives new, and yet still along the way will need maintenance to ensure optimal function of those smooth, “new” mechanics. If you do not take care of the necessary precautions or maintenance of a machine it will in turn break down faster.

We have been indoctrinated that kids are “new” and nothing bad can happen to anything “new”. On the contrary. The human body is, and will always be, the first “machine” ever created. Think of it, in with good air and out with bad air. In with good food and out with bad food…etc, etc. Systems (ex. respiratory) of the body are set in place for a purpose to maintain and create health in its existence starting from the minute of birth.

The first system of the body that is created to MAKE all other systems and then regulate, control, and coordinate their actions is the central nerve system (CNS). With such an important infrastructure that the CNS has to maintain on a daily basis, wouldn’t it make sense to get “it” checked to ensure optimal function for a young developing kid?

A subluxation is a misalignment that occurs within the spinal column that disrupts the communication LINK between the brain and the body. And YES, it even happens in kids. It can even happen during the birthing process or during the first time you are breast feeding your child. We are not one to speculate on how the subluxation occurred, we are here to show awareness of what needs to happen. Chiropractic check-ups to ensure optimal development from within the body. A healthy spine is foundational key for a healthy CNS which equals a healthy child.

Time To Recover

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Too soon? Of course not! We have to start somewhere and now is a perfect time to start. The principle of time – There is no process that does not require time. Now, more than ever we need to start the discussion of the road to recovery. In Chiropractic care we enforce this principle on a daily basis, there is no such thing as the quick fix, “the magic adjustment”, or any other fallacies that Chiropractic is a one and done paradigm. Gaining a state of constant homeostasis is necessary for continued health…meaning time is a necessity.

Adapting to stressors is of great importance to being optimally healthy. This, of course, is a practical impossibility to achieve as a constant. A startle reflex is born into us (Adaptability). So, what do we do? We need to adapt and recover in a controlled and quick recoup from the stressors in life. Consistently adapt and recover when and how we need to. Trust the master control system – The Central Nerve System to make coordinated actions to allow the body to be intelligent and work with unity and proper arrangement.

How IMPORTANT is the Central Nerve System – science showed that in cancer patients with tumors the doctors thought that severing the nerve supplying the tumor cells would diminish the tumor and the cancer would regress. On the contrary the complete opposite happened and the cancer would overtake the patients. This making clear the Central Nerve System was slowing the spread and destruction of the cancer.

In order to accomplish a sense of healing and adapting the Central Nerve System need be free of any limitations that directly impacts its coordination. Subluxations (misalignments within the spinal column) place undo stress upon the Central Nerve System creating incoordination in our bodies ability to adapt appropriately. Communication signals between the brain and body keep homeostasis constantly in a state of union. Whenever there is a disruption in the normal movement of the vertebrae in your spine, health will begin to suffer and dysfunction will take over. Silver Lining? WE ARE GOOD AT HELPING YOU!

Stay True To Health – Staying Normal During These Times

By | ADHD, Allergies, Benefits of Chiropractic, immune system, inflammation | No Comments

Handshakes, high-fives, and hugs have all too quickly transitioned into “elbow bumps” and social distancing – which we totally respect. There is no denying that in this current situation is unpleasant. However we see this as an opportunity to flip the script, and see this as an opportunity to empower our community even more. No matter what is occurring – our health is our most valuable asset. Having an abundance of health means we can take care of those that matter most to us and simply get back to doing the things we love most.

So, what does being “Healthy” mean. Health isn’t found in blood pressure numbers, temperature ranges, or in prescription medication. Put simply, health is the body having the ability to respond correctly, accurately, and the ability to ADAPT to our ever-changing environment. Now in correlation with the hysteria of the Coronavirus, bugs find their way into those whom are already sick or mal-adaptive, not individuals with proper immune resiliency. BJ Palmer said it best, “If the ‘germ theory of disease’ were correct, there’d be no one living to believe it.” You can only be a host to a virus if your perfectly made neuroimmune response is not functioning well. We all touch the same door knobs, shopping carts, breathe the same air… why do some people get sick and others simply will not? It is all about how well you ADAPT to the environment around you. It’s as simple as that. This is at the foundational core of Chiropractic and its history as well as success.

This same principle and truth can be applied to an old adage about rats in a dump… If there was a huge pile of garbage and rats all over the smelly trash, what caused the infestation? Was it the rats that caused the dump to occur, or were the rats a result of a dump already there? Which in turn attracted the rats to the delicious pile of trash. The truth is germs are opportunists – looking for an easy meal or place to harbor. With an immune response that is less than optimal or weakened, rats will arrive. The same applies to our health and Nerve System response to whatever infectious antigens cross our paths. We are on a mission to keep this nation well, and it all starts with proper Nerve System adaption and maybe a solid high-five. It is more important now than ever to Get Checked.

The “Three Little Pigs” And Sustaining Your Immune System Against The Big Bad Wolf

By | ADHD, Allergies, Benefits of Chiropractic, chiropractic adjustment, Chiropractic Myths, posture | No Comments

What can we gather from “The Three Little Pigs” fable that we were taught at a very young age? Implementing a fable into our lives allows for a learning experience. Learn from history and what you have been taught since the beginning. With the growing ‘concern’ of the Coronavirus eating away at every news media, take a step back and reflect on the importance and adaptability that the human body has when hard work is implemented on a daily routine.

When building and sustaining your immune system do not settle for the ‘instant’ gratification or the quick fix that we have been led to believe works. The first two little pigs underestimate the time and hard work it takes to build a strong foundation to keep them well and protected. The other pig as we know invested more TIME and energy on something that lasts. Understand that the body is protected when you take the time to do things right..

How do you sustain your immune system?

1.    Get your spine checked by a Chiropractor. You don’t want to handicap your central nerve system, the master control system who directly regulates and coordinates everything about your immune system. Chiropractic research performed by Dr. Ronald Pero, Ph.D., chief of cancer prevention research at New York’s Preventive Medicine Institute measured the immune systems of people under chiropractic care as compared to those in the general population and those with cancer and other serious diseases. His initial three-year study was comprised of 107 individuals who had been under chiropractic care for five years or more. The chiropractic patients were found to have a 200% greater immune competence than those people who had not received chiropractic care, and they had 400% greater immune competence than those people with cancer and other serious diseases. The immune system’s superiority of those under chiropractic care did not appear to diminish with age.

2.  Get adequate rest to sustain your bodies daily routine that we love!

3.  Don’t stop exercising.

4.  Wash your hands. For real it’s that simple, wash your hands.

5.   Being consistent and diligent with your diet.

6.  Create positive thoughts or be a positive thought. By creating positive thoughts and being around positive people you will decrease the bodies ability to produce stress hormones which will breed dis-ease and compromise your immune system. Positive like a proton.

Sustaining your immune system is a tough job. This is why you should get your spine checked regularly. If you think being well is expensive, what is the price for disease/sickness care? Time has and always will perpetuate those methods which better serve mankind. Hit the sweet spot and sustain your immune system by being consistent.

Why A Spinal-Check Up Is First, Then The Adjustment

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, chiropractic adjustment, Chiropractic Myths, High Blood Pressure, immune system | No Comments

Why wouldn’t you want to access something first before making a change? Accessing the damage before alterations are made sounds pretty smart to us. In Gonstead Chiropractic we utilize the initial X-rays every spinal check-ups coupled with our tool of choice, the Neurocalometer (Scope). The Scope allows us to see inflammation along the spinal column and then to match it accordingly with your X-rays to see if this is an actual subluxation that needs an adjustment or if this is a compensation that is created via a subluxation that does NOT need adjusted.

Often times when it comes to your body and more specifically the spinal column, we assume that the area of pain is the area of correction. This is more often NOT the case. When a subluxation (misalignment within the spinal column placing undo stress upon a single nerve fiber) exists it disrupts the communication between the brain and body. Meaning? It changes the outcome of every tissue cell that is supposed to be in ideal function for that specific moment. A subluxation disrupts your body’s ability to be properly adapt and changes the course of your health. It doesn’t allow your brain an accurate reality of what is really happening.

Why in Gonstead Chiropractic do we use Neurocalometer before we adjust the spinal column. This is our tool of choice that we use for daily visits to access the spinal column looking for minute differences in temperature from one side of the spine to the next. Neural relationships to skin temperature offer a noninvasive method of quantifying neural function.

No other metric of healthy function has been used for as long as skin temperature. Nearly 2,500 years ago Hippocrates was said to have used a slurry of mud over the skin to identify those areas that dried fastest due to heat levels of the skin. As current research explains, thermal variability in humans is a sign of a healthy system (Adaptability Textbook).  

Enhancing Athletic Performance With Chiropractic

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The science of Chiropractic is founded on the premise that a proper Central Nerve System is essential to controlling and regulating the functioning of the human body by being able to properly ADAPT to the loads of internal and external stressors. This is impressive, am I right?  Guess what? The science is not new. The founding principles have existed way before the application of Chiropractic existed.

Innately the Central Nerve System (CNS) uses nerves to control every system in your body. Much like electricity uses wires as a conduit to travel across. Just like training the muscles through training and practice the spinal column needs regular check-ups during the stress you place on it. There is no healing force outside of the human body – Dr. Issac Jennings

Athletes are always looking for the edge to make sure the body is in peak potential. Understand when minor misalignments of the spine, referred to as subluxations occur they immediately cause nerve interference and weaken the entire structure of the human body. When subluxations exist for a period of time they inhibit biomechanical function that the athlete needs. Athletic injuries are often caused by improper biomechanics of muscle imbalances within the spine. Over time subluxations begin to inhibit performance which means

  • Delayed muscle response
  • Slower muscle contractions
  • More susceptible to injuries
  • Delayed mental activity
  • Etc Etc

Dr. Wolpert a Neuroscientist said it best with this statement – To understand movement is to understand the whole brain. And therefore it’s important to remember when you are studying memory, cognition, sensory processing, they’re there for a reason, and that reason is ACTION.

The body feeds on motion, and being an athlete, proper motion is KEY to optimal performance. Overuse is the top concern for athletes and combating the negative impact begins by making sure the CNS is free of interference to allow the body to heal after repetitive use. It’s not just the competitive nature of maintaining a healthy and optimal CNS, overall it benefits you in the long run.