What Is The Chiropractic Adjustment

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

What is The Chiropractic Adjustment

What exactly is the chiropractic adjustment?  Many times new patients will ask this question about what exactly we are trying to achieve.  They think that we are going to snap, pop, crack, thump, explode or do something that involves loud noises to their spine.  When in fact a chiropractic adjustment is none of those.  Let’s face it, in reality if a chiropractor really “cracked” your neck…come on now.

Specificity Is Key With A Chiropractic Adjustment

Specificity is key when understanding the adjustment.  If there is no specificity to an adjustment being delivered, then it’s basically like a pill.  Everyone gets the same dose and you have to take it 2x a day.  What?  If chiropractic is not specific, it is nothing at all.  Start with x-ray analysis.  In order to truly “see” what is going on with someones health, utilize the x-ray.  What about children and pregnant mothers?  Obviously x-ray analysis is not performed in these situations.

What Do Chiropractors Even Adjust?

Subluxation’s.  A subluxation is when a spinal nerve has chronic irritation that becomes dysfunctional and changes the messages that the brain receives.  This is due to your bodies inability to adapt to a stress placed on it.   A subluxation inhibits the way the brain acts and interprets incoming and outgoing data.  The rest of the body as a result will be in an altered state as well to compensate.

Reconnecting After A Chiropractic Adjustment

When a specific subluxation is located, the adjustment must be precise.  The speed of the adjustment must be 200 milliseconds to deliver accurate results.  Just think of starting up an engine.  You do not crank nice and slow and hope for something to happen.  FAST!  With intent!  An adjustment is felt by the para-spinal muscles (muscles attached to the spine) which are connected via nerves.  After a specific adjustment the muscle spindles feed proper information back to the brain (via happy nerves).  Thus, reestablishing proper movement in the spine.  With proper movement, and adjusting a subluxation the spinal nerves restore natural patterns of input back to the brain.  Healing…adapting.


then it does deserve the title “Adjustment” then it’s called a

Looking For The Quick Fix From Out Of Pain?

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Looking For The Quick Fix From Out Of Pain?

Ever hear of that magic adjustment that your friend received and was out of pain for years?  10 out of 10 the adjustment is going to deliver healing capabilities.  As long as the adjustment was specific and direct there is no other option for the body but to heal.  The problem with this dilemma is, the education and doctors report that needs to be delivered.  Truth be told there is really no such thing as a true “quick fix.”  Many chiropractic patients only come to get out of pain.  While a noble cause and gesture from your chiropractor, you need to understand what our (chiropractor) true purpose really is.

I Am Out Of Pain So I Am Out Of Chiropractic

Some people think that only coming to the chiropractor is when you are in pain.  This is treating chiropractic like a ER room.  This does not quantify what chiropractic actually is.  If you treat a chiropractor like a hospital you will only get hospital like results. Band-aids.  Crutch’s.  Cover–ups.  While necessary at times, it is not chiropractic.  Never really addressing the true cause.  We tell our patients that if you only come to the chiropractor when you are in pain, that makes as much sense as only eating healthy when your sick.  The body is not designed for the quick fix.  We assume this only based on pharmaceutical companies and how easily and readily pain reliving stimulants are available to us.  Go to any gas station and see how many pain relieving “quick” drugs are out there.

Skip The Fix & Go For The Heal

If you are looking to heal, look first towards the central nerve system (CNS).  The healing capabilities begins and ends with the properties that the CNS controls.  You have to regenerate cellular tissue.  The tissue cell is regulated and controlled via the CNS.  Chiropractic care not only improves spinal function – it allows your body to heal.  When you have normal movement patterns in the spinal region the CNS is free to do what it needs.  Which is to protect and maintain your homeostasis.  Simple.  Getting out of pain is easy.  The healing process is what HAS to happen or else we are bordering on insanity.  Get your nerves checked by a specific chiropractor.


It’s What’s Inside That Counts: Facts About The Spine

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

It’s What’s Inside That Counts: 3 Facts About The Spine

The age old adage, “It’s what’s inside that counts.”  Powerful words to live by if you actually break the sentence down and live by it.  The healthiest people are the ones that understand health begins from the inside.  Specifically speaking the spine which houses the central nerve system.  For the sake of the blog we will be talking directly about the spine (spinal column, the vertebrae).  Not neglecting the importance of the central nerve system, just separating out the two distinct entities.

Fact 1: The Sole Importance Of Your Spine

The spine is also known as the spinal column, vertebral column, or even people say your back bone.  Whatever suits your fancy.  The first importance of the spine is to be a coat of armor for the most important thing in your entire body, the central nerve system.  The spine is made up of 24 collective bones.  Bones are hard and dense.  They serve to protect you and keep your central nerve system from harms way.

Fact 2:  It’s All About Curves

The spinal column is designed to have 3 curvatures within it when viewing somebody from the side view.  These curves act as giant shock absorbs for your constant wear and tear on the body.  When you look at someone face to face there the spinal column should be completely straight.  Gravity is constantly being applied to you everyday.  Having strong structural curves allows your body to adapt to the physical stress.

Fact 3:  Start Young When Addressing The Spine

Guess what?  Kids and chiropractic makes sense.  Did you know that children have approximately 33 vertebrae?  The word approximately is used loosely due to the fact that they are still growing.  These bones are constantly being formed and fused together. It is no secret to parents that health problems begin early in life.  Look at the physical stress a child endures during birth, learning to crawl, walk, run, dance, and live.  Look towards the spinal column to address ones overall health.

3 Facts About Chiropractic Adjustments

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

3 Facts About Chiropractic Adjustments

Specificity Is Key For Chiropractic Adjustments

Every organ, tissue, gland, and cell is maintained and controlled via your central nerve system.  Chiropractic focuses specifically and solely on the central nerve system.  A subluxation is when a vertebrae places pressure on a nerve.  This pressure is very minimal, the weight of a dime.  This pressure creates dysfunction by limiting the firing potential of the nerve.  Thus creating chaos within ones body.  Finding the right subluxation is unique and specific towards you.  A chiropractic adjustments have to have rationale.  X-ray analysis allows chiropractic to see what’s really going on.  It limits all guessing.

Speed Is A Must For Chiropractic Adjustments

Speed is defiantly a huge component of a chiropractic adjustment.  In order to impact the central nerve system, chiropractors have to influence spinal function.  A chiropractic adjustment needs to be delivered in under 200 milliseconds to induce physiological changes.  Chiropractors need to be faster than their patients.  Simple.  An easy way to think about speed is understanding applying force against somebody.  Our immediate response when someone leans on us is to activate muscles to counter the action.  Subluxations alter the brain processing which creates spinal function to be guarded.  When somehting is guarded it’s protected.  An adjustment has to be faster than your muscle response.

What Do Chiropractic Adjustments Actually Do

After a specific chiropractic adjustment to a subluxation, the body has no other option but to adapt…HEAL.  Adapting allows processing and integration of the brain to be optimal.  It restore proper function to the body as a whole.  An adjustment evokes para-spinal muscles to fire and send messages back to the brain.  Which in turn reconnects the brain-body connection.  Thus allowing your body to adapt to the stress placed on it.  Think of this way.  A subluxation alters input from the brain to the body.  It disconnects the messages and scrambles them up.  A specific chiropractic adjustment reconnects the pathway.

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How To Stop The Depression

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

How To Stop The Depression

Did you know that the number one reason people seek chiropractic care is for emotional stress?  The biggest contributing factor to adversely affect somebodies health and well-being is their emotional stability.  Depression is the top form of emotional stress that visits our office.  Have you ever experienced the so called butterflies in your stomach before?  When we are emotionally distraught over something our entire body “feels” it.  People say I can feel the stress weighing me down.  Remember the same nerves that send messages to your muscles (where you feel things) also control your vital organs.

Chiropractic & Depression

Specific chiropractic care has been an integral part in helping people with depression since the beginning of chiropractic.  A natural solution for handling emotional instability starts with the central nerve system.  Heavy abuse of medication to suppress ones ability to even “feel” is not allowing someone to heal nor overcome their emotional stress.  Imagine having emotional stress on a continual basis.  Every action you attempt to complete as a result will be altered due to your distress.

The Brain & Rewards

The brain is made up of specific parts.  Every interaction you perform or think of performing in life is maintained via the brain/central nerve system.  Specifically when talking about emotions the part of the brain that regulates and controls those interactions is called the pre-frontal cortex.  All of your behaviors and your emotional stability is programmed specifically in an area of the brain.

The Adjustment

Guess what happens when your body is fully connected with no limitations?  After a specific adjustment is administered, your body has no other option but to establish proper connection with your pre-frontal cortex.  Ultimately it’s the game changer.  Hormone’s, endorphin’s, and an overall sense of healing is established.  Like releasing the air in an inflated balloon, chiropractic adjustments reduce the stress and tension and.  The research is out there, do your own and just Google depression and chiropractic.  Enjoy healing.





The Growing Trend Of Healthcare

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

The Growing Trend Of Healthcare

Healthcare is a very distinct word that can be skewed to mean something completely different.  For instance healthcare is not visiting your medical doctor on a frequent basis for so called “Check-ups”.  Webster’s dictionary states : Health-care – efforts made to maintain or restore physical, mental, or emotional well-being especially by trained and licensed professionals.  Taking care of your body is something that requires handwork and consistency.  It’s the little things that add up.

Healthcare Scams

Anyway that someone can try and make money off of somebody else happens all to often.  Here are some quick examples of why health sells in the marketplace.  All leading back to taking care of yourself is hard work.

  • Waist training belts. The idea that you can lose fat and get in shape by putting a vibrating belt on.  Listen up, exercise is hard to do and yet so rewarding when done right.
  • Diet pills.  Once again the concept that taking something artificial is going to change you.  Being diligent with your diet is tough work.  Limit your cheat days.
  • Fat-free food.  Depending on how much you know, trust me.  Fat is good in moderation and where it comes from.
  • Miracle Fixes.  There is nothing short of a miracle that would not have been discovered by now when it comes to health.  Health is not changing, our viewpoints are.

Back To The Basics For Specific Healthcare

When the body is weakened by stress, toxins, poor nutrition, or lack of exercise, disease has a better chance of getting a foothold.   Chiropractic ensures that the body is functioning at optimal potential without any gimmicks.  Realize that the central nerve system is what chiropractic focuses on.  A healthy and connected nerve system allows life to be expressed at 100% vitality.  ​The path to health is not easy. You must take time to eat right, prepare your day, and get adjusted. You must schedule exercise into your day. You must sleep well. You must be willing to take action.


Overcoming Chronic Inflammation

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Overcoming Chronic Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is becoming more of an acceptable form of  “sickness” in our society.  Typically we aim to eliminate a sign or symptom and assume we are okay.  This thought process never addresses the underlying reason for the disturbance in the first place.    In order to discover what inflammation is you have to understand how the healing process works.  To discover healing look first towards the tissue cell.

Irritated Tissue Cell = Chronic Inflammation

The tissue cell is the smallest part of the body.  Each cell is designed to give service to all parts of the body.  Cells allow transmission for healing and inflammation to occur.  There are lot’s of signs and symptoms associated with inflammation.  Healing begins with inflammation.

What is Chronic Inflammation

Your entire body is an organism that is derived of different parts.  Each tissue cell is specifically designed for a duty to perform for the organism (body).  Inflammation initially is seen as a positive act within the body.  This is a result of  some sort of pathogen, irritant, or other force that is disrupting tissue cells.  As a direct results of the initial attack the body triggers a defense response: inflammation.  Immune cells are then initiated to express their function to defend the entire organism.  When the body is not able to ADAPT  and overcome this initial inflammation, it then becomes chronic.

A Change In Lifestyle

While a healthy response is better than no response you still need to adapt.  Chiropractic care allows your body to properly adapt.  Chiropractic focuses specifically on the central nerve system which regulates all tissue cells.  Subluxations within the spine create dysfunction with the nerves.  Subluxations “squeeze” these nerve fibers basically creating downed power lines.  They might look happy, yet they are dangerous.  Address the spine first when looking to change your output of life.  A healthy spine is equivalent to a healthy body.  Life is easier.  Proper transmission lets you live at your max without chronic inflammation.

Tips To Lower The Anxiety

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Tips To Lower The Anxiety

Anxiety or any emotional stress for that matter can destroy the body over time.  Say for instance the upcoming holiday season that is upon us.  This can be a time often filled with some sort of emotional stress that can last for the day or months after the initial episode.  The choice is up to you.

Take Away The Anxiety

Any anxiety that you encounter alters every function in the body.  How so?  The central nerve system controls regulates and coordinates all actions and all behaviors that you experience.  Have you ever had “Butterflies In the Stomach” before?  It’s not that we are walking around swallowing a bunch of butterflies.  A specific part of the central nerve system called the pre-frontal cortex is responsible for such actions.  Now, imagine if there is a disconnect from what the pre-frontal cortex communicates to the rest of the body due to an altered thought process.  As a direct result every cell in the body is dysfunctional.

Positive Attitude

Having a positive mindset is a top priority to maintaining your quality of life.  Staying positive like a proton goes a long way.  While staying positive can help you “feel” better, only your nerve system can allow you to heal from a stressor.  Having a positive mindset comes with fueling the body in a correct manner.

Lifestyle Habits To Combat Anxiety

Relieving anxiety starts with making sure your nerve system is properly connected.  Without this, everything else can fall to the wayside.  This can start with you by working on your own spinal alignment, its called posture!  Having correct posture “segways” into exercise.  Proper posture is hard to do, and guess what?  It’s actually an exercise you can do every single day of your life.  Sure, you have to incorporate other exercises such as walking, running, yoga, weight-lifting, or whatever suites your fancy.  Diet is a necessary component as well.  Re-charge with  substantial nutrients that incorporates a well balanced diet.


How To Beat Chronic Inflammation

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

How To Beat Chronic Inflammation

Chronic inflammation giving you a run for your health?  Address the cause of the inflammation at the root regardless of obstacles in your way.  Inflammation is a very strategic part of the body helping to defend itself.  Seen as a positive factor that your body initiates to combat.  Certain times the bodies immune system will call to action a defense in order to adapt.  Certain times is used very loosely, as becoming chronic means dysfunction within the body.

The Tissue Cell Versus Inflammation

Cells are the building blocks of life and specifically speaking the tissue cell is the master of all cells.  The tissue cell is at the center of development and thus maintaining our ability to be who we are.  Your bodies inability to adapt to stressors in your environment in the tissue cell creates chronic inflammation.  The tissue cell is regulated, controlled, and coordinated via your central nerve system.  Addressing the cause of something is looking specifically towards the nerve system first.

A Sign & Symptom

Any sign and symptom your body throws your way is initially a positive thing.  Yes, initially it might be burdensome and not really “fun” to experience.  Your body is attempting to adapt and to heal from some sort of stressor placed on it.  When a sign and symptom appears even before you realize it, inflammation has begun.  Your body begins to work harder and faster than it needs to in order to survive and adapt.

Consistency Is The Magic Bean

Everything takes time.  The body is no different, in that in order to obtain optimal function you have to be willing to give it time.  If your body is under constant stress and never “getting” over something, then your basically bordering on insanity.  Regular check-ups to access how your nerve system is functioning allows your body to adapt.  By stimulating the nerve system your body is properly coordinated and enables the tissue cell to decrease the chronic stress response.


Feeling Good Vs Functioning Good

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Feeling Good Vs Functioning Good

Feeling versus functioning is a misleading concept that we often get stuck in with regards to our health.  Which is more important to you?  The entire concept of “feel” is very subjective in nature and differs from one person to another.  Functioning on the other hand is ultimately what chiropractor’s are trying to achieve for patients.   I could be feeling really good and yet at the same time have complete loss of function of one arm.  Which is more important to you?

The Feel Good

When you start seeing a chiropractor, when done specifically and correctly you can “get” a patient to feel good.  The reason for this is because the sensory part of the central nerve system is drastically a relatively small component of how your body operates.  Sensory nerves are important, yet compared to your motor and autonomic nerves the sensory is roughly 10% of the entire system together.  What one person might consider as pain the other person wouldn’t even stop to think about it.  Nerve tension exists without pain.

Function Function Function

The spine and nerve system are interrelated and connected to every aspect of our expression of health and wellness.  The central nerve system coordinates, controls, and determines every ascpect of function that we encounter on a daily basis.  Fixing the cause of your problems is addressing the dysfunction present in your body.  If taking medication to numb feelings to allow you to function is your idea of healing you are only making things worse.  Let your body be it’s guide and listen to it.

Comes & Goes

For some people, they can be feeling good one day and then the next feel completely horrible.  Understand that healing takes time, and your body is never going to stop healing.  Feeling good is pretty cool, functioning good is AMAZING!