What Age Does One ‘Need’ Chiropractic

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, chiropractic adjustment, Chiropractic Myths, kids chiropractic | One Comment

The age long debate of Chiropractic care: when does one begin care? First, lets understand what Chiropractic is and what it is not. Chiropractic is a philosophy, science and art of things natural; a system of adjusting the segments of the spinal column by hand only, for the correction of dis-ease, as addressed by B.J. Palmer, D.C. This simply means that Chiropractic deals with all things that are natural within the body.

When we use the word ‘dis-ease’ we are referring to an interference with the conductive tissues (nerves) of the body. What Chiropractors are trained to locate and adjust, if necessary, are vertebral subluxations. Misalignment’s of the spinal column that place undo stress upon a single nerve fiber are therefore creating a state of dysfunction within the body. Wouldn’t it be wise to start getting your child checked right away for subluxations?

We begin to take our children to the dentist when teeth begin to develop and form, because we want to make sure they are healthy and developing correctly. What about the central nerve system? The first system ever developed in the human body that makes all the tissue cells of the body…even the teeth! The dentist analogy while easy to use is even overlooked when using good nutrition. You don’t wait to feed your children healthy substantial vegetables and fruits until they are middle-aged: you do it right away. So, why in the health care industry of Chiropractic which is all things natural, would you wait to get their spines checked?

We have been brainwashed that Chiropractic is for middle-aged males who lift a heavy object and ‘throw their back out’. This is the farthest statement from the truth. Why would you wait to begin regular spinal check-ups to ensure optimal function of the central nerve system for developing children. Healthy central nerve system = healthy developing child.

We are an office with a particular focus on pediatrics. We understand that birth, even how amazing as it is, is a stressful situation for not only the mother, but the newborn as well. We cannot stress the importance of starting life off with a clear and functioning nerve system to reach certain milestones in childhood development without limitations.