The Role Of Chiropractic In Your Life

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The Role Of Chiropractic In Your Life

What is the role of Chiropractic in your life?  The primary focus of Chiropractic is to simply remove those things that interfere with the body’s natural ability to heal.  Chiropractic is a science, art and philosophy about the inner workings of the human body.  By understanding how the spine and central nervous system is connected, the scene is set for exploring how dysfunction within the spine can lead to impaired health and well-being.

The key focus of Chiropractic study is to detect and correct vertebral subluxations.  In turn this will restore the healthy function of the spine and nerve system.  Remove the vertebral subluxation in order for your body to better be able to adapt and correctly function.  When a vertebral subluxation exists it will create tension and stress on the spinal nerve due to the strain of the disc in between the vertebrae.  The effects of the displacement protrudes the disc and creates stress on the spinal nerve.  Edema will create pressure on the nerve resulting in one of two things happening, stimulation or inhibition.  As a direct result the cells, tissues, glands, and organs that the nerve supplies will either be stimulated or inhibited.

Everyone should have access to chiropractic care right from birth through to the day they pass away.  I believe a lot of suffering could be prevented if this was the case.  Changing our health care system is and will be at the top forefront of a healthier lifestyle for all. There are lots of people who could stand to benefit from learning how to take better care of themselves. We know the function of the spine impacts our brain’s ability to interpret other things that are going on in and around us, an internal reality.  Effective health care begins with an accurate inner reality.  Adjusting the spine to restore optimal spinal function, actually changes the way the brain functions.  Remove any source of irritation to the central nerve system by keeping your spine healthy and aligned.

Tackling Gut Problems From Within The Body

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Tackling Gut Problems From Within The Body

The Gut!  Tackling gut problems from within the body is focused on decreasing internal inflammation that is causing symptoms to appear in people who have “gut problems.”  What kind of gut problems?  IBS, constipation, diverticulitis, reflux, etc etc.  The list goes on and on when it comes to gut problems.  More people become concerned with the symptom that they have and attempt to cover -up the signs they are producing besides addressing the actual concern.  The brain – body connection is dysfunctional.

Remember that the central nervous system coordinates, controls, and makes everything in your entire body.  The CNS does this via a network of cables called nerves.  When a nerve becomes irritated in the spinal column due to instability from a subluxation, the nerve is not in normal ‘tone’.  As a direct result of the nerve being irritated in the spinal column, the organs, cells, tissues, and glands that the nerve coordinates will become dysfunctional as well.  How so?  The spine is a direct extension from the brain.  When a nerve is not in normal ‘tone’ and not sending the proper messages, the body in return will show symptoms from that subluxation. Think of it like a super highway that is under construction.  Who honestly likes construction on a super highway?  No one!

A study from the 2016 Gastroenterology journal suggests that the vagus nerve is extremely precious not only for homeostasis of a variety of organ systems, but also for the regulation of appetite, mood, and inflammation.  Common gut conditions can be greatly influenced by the function of the vagus nerve.  It’s all about the brain – body connection.  Research confirms the importance of a well adjusted spine on the function of the vagus nerve.  Optimal function begins and ends from within the body.  Don’t treat symptoms. Chiropractic can get your digestive system working by focusing on the cause.  A healthy lifestyle not only changes your body, it changes your attitude and your mood.

Shift To Natural Healing….It’s Organic As It Comes

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Shift To Natural Healing… It’s Organic As It Comes

The primary objective in Chiropractic is to remove irritation to the central nerve system by securing normal structural relationships.  One must continually appreciate that in Chiropractic, The body through its inherent power or innate intelligence, is the ultimate deciding factor in restoring health.  Shifting your thought process of natural healing begins and ends from within the body first and foremost.  Sickness (Dis-ease) begins from within the body, and the complete opposite can be said that health begins from within the body.  When the CNS is properly functioning it is able to eliminate morbid material and adapt and restore the body on a daily basis.

We understand that certain disease processes more or less cumbersome according to the nerve disturbances and anatomical dis-relation to the body.  For instance, a subluxation exists within the spinal column that creates interference from the nerve fiber to the brain – body connection.  As a result the messages that are being sent from the brain to the body can be hindered in one of two ways; the messages can be too much or not enough.  As a result the organs, cells, tissues, and glands that the nerve supplies overtime can produce hypersensitive or hypo-sensitive responses.  Either way the nerve tone is creating an interference and the body is not in an ideal state.

By maintaining the proper structural relationship within the spinal column your health can be constantly maintained in an ideal state.  Every tissue, cell, and organ within the body is constantly analyzing both its internal and external environment.  With a clear and properly connected CNS the analysis will enable your body to adapt to the continual changing environments that you place it in.  We are witnessing a significant shift away from conventional medicine and towards an ongoing wellness lifestyle.  Natural and effective.

Sustaining Your Immune System Through The Winter

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Sustaining Your Immune System Through The Winter

Sustaining your immune system is imperative every part of the year.  There just so happens to be a big push and advertisement swing during the winter months in the northern hemisphere for several reasons.  The first reason is the most obvious yet often blurred due to the fact that buying the latest and greatest immune system “boosters” is a money maker.  Are people really trying to help you “boost” your immune system with the latest and greatest? Remember capitalism is the name of the game. Instead of the latest and greatest ways to boost your immune system, stick with what works and has worked for very  long long long long (you get my drift) period of time.

Who Do You Trust

Take, for instance, something off the shelf. Do you read labels of these claims, that your immune system will become “75% better after consumption”, and yet it’s  sold at the local gas station? Do you trust that everything is safe because it wouldn’t be sold if it wasn’t? This responsibility of making sure something is safe to consume comes down to the hands of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  According to the 2003 report of the Office of Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services, a survey of CDER reviewers revealed that 66% lacked confidence in the FDA’s safety monitoring of marketed prescription drugs, and 18% had felt pressure to approve a drug despite reservations about its quality, efficacy, or safety.

David Graham, Associate Director of the FDA’s Office of Drug Safety stated, “The FDA is inherently biased in favor of the pharmaceutical industry. It views industry as its client, whose interests it must represent, it views its primary mission as approving as many drugs as it can regardless of whether the drugs are safe or needed.”, recorded in an interview that appeared in Fraud Magazine (September/October 2005 issue).

Normam Shealy, MD, PhD, International Institute of Holistic Medicine, MO:  “Interestingly, the ‘PharmacoMafia’ has to find evidence of only 5% above average placebo of 35% to claim a drug is ‘effective.’  No drug is 100% effective and virtually all produce complications called side effects. The bottom line is: What does effective mean? What does evidence – or science – based mean?”

You’ve Got To Nourish To Flourish

You’ve got to nourish the inside of the body to take care of the outside.  Sustaining the immune system is a YEAR round project. The immune system does choose to take days off and begin functioning during the winter months.  The central nervous system plays a major role in immune function. Do whatever you can to keep your immune system working properly by removing any source of irritation and keeping your spine healthy and aligned. Nature needs no help, just no interference – B.J. Palmer.


Shoulder, Knees, Hips, Ankles…It’s Still A Spine Problem

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Shoulder, Knees, Hips, Ankles…It’s Still A Spine Problem

Extremities….aka, shoulders, knees, ankles, wrists or whatever extremity you want to throw in the mix is all related to the spine.  “Look well to the spine for the cause of disease” – Hippocrates. When extremity problems present themselves in our life, we forget about the structure that provides life to those parts of our body; the spine.  Now, what about incidences that occur like with Nancy Kerrigan. For those who don’t remember, Nancy Kerrigan was an Olympian struck in the knee by an individual who wanted to cause her harm. In these cases, this is a simple cause and effect situation.  For everything else, pay attention to the spine and what it offers in your healing abilities.

The Nerve Of That Extremity

To understand that healing begins in the spine, you must understand the importance of the central nerve system.  Every tissue cell that makes up any extremity, whether it’s your shoulder, knee, wrist or whatever, is originated and can be traced back to a specific spinal nerve.  For example, think about the wrist and carpal tunnel. The concept is that the large amount of time spent typing causes inflammation in the wrist. What most fail to realize is that the wrist and any muscle movement used for typing is controlled via your lower cervical spinal nerves.  Sure, the person is typing for hours upon hours, but what about the position of the monitor.  What about their neck posture…etc? Are they constantly looking down and then back up and creating constant flexion and extension in the lower cervical part of the neck?  Most of the time…YES!  Specifically for the wrist, it’s called double crush syndrome.  The first “crush” (irritated nerve fiber) will occur at the cervical spinal nerve and then the second “crush” will occur in the shoulder, elbow or wrist.

It’s No Coincidence

Every tissue cell of your body traces back to a specific spinal nerve.  Take care of the spine first and foremost and extremity dysfunction will cease to exist.  With a healthy spine, the tissue cells in your extremities will increase its adaptability and perform at peak potential.  The most important project you’ll ever work on is yourself. Technology has become a literal “pain” in the neck. Don’t forget to mind your posture and look to the spine first.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Ever Hear Of A Spine Transplant?

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Ever Hear Of A Spine Transplant?

Have you ever heard of a spinal transplant?  The answer should and will be NO. However, our society consistently leans toward that kind of answer.   Let’s cut, snip, stab, and basically remove, fuse or bolt together anything that is not doing what it should be.  Once something wears out or is no longer working like it did when we were 18, we automatically lean toward replacing it.  We live in a one and done type world. What happened to the art of maintaining and taking care what you have? Now enter the words… hard work.

Why Are The Spinal Bones So Important?

The spinal bones not only protect your spinal cord but they also have just enough space between them to allow two nerves to exit out to each side of your body.  These nerves control, coordinate and transmit messages to the rest of your body so it can accomplish EVERY action in your daily life. That means every tissue cell in your body is controlled by your nerves through your spinal cord from the BRAIN!   Henry Winsor, M.D. said it best to understand the importance of spinal health – “Organs supplied by impinged nerves exhibit pathological changes and the more serious the impingement the more serious the damage.”  What’s the takeaway from this statement?  You are able to objectively judge someone’s health based on their spinal structure and integrity of their curves.  Healthy spine = healthy central nerve system = healthy body.

Will My Spine Wear Out?

What happens when you neglect your teeth?  Eventually you will lose what you do not take care of.  With the bones of the spine you are not going to “lose” them and they won’t fall out like your teeth.  What will happen is the disc spacing in-between the vertebrae will become less than it was. Even with a healthy spine the disc spacing is going to wear down.  That is NORMAL wear and tear in a human body. The spine will even lose a couple inches. It’s inevitable. It’s the way we are designed. However, when spine health is NEGLECTED  spine DEGENERATIVE changes occur. Degeneration is NOT normal. With degeneration, your spine will begin to wear out at an exceedingly faster pace. This means your health begins to wear out at a faster pace.  Take care of your spine. It’s the only health you have.


We Can Help You With That

By | ADHD, Allergies, Asthma, Benefits of Chiropractic, Chiropractic Myths, depression, Ear Infections, emotions, fibromyalgia, High Blood Pressure, inflammation, posture | No Comments

We Can Help You With That

We can help you with that.  Help with what?  Your bodies overall functionality.  People say that  “Chiropractors think they can cure anything.”  There is truth and misguided information in this statement.  First, your Chiropractor should be teaching you why and how they can help the body.  Second, the word cure is thrown around way to loosely and should not be used in chiropractic care. Understand the major premise to understand your Chiropractors thought process.

The Major Premise

Scientifically we understand that the brain and spinal cord, collectively called the central nerve system (CNS) regulates, controls, and even made every system and part of you. When a nerve exiting out of the spinal column has stress placed on it, immediately the nerve deviates off of normal tone. The organs, cells, and tissues that the nerve supplies will as a result begin to become hyper or hypo, thus damaging the body.  This “major premise” is not just recognized by Chiropractors. It is no different than what medical doctors have been taught in basic physiology.  The difference however, begins in treating the damaged organ and addressing the cause which controls, and coordinates the organ to help the body adapt and function properly.

Chiropractic Enables Your Body To Adapt

Chiropractic does not treat, nor cure the body. When a Chiropractor adjusts a specific area that is placing undo stress on a specific nerve the body immediately begins to release adaptive forces. Meaning? You begin to heal yourself. This once again is not a new “made up concept.” People are demanding more natural and effective forms of healthcare. You’d be amazed with what wellness and regular chiropractic care can do to enhance your health and performance. If your lifestyle does not include specific spinal healthcare, your body cannot function efficiently.​ By eliminating stress on the CNS you will have a positive impact on your ability to adapt and function. #getchecked

Learning From Goldilocks, Putting Health Into Perspective

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Learning From Goldilocks; Putting Health into Perspective

Everyone remembers the fairytale of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  What can we learn from Goldilocks?  During her quest to find what was ‘just right’ she went through porridge, chairs, and beds.  Goldilocks found some things too hot, and some things too cold before finding the just right.  The body’s self-regulating capacity is extraordinary and innately knows what is “just right.”  Unfortunately, our society allows us to cover-up and suppress innate actions that we were born with.

Temperature IS A GOOD Thing…In Perspective

Goldilocks knew when sampling the porridge which one was the right temperature.  When your body produces too much temperature, aka inflammation, initially it is a good thing, as long as your body adequately adapts to what it is “inflaming” from.  Too little temperature and the body suffers as well. Maintaining balance is regulated and controlled via your central nerve system.

Get Rid Of The Cover-Ups… Get Rid Of Goldilocks

The cover-ups that inhibit your body from healing and adapting are artificial stimulants, or drugs.  When we consume mind altering substances they attempt to artificially make things ‘just right’ by creating improper chemical reactions.  Drugs are a crude attempt to make everything ‘just right’ in the body.  You must take care of yourself on a regular basis to remain healthy and it is not in the form of a pill.  Goldilocks did not belong just like cover-ups do not belong.  Listen to what your body needs, let your body be your guide.

Health Is Your Central Nerve System

Health begins and ends with the master controller, the central nerve system (CNS), which is perfectly protected by your skull and spine.  By removing interference and stress on the spine, the CNS will make sure that everything in your body is ‘just right.’  Influence the system that controls all other systems of your body and natural NORMAL healing ensues.  #getchecked