The S In Scoliosis
The busy busy word of scoliosis. What most people think when they hear the word scoliosis is just a curve in your spine. Great, a curve in your spine. Well, an improper curve in your spine is detrimental to anybody, especially if it is considered scoliosis. If you have an improper curve in your spine then image the improper communication your nerves are sending to the rest of your body. If a power line is crooked, will it be sending proper communication to the destination? NO! So, if you have scoliosis will you be sending proper communication to your organs, cells, tissues and glands? NO!
Scoliosis affects boys and girls, more predominately girls between the ages of 8 – 18. In some cases you may notice scoliosis right away after birth, others they grow into and it becomes habitual. When you start to develop improper curves in your spine you begin to develop at a slower pace than normal. There are certain windows of opportunity for someone with scoliosis. Your brain is developing for a certain time than stops, your lungs, heart, etc etc. Your nerves are controlling all of this development. If you have improper curves such as scoliosis you have improper organs, cells, tissues and so on. What does your body begin to do? It starts to elicit signs and symptoms that something is not right in your body!
Scoliosis can progressively get worse if not corrected at a young age. Our bones do not fully develop until we are roughly in our late teens and early twenties. Chiropractic is your way of thinking. Chiropractic can help in resolving the curve with proper x-rays, examination, and specific adjustments. Any sideways curve in your spine is abnormal and detrimental to your overall health. Remember, how your structure in your spine is determines how you function overall in life!