Health Prevention In Kalispell

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Health Prevention In Kalispell

Health prevention in Kalispell, Montana!  What sort of pill does this health prevention come in?  Not a pill, not a super drink, but in the form of chiropractic.  You see your health and vitality flows from above – down – inside and out!  Health prevention does not come in the form of taking something outside – inwards.  Such as Aspirin!  The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s website states  ” FDA has concluded that the data do not support the use of aspirin as a preventive medication by people who have not had a heart attack, stroke or cardiovascular problems, a use that is called ‘primary prevention.’  In such people, the benefit has not been established but risks – such dangerous bleeding into the brain or stomach – are still present.”  Studies by the Journal of the AMA, and Journal of the American College of Cardiology have findings that patients taking aspirin showed a higher risk for recurrent heart problems.  Come on Now!

Health prevention can and always will be in the form of chiropractic care.  Why?  Chiropractic does not take anything away from you, nor does it give you anything!  Chiropractic allows your body to establish proper communication which allows your body to develop and function the way it was intended.  Chiropractic is health prevention because it is a lifestyle.  It is a lifestyle that everyday we are trying to inform more and more about.  Chiropractic health prevention is not a new wave or trend, it has been around for a long time (some bigger companies just so happen to have a lot more money than we do “big pharm”).  Want fewer sick days, don’t want to miss work, want to live your life dope free?  Invest in your health prevention with chiropractic care.

Holiday Health Care

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Holiday Health Care

Holiday health care at the office!  Why is it important to have your nerves functioning at optimal during this season?  Holiday health care is in the words itself.  Holiday health!  Usually around this time it is customary for us to drop every single healthy habit that we have and to just destroy all unhealthy foods that come in our sight.  We tend to stay up a little later, and possibly sleep in a little longer.  We might get a little reckless on the ski-slopes with some liquid courage for those of us who are 21 and above, and then suffer the consequences of a yard sale.  We might have to meet some family members that we haven’t seen in some time only leading to mental exhaustion about what to say and what not to say.  Holiday health care….you betcha.  Holiday health care in the form of chiropractic care….you double betcha! Let’s break it down in the next paragraph about why chiropractic addresses your needs for holiday health care.

A little reckless on the ski slopes and having a yard sale = physical stress on our body.  Some liquid courage in copious amounts = chemical stress on our body (everything in moderation!).  Meeting some “Uncle Randy’s” and having some awkward family relations = emotional stress on our body.  If you have one of these stressors on your body, you might be able to overcome it and have a safe holiday health, regardless the stress in life is what brings individuals into a chiropractic office (notice how we say might).  Making sure you and your family are having a safe holiday health, you need to make sure you take care of your health and allowing your body to overcome the stressors that come with the holidays.  Get checked!

Natural Health Source In Kalispell

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Natural Health Source In Kalispell

Natural health source that is untapped in Kalispell, Montana.  Well, really this natural health source is untapped in areas all around just like Kalispell, Montana.  This natural health source coming in the form of chiropractic.  Chiropractic is as natural and as safe for the human frame as any claims can be made.  At Carlson Chiropractic Offices in Kalispell, Montana we are going to educate you that your body has the ability to heal on its own.  Your body has the ability to adapt to stressors that you put in its path.  So, you think of natural health source and chiropractic.  Doesn’t mean we are wearing hemp bracelets and releasing golden white doves for healing powers!  We are addressing and only addressing your nerve system.  Your nerve system has the power and controls all that your body has to offer. Your brain/nerve system is a memory bank. It remembers everything that ever happened to you. Your body is a finely tuned instrument. How the instrument uses the memory bank depends on the function of your spine and nerve system.

Natural health source that comes in the form of a back doctor?  Chiropractor’s are nerve system specialists.  If you want to live a healthier life, make sure your nerve system is functioning to its truest potential.  Ladies and gentlemen it is that simple!  Natural health sources are all around you!  Why is chiropractic considered the ultimate of natural health source’s?  According to Websters Dictionary: Natural: existing in nature and not made or caused by people : coming from nature.  Also, because we are chiropractors so we are extremely biased Chiropractic does not take anything away nor does it give you anything foreign for your body.  You are designed to be healthy, your body ensures this.  Allow your body to be at it’s true potential…naturally!


Flu Shot vs Flu Adjustments

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

Flu Shot vs Flu Adjustments

The flu shot vs the flu adjustment!  Such dilemmas we face in our society!  Let us begin!  80% of flu-like symptoms are not the actual flu, Barbra Lowe Fisher National Vaccine Information Center.  There is no single virus that causes the flu.  The flu / influenza is a group of symptoms used to describe an illness that is caused by many viruses.  Viruses change or mutate everyday to survive detection and destruction by our immune cells.  There are over 900 strands of the flu and growing.  The shot given to us consists of 3 or 4 of those strands….what about the other ones?  Most of the flu victims each year are precisely the same people who took the flu shot.  Using the industry’s best evidence, flu vaccines are no more than one percent effective at actually preventing the flu– and that’s only during the first few months before they “fade out”.  The effectiveness of annual flu shots has been exaggerated; they have little or no effect on many influenza campaign objectives, including reducing the number of hospital stays, time off work, and death from influenza and its complications, British Medical Journal, Oct. 28,  2006.

Okay!  Let us talk about flu adjustments now!  What are they?  The same as all adjustments, stimulating your nerve system to adapt and overcome…..due to the fact that your nerve system controls how your immune system functions!  No flu shot here!  Chiropractic offices all over the country have front office staff that see hundreds of patients every week.  They are not receiving the flu shots like other places and have not lost any days from work or have had any signs or symptoms!  How does chiropractic increase immunity?  Studies show better coordinate immune response, boost T1 immune cell response, decrease inflammation, etc etc!  1918 Flu Pandemic: Medical doctors in Davenport, Iowa treated 93,590 patients with 6,116 deaths 1 out of 15.  Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, 1,635 flu cases were adjusted, with only one fatality.  No flu shots there!  Allow your body to receive what it needs from within, the way you were designed.




Kalispell Pain Clinic…..Wait What

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Kalispell Pain Clinic…..Wait What

The Kalispell Pain Clinic!  Good thing there is no such place in Kalispell.  There are some other businesses that are associated with pain.  Is Carlson Chiropractic Offices the Kalispell Pain Clinic?  NO!  Does pain happen to bring people into the office? Yes!  Are we trying to educate so our peeps understand where the pain comes from…yeppers!  First, let us clarify.  A visit to the chiropractic office is to have your nerves checked and to adjust if necessary.  Always getting checked first!  As stated before pain does bring people into the office, 90% of the time those people who experienced pain had signs or symptoms for a couple of years then their pain shows up(the other 10% will be people who had an anvil drop on their arm…things of this nature).  

Their bodies were giving them warning signs long before the pain ever showed!  Someone started having headaches, high blood pressure, irregular menses, chronic asthma attacks, etc……….these signs and symptoms are all PAINFUL!  Would you head to the Kalispell pain clinic if you experienced those types of pain?  Yet, in our society we do not think of a chiropractor for these pains, just for low back pain!  When you do see such things as a Kalispell Pain Clinic or any pain clinic for that matter they sometimes have the word SPINE attached to them!  Why is this?  All experiences you have in your life whether good or bad are expressed via your NERVE SYSTEM.  Most pain clinics will try to suppress your signs and symptoms with dope…..copious amounts of pain killers, steroids….basically just dope.

Kalispell pain clinic and chiropractors?  Well, the very first sign of pain your body gives you is a sign or symptom.  Just because you have been living with it for 4 years does not make it normal for you!  In fact you could say it is COMMON for people who have similar subluxations!  Chiropractors and back pain…..more like chiropractors and sign and symptoms!  Kalispell pain clinic if there ever was such a thing or if there ever will be is not a safe and healthy alternative.  Listen to your body.  Do not assume that a sign and symptom is a “normal” thing for your life.  If you do happen to experience the “normal” sign or symptom, time is now to have your nerves checked by a chiropractor.  Don’t wait for the pain.

Come Back When You Have Pain….Said No Chiropractor Ever

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Come Back When You Have Pain….Said No Chiropractor Ever

Neck pain leading to your shoulder?  How does this work?  Neck pain that all of a sudden travels and happens to enter into my shoulder region and even down into my elbow and even into my fingertips?  Some low back pain just happened to show up after 2 days and I cannot seem to shake it.  If we use chiropractic like the way it was intended then no chiropractor should ever say come back when its painful.  You can use chiropractic like an ER, and chiropractic does have a message for you, but (BUT) we are missing the light bulb of what chiropractic is.  Well,  first of all let us talk about pain itself so we don’t get off on the wrong track.  Pain is and always will be the last thing to show up physiologically unless a tank hits you, jump off 12 stories and land on your head, get into a fight with Mike Tyson,  you get the picture.  There are some different types of pain that we need to be aware of.

You see when dealing with pain you can break it down into superficial pain (someone cutting your skin) or into deep pain (tendons and tissues that you do not see).  Then you have visceral pain (organ).  Visceral pain once it happens your body is diffuse in nature, less precisely graded and typically accompanied by slowing of the heart, lowered blood pressure, cold sweats and nausea.  Okay, just talking about 3 types of pain here(more to come).  Major premise to understand is that when you first have a response your body will enter protection mode : thirst, electrolyte balance, dysfunction in the respiratory and circulatory system,  flexion reflex, postural readjustment, rubbing….etc etc.  Why does your body do these things when pain comes a knocking?  Your body wants to function, your body works as a 1 unit.  It does not care about pain, it wants to make sure you function….say it again… wants to make sure you function the way you should be!  You see when your body throws up a red flag such as a sign or symptom, the sign and symptoms should be your first sign of actual pain!  Do not let pain be a dictating your chiropractic care.  Hence, why you come and just get checked for possible dysfunction in your body!

What Is Chiropractic Continued

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What Is Chiropractic Continued

What is chiropractic?  Better question, what are nerves?  Nerves are bundles of fibers that send and receive sensory and motor information to and from the entire body.  Basically your entire communication system, cell phones, computers, internet, AOL, instant messenger, the power plant, the main hub!  Chiropractors are nerve system specialists that access and check your nerve system.  The spinal bones just happen to get into our way (wink)!  All nerve bundles exit from openings between the spinal vertebrea.   Why is your spine so important to maintain?  Maintain your spine, maintain your function with your nerves.  The spinal vertebrea are there specifically to protect our most important system ever…the nerve system.  Sensory nerves which carry information from the body to the spinal cord and to the brain.  Relay nerves which carry messages from one part of the body to the next.  Motor nerves which carry messages from the brain to parts of the body, muscles, organs, glands, cells, tissues, etc etc.  When a spinal vertebrea moves out of position it directly puts pressure on your nerves!  A force directly interfering with your communication to your entire body.

What is chiropractic?  Chiropractic is specific to each individual.  What is chiropractic?  Chiropractic is personalized care to each individual based on their dysfunction in their body.  By removing pressure, your nerves communication line is restored allowing your body to function the way it was intended.  No dope can do that, no surgery can to that.  Pressure upon a motor nerve, sensory nerve or relay nerve decreases its electrical-chemical action and upsets communication along its course to its desired outcome…….meaning your body.  What does your body decide to do then?  It starts to elicit signs and symptoms that something is dysfunctional in your body.  Listen to your body when signs and symptoms are present.  Just because you think its normal for you to have signs and symptoms does not make it right.  Clear the way for better health by removing obstructions to it.  What is chiropractic?  Chiropractic gives primary attention to the cause of your health conditions.

‘Tis The Season In Kalispell

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‘Tis The Season In Kalispell

‘Tis the season in Kalispell for some of us to have a compromised immune system.  The most notorious, false form of “boosting” your immune system is with the flu shot.  The CDC on December 3rd reported that data collected on the Flu viruses circulating showed that the viruses circulating and the Flu Vaccine differed 52% off the time, decreasing the effectiveness of the Flu Vaccine.  So Kalispell, that is basically saying you are going to flip a couple coins when obtaining your flu shot that hopefully you have the right strand!  Give your body some false antibodies that actually decrease your own immune system because your immune system is very, very, …….very smart.  Strengthening your immune system does not come at the cost of obtaining a shot.  Strengthening your immune system comes in the form of a healthy life delivered by your nerve system.  If you have a nerve system that is functioning correctly your susceptibility is significantly decreased to obtain the flu.  Not only this, but if you do happen to “get” the flu you have a higher opportunity to overcome your signs and symptoms faster.

In Kalispell and many areas like it, chiropractors are boosting immune systems naturally.  No drugs, no dope, no shots.  Specific spinal adjustments maintain and allow your body to be at it’s top form.  Chiropractic will allow your body to adapt and to overcome obstacles set in your way.  We want Kalispell to be the healthiest place to live in Montana!  Chiropractic can allow this.  Health does not come in the form of a shot.  One of the things to realize Kalispell is that the CDC combines the mortality rates of influenza and pneumonia.  Which are widely different things!  In order to keep your immune system strong for the constant battle, take care of your body the right way.  Regular exercise, eating right, and having your nerves checked by a chiropractor.  Simple analogy.  If you have a toothache you will schedule an appointment with a dentist.  If you have a sniffles, a cough, or some other signs and symptoms you need to schedule an appointment to have your nerves checked.  Do not mask and cover up the problems, address the cause at the roots Kalispell!  We and chiropractors alike are here for you!

Heartburn Relief

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

Heartburn Relief

Heartburn also known as GERD if it is reoccurring long term, and the relief: chiropractic.  Some peeps will over indulge in some high protein meats, some solid carbs, or have a one time exposure to some over stimulated habanaro peppers and experience some heartburn.  Heartburn occurs when some digestive juices or contents of our stomach get past our stomach barrier and seep into our esophagus.  Heartburn and chiropractic share a story.  Let us tell you more!  First, let us talk about hiatial hernias.  Heartburn relief can be futile if a hiatal hernia is present.  Hiatal hernias are often over-looked when it comes to heartburn.  Some peeps have hiatal hernias and do not even realize it.  Why?  Your body enters protection mode and your body begins to defend itself.  The diaphragm will enlarge and the muscles will apply pressure on the stomach thus creating your heartburn.  If you have your nerves checked, which control the muscles you can reduce the hiatal hernia by effecting the muscles.  Proper nerve communication = proper GI function.

Heartburn relief can come in the form of chiropractic.  Chiropractic being safe, natural, and allowing your body to heal which ensures a strengthened overall system.  Heartburn relief can be accomplished through chiropractic care due to regular maintenance of the spine, which directly controls the nerves!  Chiropractors are nerve system specialists!  If you have experienced heartburn, your body is letting you know something is wrong….red flags should go up!  Then after you try and cover-up the heartburn relief with some dope it just becomes a repetitive cycle.  Pain will eventually show up in your mid-back region.  The actual sensation of pain is and will always be the last thing to show up!  Your nerves finally have had enough and…..HELLO PAIN!  Heartburn relief comes through chiropractic because we address the cause of your signs and symptoms.  By establishing proper connection to the muscles and barriers of your stomach and esophagus which are located in the mid back region, your heartburn relief is in the picture.  Heartburn relief is established when your nerve communication is established, not with dope, not with any form of cutting.

Why A Chiropractor

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Why A Chiropractor

Have some lower back pain….probably need to see a chiropractor.  Yes and No.  A chiropractor can help you with the lower back pain but there is much…..much more to it than that.  Why a chiropractor?  Example here we go!   7 years old and ba-BOOM you suffer from a limiting cold that makes you bedridden for some time.  Not only does this place a chemical stress on your body, but also a physical stress on your body as well, for the limited motion due to the fact that life is motion (remember I said you were bedridden for some time).  So, what happens next  either we understand how our bodies work and our parents take us to a chiropractor and let our bodies heal itself or we begin to take some dope and mask things up.    Let us go with the dope, so your body doesn’t overcome anything and we think we are better.  Well things will add up and catch back up to us.  For the sake of this blog let us fast-forward 20 years down the road.  The same individual who has been popping dope to mask symptoms up their entire life finally hits rock bottom and their body just says no.  The fact of the matter is that each time this individual had a cold, their body had a failure to adapt.  Their immune system had a failure to adapt to a stress on their body.  Their body gave them plenty of opportunities, due to the fact that your body didn’t “get over” anything!  Their functioning was lowered, their potential was lowered and they would never get stronger from opportunities due to the fact that they would take dope each time.

Why a chiropractor?  A chiropractor will allow your body to adapt to the stressors in life (such as a limiting cold when you were 7 years old) and allowing your body to become stronger.  When the very first big cold hit at 7 years old and instead of taking some dope we should have had our nerves checked.  Why our nerves?  Your nerves control all that you body does and will do for you.  You have a bad experience in life such as a cold…you blame your immune system, which is controlled by your nerve system (so you should blame your nerves).  Allowing your body  to adapt and overcome to the chemical stress and physical stress that you went through at the age of 7.  Set the right precedent. Set the right example.  Fast-forward 20 years down the road and if a chiropractor is in your life then you overcome obstacles faster, your body is stronger, your body functions the way you want it to.  Things will not add up and catch back up to us because we allow our body to adapt.  Hope not dope!  Why a chiropractor….why not?