Positive Fever Symptoms

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

Positive Fever Symptoms

Immediately we begin to question this entire statement and think, are there actually positive fever symptoms?  This starts the entire discussion of fever symptoms and either letting the fever run its course or trying to manage the symptoms immediately.  Simple fevers up to 104 F are safe and effective for what our body is doing.  Controlled inflammation is necessary for your body to heal and overcome obstacles in its way.  When the first fever symptoms become apparent, do not try and mask them and lower the fever!  You have to realize that your body is smart and intelligent.  Your body will do things to make sure you are functioning at full potential.  Is a fever full potential?  Let us explore the fever symptoms and make judgments after the facts.

Your body produces a fever to stimulate a fighting response.  This happens by increasing the white blood cell count.  Your white blood cells are your body’s ultimate fighters.  Increase of white blood cells is letting your body gear up for a fight.  Positive fever symptoms are an increase of white blood cells.  This will allow your body to fight infections.  This will enable your body’s defenders to slow bacteria and viruses.  Stimulating an increase of white blood cells will allow your body to adapt and overcome invaders quicker!  So, what does fever symptoms and chiropractic have in common?  A healthy functioning nerve system at the time of a fever will allow your body’s immune system to overcome your invaders faster.  Your master controller of your body is your nerve system.  Fever symptoms are a NATURAL response from our body, conducted via our immune system, controlled by our nerve system.  

A great comparison is looking at why we heat things up to sterilize objects?  To kill things, plain and simple.  Fever symptoms are how a healthy functioning body operates.



Fighting Vertigo

By | ADHD, Asthma, Benefits of Chiropractic

Fighting Vertigo

A sense of dizziness or the world spinning around you can be a very traumatic experience.  In most instances when someone is experiencing vertigo, they will also have other symptoms such as nausea, sweating, vomiting and even headaches.  The major key is not to treat the symptoms of vertigo that are being apparent and mask things, but to go after the cause and look for the root of the cause.  Vertigo occurs due to an injury sustained, accident, trauma, so many different types of variables.  How does vertigo become apparent though?   If your body begins to function improperly and manifests certain characteristics to protect yourself such as in the inner ear, then yes signs and symptoms will become apparent.   What controls everything you do in your body….that is right…NERVES!  Sensory nerves in particular are not functioning at 100% if vertigo is present.

Sensory nerves and your lower brain stem are in particular disarray when vertigo is present.  Communication is not being sent back and forth because a subluxation (what chiropractor’s find and adjust)is present.

Chiropractic speaking, if you do sustain a accident, trauma or a head injury we would examine the spinal column, especially the upper cervical area, specifically called your atlas (C1) and axis (C2).  When an injury occurs and your body goes into protection mode, those spinal bones can move and apply pressure on the nerves and the lower part of your brain stem.  Because, what controls spatial orientation, coordination, and postural tone…..that is right…NERVES!  Specific adjustments to your upper cervical area can restore your communication line and perform uninterrupted.

Even if you have not suffered from an accident, trauma, or injury and still have components of vertigo.  To have your nerve system checked by a chiropractor and to address the cause of your problems is the major premise that can assist and allow your body to HEAL.