The Power Of ‘Advice’

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, chiropractic adjustment, Chiropractic Myths, inflammation, kids chiropractic | No Comments

Age old advice can be misunderstood and often times falls upon deaf ears. Too often we must deal with our own obstacles to actually learn from a life event. Advice, while it is easy to give, often requires the one giving it not to have to lift a finger to accomplish it. When it comes to your health and well-being we have a reliable truth that your body is designed to be healthy. The steps you take to accomplish this daily task of regular health often times comes from ‘advice’.

So take a grain of salt and listen to some words of encouragement, backed up with laws of truth. No advice given here!

Your body is innately designed to keep you healthy on a daily basis. Ultimately running the ‘ship’ is the central nerve system (CNS). For without your CNS daily functions would not occur, thus rendering you useless. Regular check-ups to ensure optimal function of your CNS comes throughout visiting a Chiropractor to check your spinal column for subluxations (misalignment within your spine placing undo stress upon your body).

There is no such thing as “One and done”. If you have been given the advice that a Chiropractor check-up is an emergency situation and after an adjustment the body is automatically restored back to its orginal state then this is bad advice.

Whether the subluxation is an acute or chronic problem it will still require time to properly heal correctly. Just because you cannot see a wound healing within the spinal column does not mean it doesn’t exist. Take your skin for example. If you have ever sustained a deep cut, it can take weeks to months for the skin to heal. Most important here is that the part of your skin that you can see will not be the same as the surrounding skin tissue. Something changed and it did not take overnight!

Take the time to understand that age old adages are what they are! If you skip the healing steps you will miss the healing stages that your body is supposed to go through!

Is It Necessary

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, chiropractic adjustment, Chiropractic Myths | No Comments

Consider the word “necessary.” Often, what is necessary for one is completely different for another. With regards to your health, what is necessary for you? The good news is Chiropractic puts the “care” in health care. Our office utilizes the Gonstead technique which is specific care necessary to your spinal health, and yours alone. No one gets the same adjustment because no one is the same. The care you receive is necessary to you.

If we were to tell you that ‘wellness’ type Chiropractic care is not necessary for you, we would have to also tell you that daily brushing and flossing is not necessary. Yet, the Dental world has done a fantastic job informing people of the necessity concerning regular oral hygiene to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Why do we get lost when it comes to maintaining the function of your spinal column? Typically we can blame the symptom path of our brain.

Most will seek necessary care only when a symptom arrives on their door-step, thus prompting a search for a solution. We don’t start brushing our teeth only when our teeth start falling out do we? Understand that the symptoms your brain tells your conscious is not a reflection of the drugs that you did NOT take. Yet, most will stand in line for the medications and surgery option instead of the lifestyle modifications option.

Your brain is the first computer ever invented, and the spinal cord is like a USB cable, supplying life to every organ, cell, tissue, and gland that you have. Get ‘plugged in’ with Chiropractic care! It is necessary to promote the lifestyle that you want without the use of external stimulants. “While other professions are concerned with changing the environment to suit the weakened body, Chiropractic is concerned with strengthening the body to suit the environment.” – B.J. Palmer. Make your health necessary by utilizing a vitalistic approach that has been tried and tested.

Your Natural Response: Inflammation

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The topic of inflammation is interesting at best. Often times we are bombarded with the newest and latest ways to reduce chronic inflammation within the body, or we succumb to over the counter medicine that is “designed” to reduce inflammation. While exercise and diet are congruent with a healthy lifestyle, external influences will often side-step the true root cause of why the inflammation is present in the first place. Look well to your spine first and foremost.

Basically we know that inflammation is the body’s innate response to counter a response or heal tissue. Your body does this to aid recovery naturally. When the inflammation ensues for an extended period of time, the brain defends itself with alarm messages to create an awareness for action steps that the body needs to take. Think of it this way: your brain decides you should experience an alarm if it believes there is tissue damage or the potential for tissue damage.

Your brain relays these alarm messages through the spinal column, collectively the brain and spinal column, or central nerve system (CNS). This is important because if the brain perceives there is a problem, a healthy highway of information is needed so the spinal nerves transferring all the data back and fourth can constantly feed the brain information.

The tissue cell is where your inflammation occurs. The tissue cell is the smallest organ in the body and maintains the welfare of the whole body. The tissue cells make your organs, and the organs are to serve the “organism,”which is you. When the CNS perceives to generate an immune response to the tissue cell, inflammation is the catalyst/spearhead to generate a response for the tissue. Remember this is a NATURAL occurrence, the CNS is protecting you to keep the function of the body.

Too often we take for granted the CNS and the constant changes it undergoes innately to keep us healthy naturally. Keeping your brain-body communication as accurate as possible is the key to eliminating inflammation at its root. Start with Chiropractic care, for it is proven to be the most natural form of health care out there. “Give me the power to create a fever, and I will cure any disease.” – Hippocrates.