Have Some Humble Pie

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It’s time to recognize the dedication that comes with being “healthy.” Health is an entity that is often misunderstood and taken for granted until one begins to lose health. If you think you’re on track, eat some ‘Humble Pie’ and keep on reading.

Everything we know about the human body stems from its origin through the central nerve system (CNS.) Any organ, cell, tissue, or muscle has a specific design, with its roots originating from the CNS. Still to this very day, every experience that your body encounters is coordinated and processed via your CNS. In other words, you cannot express your life without your CNS.

What needs to occur consistently to reach your health’s potential? Spinal check-ups! Think of your spinal column as a coat of armor that protects your CNS. Through normal wear and tear stress is placed upon this armor and subluxations (spinal misalignments creating nerve inteference) can appear. Without regular spinal check-ups to ensure your armor is in alignment, the body will begin to operate in a dysfunctional state.

Most of us understand that diet, exercise, and rest are important factors for health and well-being. However, many often neglect the system that is able to process your food, break down the proper nutrients, allow your body  to benefit from exercise, and heal tissue cells when it’s time to rest. The CNS of course! If you are under regular Chiropractic care, eat some “Humble Pie!” You are taking your actual health in your own hands.

It’s hard work to sustain your health. Do not be persuaded by trends, fads, quick fixes, or “gizmos”. From The Journal Of The American Medical Association: “The word gizmo refers to a mechanical device or procedure for which the clinical benefit in a specific clinical context is not clearly established.”

We should point out that the principles of Chiropractic are not new. In fact the ancient Greeks and other civilizations used spinal adjustments as a form of early health care. There is no secret or magic formula when it comes to your health. Keep on keeping on! “The physical structure is the basis of medicine”-Hippocrates 

Give Yourself Time To Re-Organize

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Organization is ideal for your life, work, family and household . But it is also important for you.  The body is crated to be organized in a healthy manner. Without this proper organization the body is unable to coordinate and adapt to the loads it is placed under. When we begin to de-clutter the house it is realized that we are doing this to allow proper function of the household – which comes with organization. Same thing with our bodies. Sure it’s great to”feel and look” good, but how about functioning BETTER?!!!

Let us establish that health exists from within the body first and foremost. The central nerve system (CNS) being all there is to sustain all other systems of your body. When we neglect our CNS and accumulate health problems in our life the fast-food mentality of “now” does not fix what has been done. Years of abuse, denial, bad advice and illnesses accumulate until one can no longer recognize the healthy state the body used to be in.

The principle of time – There is no process that does not require time. When you are on the road to recovery understand that it is a road for miles to come. It’s actually better that way. Giving your body the ample time to heal the tissue cells that have become impacted allows your body to re-organize and adapt for future stressors. Instead of sweeping debris under the rug, why not actually take the time to clean it up correctly and go after the actual causes of bad health. And remember time can either be a friend or an enemy. If we do the right things most of the time we will reap the benefits. Contrary, we will have to deal will the effects!

Your body is a temple and when that temple begins to accumulate health problems, organization is key. Health problems are like clutter in your house and you begin to horde them over and over again missing the reality that accumulation of bad habits can happen just like good habits. When organization is lost so goes your health.

By the time many people are ready to take control of their CNS they understand that one adjustment does not suffice. Subluxations (misalignments within the spinal column create dis-coordination creating instability within your health). Cleaning the house the natural way takes time to allow your body to adapt and heal form subluxations that have reorganized matter in a bad way. Take care of your health starting with the CNS, your life depends on it. 

How The Law Of Fear Works

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, energy, High Blood Pressure, immune system | No Comments

The stressful SHIFT is and has been occurring for some time since the COVID. We are talking about the emotional cascade of events that comes as extra baggage with everything associated with the COVID. The message is clear and with it comes the fear, with fear comes STRESS. When fear manifests it SHIFTS the trajectory of ones health for an instant or forever, depending on how well you adapt to the stress. We need to implement specific tactics that allow us to sustain our health.

You might not have FEAR during this time. Fantastic. Your body still begins to shift when your waiting in line at the grocery store and next to you is the person with the Hazmat suit. Be honest, it alters your perception and “can” trigger a stress response.

Specific tactics to enhance your bodies adaptability start with the central nerve system (CNS).  Resilience is our top concern.  Allowing the body to enhance its resiliency in times of chaos begin with a functional and coordinated CNS.
The difference between a bodies immune system that is resilient vs an immune system that is depleted is in the limitations of matter.  And what limits matter? The vertebral subluxation (misalignment within the spinal column) disrupts the communication from brain to body altering and shifting every system within the body (immune system as well) to a dysfunctional state!
The vertebral subluxation-itself a limitation of matter-which occludes an opening producing pressure upon nerves reducing the supply of the producer to the product (limits your brain to body connection and versa).
If there were no vertebral subluxation

  • no occlusion of any verterbal foramina
  • no pressure upon nerves
  • no reduction of supply between producer and product
  • no LIMITATION of product to reproduce the producer

To adjust the subluxation is to advance mankind, up his efficiency, increase his ADAPTABILITY, make him more natural and more at peace within himself. – Chiropractic Philosophy Science And Art

Ensuring health from within begins with addressing your spinal column. Create a new law of health by looking towards your health from within first and foremost. 

Kids Chiropractic Office

By | ADHD, Allergies, Benefits of Chiropractic, chiropractic adjustment, Chiropractic Myths | No Comments

Why kids Chiropractic office? The more important question is- why would we not have an office with a focus on Kids and family? Our approach is not new and it is backed by science, more importantly though its backed by common sense. Becoming aware of making healthy choices for your kids is a process that leads to a fulfilling life for them.

Unfortunately, we have this misconception of something “new”. A newborn child is something “new”. A new vehicle that you buy and drive off the lot is new, looks new, drives new, and yet still along the way will need maintenance to ensure optimal function of those smooth, “new” mechanics. If you do not take care of the necessary precautions or maintenance of a machine it will in turn break down faster.

We have been indoctrinated that kids are “new” and nothing bad can happen to anything “new”. On the contrary. The human body is, and will always be, the first “machine” ever created. Think of it, in with good air and out with bad air. In with good food and out with bad food…etc, etc. Systems (ex. respiratory) of the body are set in place for a purpose to maintain and create health in its existence starting from the minute of birth.

The first system of the body that is created to MAKE all other systems and then regulate, control, and coordinate their actions is the central nerve system (CNS). With such an important infrastructure that the CNS has to maintain on a daily basis, wouldn’t it make sense to get “it” checked to ensure optimal function for a young developing kid?

A subluxation is a misalignment that occurs within the spinal column that disrupts the communication LINK between the brain and the body. And YES, it even happens in kids. It can even happen during the birthing process or during the first time you are breast feeding your child. We are not one to speculate on how the subluxation occurred, we are here to show awareness of what needs to happen. Chiropractic check-ups to ensure optimal development from within the body. A healthy spine is foundational key for a healthy CNS which equals a healthy child.

How Much Are You Worth?

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, chiropractic adjustment, immune system | No Comments

How much are you worth? What’s the criteria we are measuring? Your health. How much is your health worth to you? Invaluable should be the answer you are looking for. A sense of urgency is what keeps your health ESSENTIAL all the time. Not just during seasons of life when something “bad” happens like the COVID. Invest in your health on a daily basis and the outcomes will be reaped for the long-term.

How much is your health worth to you? Unfortunately we have raised a society where bad health is really expensive, and price tags begin to add up when we neglect our health. Especially during this season of our life and everyone being directly impacted by the happenings of our world.

If this season of life is your wake-up call, fantastic then! Use it to your advantage and begin a life of health. Start with your central nerve system. It controls and made every part of you. Sound like your worth enough now?

In the study of Chiropractic we cannot emphasize enough the concept of prevention. From the minute of conception to the minute of death your life is run and controlled via your master control system – the central nerve system. Chiropractic ensures optimal efficiency and coordination with the central nerve system by adjusting specific areas of interference.

When spinal imbalances occur, a subluxation (misalignment within the spine placing stress upon a single nerve) lowers the body’s adaptability threshold. Your bodies adaptability is referring to how you respond to stressors and how you are able to overcome health problems that arise.

Instead of waiting for things to happen, why not take the stance of being PRO-active. Be honest with yourself and own your health now instead of attempting to “get” it back later. An old adage of health is as such – ” Young man who spends his time to gather wealth will neglect his health, and later in life will spend his wealth to gather his health.” Own your health now and invest in what you were born with.


Time To Recover

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Too soon? Of course not! We have to start somewhere and now is a perfect time to start. The principle of time – There is no process that does not require time. Now, more than ever we need to start the discussion of the road to recovery. In Chiropractic care we enforce this principle on a daily basis, there is no such thing as the quick fix, “the magic adjustment”, or any other fallacies that Chiropractic is a one and done paradigm. Gaining a state of constant homeostasis is necessary for continued health…meaning time is a necessity.

Adapting to stressors is of great importance to being optimally healthy. This, of course, is a practical impossibility to achieve as a constant. A startle reflex is born into us (Adaptability). So, what do we do? We need to adapt and recover in a controlled and quick recoup from the stressors in life. Consistently adapt and recover when and how we need to. Trust the master control system – The Central Nerve System to make coordinated actions to allow the body to be intelligent and work with unity and proper arrangement.

How IMPORTANT is the Central Nerve System – science showed that in cancer patients with tumors the doctors thought that severing the nerve supplying the tumor cells would diminish the tumor and the cancer would regress. On the contrary the complete opposite happened and the cancer would overtake the patients. This making clear the Central Nerve System was slowing the spread and destruction of the cancer.

In order to accomplish a sense of healing and adapting the Central Nerve System need be free of any limitations that directly impacts its coordination. Subluxations (misalignments within the spinal column) place undo stress upon the Central Nerve System creating incoordination in our bodies ability to adapt appropriately. Communication signals between the brain and body keep homeostasis constantly in a state of union. Whenever there is a disruption in the normal movement of the vertebrae in your spine, health will begin to suffer and dysfunction will take over. Silver Lining? WE ARE GOOD AT HELPING YOU!

Attacking Stress From Within

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The current situation in the world today is stressful. At Basler Family Chiropractic we are continuing to sustain our normal routine spinal check-ups. We have made modifications and updated standard operating procedures to keep up with guidelines. With the stress that builds up during this current situation it is our job to make sure your central nerve system is free of any interference and functioning to its optimal potential to enable your body to adapt appropriately during these times.

Chiropractic does not cure anything. The science of Chiropractic is not based upon a “cure” it is based solely on adaptability. Principle No. 24 The Limits Of Adaptation. Innate Intelligence adapts forces and matter for the body as long as it can do so without breaking a universal law, or Innate Intelligence is limited by the limitations of matter.

Attacking your stress from within happens through your central nerve system. Whether you believe it or not, every human experience you have is controlled, processed, and coordinated through your central nerve system.

When your stress begins to accumulate you begin to change the trajectory of your health from within. How so? Through your central nerve system which controls the tissue cell of every organ, gland, and muscles of your body. The top three hormones that change your outlook and breed more stress are:

·  Cortisol

·  Adrenaline

·  Noreprenephrine

The more you welcome stress the more you change your health and well-being. This changes your state of adaptability and will result in incoordination of your immune system and every system for that matter. It curves your bodies ability to adapt and respond in a timely healthy manner.

By focusing on the central nerve system the bodies autonomic nerve system is better able to coordinate and function. A large study included 520 subjects receiving a single Chiropractic adjustment, and 111 subjects receiving care for a period of four weeks. Consistent significant increased total power of HRV (heart rate variability) was reported. The authors stated that results signified a return of healthy autonomic nerve system coordination upon the Chiropractic adjustment of vertebral subluxation. (Sinnott)

It’s the inside that counts. By taking care of the central nerve system you will limit the stress hormones that come with it. Your body knows what to do to heal itself. Chiropractic works by restoring the natural, innate connection between the body and the brain. 

How Would You Define Being Healthy?

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, chiropractic adjustment, Chiropractic Myths, kids chiropractic | No Comments

Where does health come from? This question itself is bigger than the short paragraphs that we can provide you with. In order to understand health you must understand the body and the ca pabilities it holds. The current paradigm of “health” that most people assimilate with was based in 1948 post World War II and is still the current model.

With this general concept of what health is we started to become a society based on palliative care and started to turn away from the idea that the body could and would heal from within. Palliative care is based upon relieving the signs and symptoms without dealing with the actual cause of what CAUSED the signs and symptoms in the first place. Why do two people drink from a fountain and only one gets “sick”?

1948 World Health Organization definition of health: “A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. So, just because you don’t have a disease makes you healthy? Far from the truth. Every day you have the choice to make healthy decisions or unhealthy decisions that will alter and change the trajectory of your bodies ability to ADAPT to the stressors you place upon it.

If you start to take up rowing, your hands begin to blister from the new repetition that your body places upon it. Instead of ‘treating’ the blisters with medicine and remedies your body is designed to callus over the blisters and adapt in accordance with the stressors that you place upon your hands.

In Chiropractic, we are solely based upon the adaptability paradigm. We not only have a philosophy of what health is, the science has been there and still continues to support the TRUE definition of health. The bodies ability to remain healthy is innately within all of us and at the center of this health is the central nerve system. Every organ in the body is connected to the one under your hat – B.J. Palmer. Change your paradigm…change your health.

Healthy Kids Education

By | ADHD, Asthma, Benefits of Chiropractic

Healthy Kids Education

Healthy kids education?  Healthy kids is what each parent wants and looks to achieve during their lifespan.  When we think of healthy kids our first thought is typically free of disease and symptoms.  Unfortunately, this is not the case for the growing trend in our society.  As a chiropractor I come under the title of doctor, my mentors and schooling taught me that doctor means “teacher”.  It is our responsibility to inform and educate about why you see a chiropractor and the endless health choices that come under specific chiropractic care.  One of the first duties of the physician is to educate the masses not to take medicine – Sir William Osler.  When it comes to health we have been masked to believe that it comes in the form of a lotion, pill or needle.  Our body was not designed to process artificial stimulation on a continual basis, it is not the natural order.  The body was designed to heal on its own accord and it takes time to heal.

To impact our society we need to focus on the kids.  Healthy kids begins with the upbringing, foundation of healthy eating, regular exercise, and positive emotional stimulation.  When it comes to their overall well-being and health related issues, chiropractors are primary health care doctors.  The first physical trauma that we all experience is birth, regardless of how amazing it is, it is still traumatic.  Right then you should be wanting your child checked to make sure that their nerve system is properly functioning.  Nerves and chiropractic, the two words go hand in hand.  Chiropractors are nerve system specialists who remove interference in the body by specifically adjusting subluxations.  A subluxation occurs when stress is placed on a spinal nerve, thus in turn creating dysfunction within the body.

Healthy kids start with a healthy functioning nerve system.  All processes that begin with signs and symptoms have an origin, a malfunctioning nerve system.  Think of some common childhood health problems: ear infections, colic, constipation, colds, etc.  If the immune system is compromised then the nerve system controlling this has to be compromised to an extent.  So, what do we do if our kids have signs and symptoms?  Get their nerve system checked!  Want to boost their immune system the natural way?  Want to help strengthen their immunity and potentially reduce the incidence of general illness?  No drugs required!  Regular chiropractic adjustments to ensure their optimal potential leads to healthy kids!