It’s time to recognize the dedication that comes with being “healthy.” Health is an entity that is often misunderstood and taken for granted until one begins to lose health. If you think you’re on track, eat some ‘Humble Pie’ and keep on reading.
Everything we know about the human body stems from its origin through the central nerve system (CNS.) Any organ, cell, tissue, or muscle has a specific design, with its roots originating from the CNS. Still to this very day, every experience that your body encounters is coordinated and processed via your CNS. In other words, you cannot express your life without your CNS.
What needs to occur consistently to reach your health’s potential? Spinal check-ups! Think of your spinal column as a coat of armor that protects your CNS. Through normal wear and tear stress is placed upon this armor and subluxations (spinal misalignments creating nerve inteference) can appear. Without regular spinal check-ups to ensure your armor is in alignment, the body will begin to operate in a dysfunctional state.
Most of us understand that diet, exercise, and rest are important factors for health and well-being. However, many often neglect the system that is able to process your food, break down the proper nutrients, allow your body to benefit from exercise, and heal tissue cells when it’s time to rest. The CNS of course! If you are under regular Chiropractic care, eat some “Humble Pie!” You are taking your actual health in your own hands.
It’s hard work to sustain your health. Do not be persuaded by trends, fads, quick fixes, or “gizmos”. From The Journal Of The American Medical Association: “The word gizmo refers to a mechanical device or procedure for which the clinical benefit in a specific clinical context is not clearly established.”
We should point out that the principles of Chiropractic are not new. In fact the ancient Greeks and other civilizations used spinal adjustments as a form of early health care. There is no secret or magic formula when it comes to your health. Keep on keeping on! “The physical structure is the basis of medicine”-Hippocrates