Heartburn Relief

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

Heartburn Relief

Heartburn also known as GERD if it is reoccurring long term, and the relief: chiropractic.  Some peeps will over indulge in some high protein meats, some solid carbs, or have a one time exposure to some over stimulated habanaro peppers and experience some heartburn.  Heartburn occurs when some digestive juices or contents of our stomach get past our stomach barrier and seep into our esophagus.  Heartburn and chiropractic share a story.  Let us tell you more!  First, let us talk about hiatial hernias.  Heartburn relief can be futile if a hiatal hernia is present.  Hiatal hernias are often over-looked when it comes to heartburn.  Some peeps have hiatal hernias and do not even realize it.  Why?  Your body enters protection mode and your body begins to defend itself.  The diaphragm will enlarge and the muscles will apply pressure on the stomach thus creating your heartburn.  If you have your nerves checked, which control the muscles you can reduce the hiatal hernia by effecting the muscles.  Proper nerve communication = proper GI function.

Heartburn relief can come in the form of chiropractic.  Chiropractic being safe, natural, and allowing your body to heal which ensures a strengthened overall system.  Heartburn relief can be accomplished through chiropractic care due to regular maintenance of the spine, which directly controls the nerves!  Chiropractors are nerve system specialists!  If you have experienced heartburn, your body is letting you know something is wrong….red flags should go up!  Then after you try and cover-up the heartburn relief with some dope it just becomes a repetitive cycle.  Pain will eventually show up in your mid-back region.  The actual sensation of pain is and will always be the last thing to show up!  Your nerves finally have had enough and…..HELLO PAIN!  Heartburn relief comes through chiropractic because we address the cause of your signs and symptoms.  By establishing proper connection to the muscles and barriers of your stomach and esophagus which are located in the mid back region, your heartburn relief is in the picture.  Heartburn relief is established when your nerve communication is established, not with dope, not with any form of cutting.

Why A Chiropractor

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

Why A Chiropractor

Have some lower back pain….probably need to see a chiropractor.  Yes and No.  A chiropractor can help you with the lower back pain but there is much…..much more to it than that.  Why a chiropractor?  Example here we go!   7 years old and ba-BOOM you suffer from a limiting cold that makes you bedridden for some time.  Not only does this place a chemical stress on your body, but also a physical stress on your body as well, for the limited motion due to the fact that life is motion (remember I said you were bedridden for some time).  So, what happens next  either we understand how our bodies work and our parents take us to a chiropractor and let our bodies heal itself or we begin to take some dope and mask things up.    Let us go with the dope, so your body doesn’t overcome anything and we think we are better.  Well things will add up and catch back up to us.  For the sake of this blog let us fast-forward 20 years down the road.  The same individual who has been popping dope to mask symptoms up their entire life finally hits rock bottom and their body just says no.  The fact of the matter is that each time this individual had a cold, their body had a failure to adapt.  Their immune system had a failure to adapt to a stress on their body.  Their body gave them plenty of opportunities, due to the fact that your body didn’t “get over” anything!  Their functioning was lowered, their potential was lowered and they would never get stronger from opportunities due to the fact that they would take dope each time.

Why a chiropractor?  A chiropractor will allow your body to adapt to the stressors in life (such as a limiting cold when you were 7 years old) and allowing your body to become stronger.  When the very first big cold hit at 7 years old and instead of taking some dope we should have had our nerves checked.  Why our nerves?  Your nerves control all that you body does and will do for you.  You have a bad experience in life such as a cold…you blame your immune system, which is controlled by your nerve system (so you should blame your nerves).  Allowing your body  to adapt and overcome to the chemical stress and physical stress that you went through at the age of 7.  Set the right precedent. Set the right example.  Fast-forward 20 years down the road and if a chiropractor is in your life then you overcome obstacles faster, your body is stronger, your body functions the way you want it to.  Things will not add up and catch back up to us because we allow our body to adapt.  Hope not dope!  Why a chiropractor….why not?

Chiropractic vs ADHD

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Chiropractic vs ADHD

Chiropractic does not have medicine nor does it treat ADHD.  Chiropractic does not use a class II narcotic drug called Ritalin to suppress our children’s signs and symptoms.  When our children are distracted by their surroundings, have an inability to concentrate, and inattentive to possibly name a few of signs as parents we enter protection mode for our children.    We begin to attack their diet and look for food insensitivity, reactions, anything that might develop occurrences or flareups.  While monitoring the diet is a crucial natural step in the right direction, more can be done.  Chiropractic offers a non-drug and non-invasive method that targets the underlying problems and not just the symptoms.  When signs and symptoms of motor imbalance are apparent, something is working harder than it should be and something else is not working.  There has to be a controlled balance in order for proper development.  If our children’s motor development is in influx and motor activity is hyperactive, people begin to think ADHD.  Chiropractic does not treat nor cure, it allows your child suffering from ADHD to heal from within…naturally.

Let us take a look at chiropractic real quick for a re-cap.  Chiropractic deals specifically with the nerve system which controls all other systems.  Chiropractors check your nerve system and perform specific chiropractic adjustments to spinal vertebrae that become misaligned (subluxated) and cause dysfunction in your body, by acting (pressure) upon our nerves.  Chiropractic allows your children’s communication to run the way it should!  If the transmission is blocked from the brain to our muscles, GI system, respiratory, etc etc, then communication will be in influx causing dysfunction.  If your child is suffering from symptoms associated with ADHD then the time to act is now.  Chiropractic deals with the nerve system naturally.  Chiropractors are trained to identify neurological deficits and symptoms and overcome with healing from within.  No drugs, no dope, just letting the body heal the way it was designed.  Having your child’s nerve system checked to remove interference is something only chiropractic deals with.  Get checked!