Stop the insanity. Expecting the same results over and over again is not an ideal situation to be in. When it comes to your health, there will always be the latest and greatest health trend to emerge and last for a short while. Why? Often times, the things that are the hardest and yet simplest to perform, are overlooked by public interest growing a new trend. When it comes to your health, the foundation starts and ends with the central nerve system.
A teacher and a student were walking along a riverbank talking about life. When both of them noticed someone in the river drowning. The student immediately jumped in to save the drowning individual and pull them to safety. As the teacher and student continued their walk they noticed another person in the river drowning, once again the student jumps in to save the person and pull them to safety. As they continued their walk this event continued to happen and finally the teacher kept walking to find the cause. The teacher, instead of saving the drowning individuals, searched for the cause and found that these people were jumping off a bridge.
This is a simple story to gain insight on addressing the cause instead of performing the same actions over and over with little to no results. Rescuing drowning people is a noble quest, yet addressing the cause and educating before they jump is even more noteworthy.
Everyone should know something about the spine which protects your central nerve system. That knowledge would give all people a much better understanding of one of the marvels of the body. It would enable each individual to reason the “how and why” of ill health. When it is understood that every tissue cell, and every organ of the body is connected to and controlled by the central nerve system, then one can more readily grasp the importance of maintaining a spine free of dysfunction.