Myth: Chiropractic Is Addictive
You have probably heard people say that once you start seeing a chiropractor you have to keep coming back. Or that chiropractic is addictive. While these statements are not factual, they do have some merit when in the proper context. When you understand how the body operates and was designed, being healthy becomes simple.
Being Healthy Is Addictive
Chiropractic is addictive or being healthy is addictive? One is in the same. Chiropractic is the study of life and what continues to make man live and be HEALTHY. So, let’s break chiropractic down into general principles. Chiropractic does not remove anything from your body (surgery), it does not add anything to your body (pills), it does not perform external interventions (lasers, lotions, potions, etc.). After eliminating all extraneous “stuff”, chiropractic sounds pretty basic in this day and age of health trends. Where does the addiction come from? It comes from choice.
Adapting Is Addictive
When you understand that the human body is designed to adapt and heal itself, health becomes addictive. Why would you want to take, consume, or limit your body from what it actually needs? Where does adapting come from? It comes from within your body, or it is innately given. Innate intelligence – the mission of innate intelligence is to maintain the material of the body of a “living thing” in active organization – Chiropractic Text Book.
Living Through The Inside
The inside for this matter is the brain and spinal cord (collectively called the central nerve system, or CNS). What is the importance of the CNS? It made every organ, cell, tissue, and material of your body. Every second the CNS is maintaining your life. When the CNS has stress placed on it, the body begins to mal-adapt and become dysfunctional. Regular check-ups via your chiropractor ensure that you have proper connection flowing through your CNS. A healthy lifestyle begins from taking care of your CNS. Being healthy is addictive.