Children Chiropractic
Children chiropractic is straight to the point here. The greatest wealth that anyone can have is their health. Children chiropractic is safe and effective for newborns, infants, toddlers, kids, youngster, teens, you name it! We think of a pinched nerve or having lower back for people who need to see the chiropractor. A subluxation can be substituted for a pinched nerve in this case. A misaligned vertebrae applies pressure to your nerve system thus creating a subluxation (pinched nerve). Guess what? 95% of infants have misalignments after birth. Colic, poor sleep, failure to latch, are some examples of nerve dysfunction. Everything that a young child is developing has to come through a clear and connected nerve system. We learn through taste, smell, vision, touch and hearing, all which require a healthy functioning nerve system.
The best immune system that our children have is within their own body. As we continue to see a rise in diagnosis in children, ADHD, autism, allergies, sensory processing disorders, and asthma just to name a few there has to be a reason. The reason is the nerve system. If there is stress on your master control system (nerve system) then your child will exhibit signs and symptoms. Children chiropractic is essential for a young developing individual. Chiropractors are not going to perform surgery, prescribe medicine, or take anything away from your body. Chiropractic allows your child to heal and adapt to their environment. Probably in the first time of history, our children are sicker than the previous generation. Physically, developmentally, and emotionally our children are suffering. Children chiropractic is not based off of our current medical model. In contrast chiropractic is on complete opposite paradigms then “western medicine.” The sheer power of the nerve system to affect the body and general state of health is amazing. All the nerve system needs is to make sure that it is connected and free of subluxation’s (pinched nerves). Children chiropractic is HEALTH CARE.