Learn About ‘Allergies’

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Learn About ‘Allergies’

Allergies.  What is really  happening to your body?  The immune system becomes confused by some sort of foreign substance or object and creates a response.  A HEALTHY response is one that occurs for a limited amount of time. The term allergen only becomes involved when your body does not adapt to the foreign invader.  Don’t become confused with what your body innately knows and what the commercials tell you. Just because “allergy medicine” is readily publicized as the “natural remedy” doesn’t mean that your body doesn’t have it’s own innate ability to adapt.  A hypersensitivity is a learning exercise for your body. Don’t suppress it with over the counter medication. Your body won’t learn from it.

Healthy Inside = Timed Response

When the central nerve system is in a healthy state, inadvertently the spine is in a healthy state.  Hence, the ‘healthy inside’. When the spine is placed under duress and a subluxation manifests, it puts the body in a constant state of dis-ease.  So, automatically, your CNS is stressed out which will alter the function and the precise coordinated attack of the immune system. When a nerve becomes inflamed sometimes it fires too much.  Sometimes it fires too little. In either case, whenever a nerve becomes irritated the body cannot function correctly. The immune system keeps attacking the foreign substance and keeps feeling threatened over and over again.  It’s like ‘saying uncle’ over and over and no one listens or stops what’s happening. Your immune response should be precisely timed to learn from the foreign substance and ADAPT.

Reducing The S Word… Stress

Symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose and watery eyes can cause added stress for allergy sufferers and may even be the root of the stress for some.  With regular spinal check-ups, you can ensure that your CNS is functioning in an optimal state and reduce and minimize the amount of spinal strain that it places on your CNS.  There is an intimate connection that exists between your CNS and your immune system. There are measurable improvements in immune function within minutes after a spinal adjustment.  This is measured by antibodies in the saliva. Don’t wait to get your spine checked. Eliminate the possibility of foreign substances creating a foothold in your immune system. Fire back and heal!

Banish Seasonal Allergies Naturally

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Banish Seasonal Allergies Naturally

Fall in love with taking care of yourself. Focus on creating a lifestyle that supports your mind, body and your spirit. Don’t rely or turn to medicine and its probability.  Seasonal allergies do not have to hold you back from the world you want to experience. This is not a gimmick, fad or a sale.  Seasonal allergies become apparent when your body is failing to heal and adapt to the stress placed on it.

Why Do Seasonal Allergies Occur?

There are two obvious reasons.  First, we begin to spend more time outside and begin to acclimate to the changes that are occurring.  Secondly, your body is responding to the allergens that have technically always been here.  When the irritant/allergen is inhaled, eaten or touched, the body produces specific antibodies called immunoglobulin, which triggers the release of histamines. Once released, histamines begin ravaging the body. Blood pressure drops, nearby blood vessels dilate, and the spaces between surrounding cells fill with fluid.  This inflammatory response launches a cascade of miserable symptoms, from itching and sneezing to nausea and vomiting.

The Chemical Cascade of Histamines

If two people are standing right next to each other, breathing the same air, why would Person A start producing mucus buildup and sneezing while Person B is completely fine?  What is the difference?  It’s the same air quality for both.  There are MANY factors that are the same and MANY that are different.  Ultimately, it depends on person A’s central nerve system (CNS) and how it responds and processes the air.  Person A will begin to produce more histamines, but then will typically go to Walgreen’s and buy Anti-Histamines.  Person A fails to realize that their body is still making histamines and their “cure” is a cover-up for a couple hours.  They never truly address the cause.

Chiropractic “Heals” The Body

Chiropractors are nerve system specialists.  We focus on subluxations (misalignment’s in the spine) that irritate the CNS and cause damage to your tissues cells.  Cells of the immune system and inflammatory cells receive orders and communicate in their response via the CNS.  Stress can be defined as “a state of disharmony or threatened homeostasis provoked by psychological, environmental, and physiological stressors.”  By removing subluxations, your body is able to adapt and heal from the so called “seasonal allergies”.  Why deal with symptoms when you can go straight to the cause with chiropractic!

How You “Think” Doesn’t Impact My Health…Think Again!

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Thinking Doesn’t Impact My Health…Think Again!

Think About What You Think About

Most people would suspect that physical trauma is the number one reason why people seek Chiropractic care.  But in actuality, the number one reason why people seek care is due to how they think, or emotional stress.  How you think directly impacts your health.  Early Chiropractic philosophy stated that “Auto-Suggestions” was one reason why people would seek care.  It was their inability to adapt to their own auto-suggestions.  Today we supplement the phrase auto-suggestions with stress.  Stress is what brings people into the office.  Our thinking process either creates positive affirmations or emotional stress.

The Chemical Break-Down of Thinking

When your body begins to become bombarded with obligations such as bills, taxes, and daily routines, internal changes occur that alter your thought process.  Chemically, your internal monolog will increase adrenalin, blood glucose, cortisol, and even cholesterol levels.  Serotonin will be the one chemical that actually decreases as a result of stress.  Serotonin, commonly known as the “happiness chemical”, is a huge factor in your mood and getting quality sleep to rest your body.

The Physiological Response to Thinking

The chemicals in the previous paragraph will begin to alter your brain activity and how your body responds.  So, how you think now will begin to impact your health in a way you can understand…in a way that you actually feel. Your quality of sleep is severely depleted, your immune system is compromised, heart rate will spike, and your blood pressure will begin to rise.  Along with these noticeable symptoms, you will also feel increased muscle tension and knots along the spine.  All of this as a result of your thinking!

Chiropractic Can Change How You Think

When the spine is properly aligned and free of interference, your thought process is limited in its negative abilities.  After receiving a specific chiropractic adjustment, there is a 99% correlation that your pre-frontal cortex becomes enhanced.  What does this mean?  The pre-frontal cortex of your brain controls planning, complex cognitive behavior, personality, expression, decision making, and moderating social behavior.  In simple terms, it controls how you think.  Specific chiropractic adjustments help the positive thought process.  Stay adjusted, stay positive!




Pediatric Chiropractic Care – The Establishment Of Health

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Pediatric Chiropractic Care – The Establishment of Health

The First Trauma That Goes Unrecognized

When establishing health, always look towards the spine first.  Why?  The brain was the first “thing” that was made in utero. The brain then made the spinal cord and a protective coat of armor called the spine / spinal bones / vertebrae.  By accessing the health of the spine, we are accessing the entire health of the body.  The first trauma that your spine endures is the birth process.  This is often neglected and forgotten about because of the euphoric feeling that happens after a new born is brought into the world.  Early labor, active labor, delivery and the overall birth itself is stressful on a newborn.  We cannot stress enough the importance of pediatric chiropractic following birth.

Pediatric Chiropractic Care

If you want the best for your child, get them checked immediately after the birth process and continue from there.  A subluxation is an irritated nerve fiber that places undo stress upon the central nerve system.  A subluxation can be created through the birth process.  The only way to know is to get checked following birth.  Your spine is literally the backbone of your body’s ability to function properly. The focus of chiropractic care is to remove any physiological blocks to the proper expression of the body’s innate wisdom.  Pediatric chiropractic adjustments are gentle and noninvasive on your child.

The Numbers Are Not In Our Favor

Check out these statistics about the United States and the growing epidemics in our children.  These numbers are silent in nature and only hit home when it is our child that is affected.  Birth traumas that went uncorrected and neglected increased risk of autism five-fold.

  • Autism 1 in 45 children
  • Attention Deficit 1 in 10 children
  • Asthma 1 in 10 children
  • Allergies 1 in 4 children
  • Diabetes 1 in 4 children
  • Obesity 1 in 3 children
  • Major Depression 1 in 2 children

We are not saying that birth trauma causes these numbers or does not cause these numbers.  You have two choices…Stress Vulnerability or Stress Resiliency.  In our office and the community we are reaching, we are committed to Stress Resiliency Care in our office.  Pediatric chiropractic care is the foundation to health.

Chiropractic And Allergies

By | Allergies, Benefits of Chiropractic

Chiropractic And Allergies

Hereditary, pollen, food, itching, swelling, histamines, just a couple of words that people associate allergies with.  How about associating allergies with immune system function and response?  More importantly the role between chiropractic and allergies.  Why do some people respond differently to some things than others do? Let’s begin our crash course in the body.  Your central nerve system controls and processes all incoming and outgoing information (so, everything that you do, think, or want to do) and yes, it controls and regulates the immune system.  Basically, your central nerve system is like the control tower at the airport, if there is a bad experience with allergies and your body, blame the control tower not the planes.

Now, your control tower is very smart and intelligent and tells your immune system to release histamines when something attacks your body.  This is what your body is supposed to do, naturally!  If something such as a subluxation (vertebrae causing dysfunction in the nerve system) causes dysfunction in the control tower, then proper messages to and from that immune system are not going to be connected properly.  What can be a consequence?  Improper releasing of histamines in your body!  So, the solution that we hopefully ponder is to take anti-histamines and suppress our immune system?  Taking something externally to “fix” something internally just does not sound right, it’s just a patch-job (if that, sounds more like insanity).  Recognize, that a subluxation is a deep and nasty thing that goes on for a prolonged period of time and basically just festers in your body causing all sorts of dysfunction.  Understand dysfunction reveals itself initially by signs and symptoms and we begin to live with them and think it is normal for us.  What does chiropractic and allergies have in common?  In chiropractic we seek to find the cause of the dysfunction.   Chiropractic and allergies you need to realize is not a cure, it’s healing, and in healing your body overall becomes stronger.  Have your nerves checked for possible subluxations causing dysfunction within your body.


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The Uncompromising Allergies Symptoms

By | ADHD, Allergies, Benefits of Chiropractic

The Uncompromising Allergies Symptoms

Allergies symptoms seem to sprout up during the spring season.  As we are gearing up for some amazing hikes, water time, and just being outside we might become limited with possible allergies acting up.  After experiencing a “flare up” it can become very debilitating and self-limiting.  So, let’s boost that immune system the only natural way that does not involve taking anything!  Have your nerves checked for vertebral subuxations (dysfunction in the nerve system).  Am I saying that a vertebral subluxation causes allergies symptoms?  No.  I am saying your body’s immune system is compromised if a vertrebral subluxation is present.  Dysfunction in the nerve system causes signs and symptoms to appear in your body.  Runny nose, irritated eyes, and sinus pressure can be very debilitating.  While you might think it is  “normal” that you always have these signs and symptoms, there has to be a CAUSE; a root to the problem.

Chiropractic has been helping individuals combat allergies symptoms for some time and will continue to do so.  The way chiropractors do this is by addressing and finding the CAUSE.  The cause is the vertebral subluxation that compromises optimal function.  Without proper function the immune system becomes compromised.  Allow your body to heal with proper communication via chiropractic.  Chiropractic adjustments do not cure or treat your signs and symptoms.  Chiropractic adjustments enable your body to adapt and allow your nerve system to be properly connected to your immune, GI, and all body systems.  Over 50 trillion cells in your body and these all need to make sure they are functioning to their correct ability.  This is accomplished by a healthy functioning nerve system.  Millions of people are suffering from allergies symptoms.  Restore proper communication to your body’s immune system and enjoy the natural wonders of our state worry free.  

A 2013 study1 reported that chiropractic adjustments were effective at increasing lung functioning, and some recent research2 shows that chiropractic care can help reduce the symptoms of asthma in some children.


  1. Engel RM, Vemulpad SR, Beath K. Short-term effects of a course of manual therapy and exercise in people with moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a preliminary clinical trial. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 2013;36(8):490-6
  2. Pepino VC, Ribeiro JD, Ribeiro MA, de Noronha M, Mezzacappa MA, Schivinski CI. Manual therapy for childhood respiratory disease: A systematic review. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 2013;36(1):57-65.