Stress Less

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Stress Less

Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress…and more Stress!  Would you like to guess the number one reason why individuals visit a chiropractic office?  Stress!  Want to stress less?  Hear what we have to say:  Chiropractic is just not low back and headaches.  Subluxation (pinched nerve) is what chiropractors find and correct.  A subluxation inhibits the communication between brain to organ, cell, tissue, gland, etc.  If the communication is blocked between brain and vital component of body, safe to say there has to be some component of stress involved.  Now, if you’re thinking that stress is just something you “think” about, you are partially correct.  If it was just something we thought about, stressing less would be easy to accomplish.  If you are chronically thinking about paying bills, speaking in public, or passing your classes then yes, “thinking/emotions” will plague your body with stress.  What about physical stress?  Repetitive motion, car accidents, jumping out of airplanes, yes, that is all physical stress on your body.  What about toxicity in your body?  Medication, too much alcohol, eating in excess, can all be toxic stress on your body.  These different types of stress (emotional, physical, toxic) affects the entire body.

From a whole body approach what can be done?  Exercise and maintain your current day to day diet!  Have your nerve system checked for possible subluxations (stress) on a consistent basis.  Allow your master control system to function at its up-most potential. That is the key to stress less.  Now, if you allow your body to heal and adapt from the emotional physical and toxic stress on your body, then you have nothing to fret about!  Use signs and symptoms as a way to realize what is going on with your body.  Weight gain, digestive problems, heart problems and many more are possible signs and symptoms that there is stress on your nerve system.  To stress less make sure your nerve system is clear and free of possible subluxations.  Remember, everyone was born to be healthy!


Pretty Poor Posture

By | ADHD, Asthma, Benefits of Chiropractic

Pretty Poor Posture


Posture is your body’s alignment when sitting, standing, walking, and any basic movement.  The center focus of our alignment is our spinal column and consistent with those structures is your overall skeletal system.  Your musculoskeletal system is then responsible for holding that skeletal system in place.  Guess what just so happens to control and maintain proper function in both of these systems?  The NERVE SYSTEM, your body’s only master control system.  Poor posture wreaks havoc on our society and it does not seem to be getting any better.  Poor posture is a direct result of stress that your body “learns” to deal with.  Stress is placed on your body physically, mentally, and chemically.

Example- We undergo gravity our entire life, our skeletal system keeps us up right, muscle holds bones together, nerves make sure everything is functioning correctly.  Then stress is applied to our nerve system such as a subluxation (pinched nerve).  If that “pinched nerve” is not capable of sending the correct message from the brain to the muscle to make sure the muscle holds, what is the consequence?  Poor posture!  Now, this is just one example of how poor posture can show itself.

From a structural aspect, your spine will twist, curve, and form to the stress that is placed on your body.  Imagine that your spine is like a telephone pole.  The telephone poles are supposed to be strong, durable, and most important, straight and allow proper communication to go forth.  Your spine, when you look at someone straight on (head-to-head) should be straight; when looking at someone from the side there should be 3 curves in the spinal column.  Much like when stress is placed on the telephone pole the messages and communication are inhibited or severely altered.  The same with your spine, if poor posture is evident that equals stress on your nerve system.  Stress on your nerve system leads to disconnection from your brain to your organs, cells, tissues, glands, etc.

We think of poor posture as more of a cosmetic problem when, in essence, it is a health problem.  Poor posture has a direct correlation with the disease process.  Inhibit messages from brain to vital organs and things stop working correctly.  Chiropractic realizes this correlation with your posture and your overall health.  Specific X-rays are utilized so that your spine and your care is personalized and geared towards you!  Have your nerve checked!


Walk In Chiropractic

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

Walk In Chiropractic

Who’s a “walk in” chiropractic?  It’s not a who, but a what!  At Carlson Chiropractic Offices we are able to allow people to call unexpectedly and provide walk in chiropractic care.  Now, we should establish some ground rules first.  The reason we have this option available is because everyone is living life, and sometimes your nerves do some crazy things.  You never know when to expect the unexpected.  There are certain office procedures that are required, new paperwork, consultation, neurological assessment,  and X-ray images to access the integrity of the spinal column.  All of these procedures are required and performed for individuals who have scheduled an appointment beforehand.  The number one reason why we provide walk in chiropractic is because you can never be too “busy” to provide health care for families.

Walk in chiropractic is more of a saying than an event these days.  Most individuals will Google something and call a chiropractic office and schedule a new appointment the same day and that is considered walk in chiropractic.  Guess what?  That works!  Now, if it just so happens that we do have a walk in, during a time in our schedule that is not ideal what happens?  IF we are not able to give you the time that you need and deserve, we happen to know a lot of other chiropractors that are willing to help.  There really is not a lot you can say about walk in chiropractic.  Our goal and our intention is to provide specific chiropractic care for everyone that gives us the opportunity.  Opportunity is always available here at Carlson Chiropractic Offices.  We are in the office and helping others Monday – Saturday in the Kalispell, MT community.

The Gut Immune System Connection

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

The Gut Immune System Connection

The gut immune system connection is an interesting concept that deserves answers for those searching with questions regarding their children’s health.  As the rise of ADHD, ADD, Autism, Allergies, Sensory Processing, and other complications, parents need answers.  So, the chiropractic view goes something like this: [A subluxation is dysfunction in our nerve system (stress), dysfunction creates disconnect between messages from the brain to organs, cells, tissues, glands, everything.]  A subluxation is pressure upon a nerve, some people might call it a pinched nerve.  A subluxation creates dysfunction in your nerve system which, is basically a road-block to all your other systems in your body.  More importantly, the gut immune system.  So, if a road-block is present, your body recognizes stress, cortisol levels increase, inflammation is produced, and your body starts to attack itself.  Chiropractors are nerve system specialists that check the spinal nerves for possible interference and then if necessary adjust.  One of the most common nerves affected in our children when the immune system is not working correctly is the Vagus Nerve.  Remember, subluxation is pressure upon a nerve which causes disconnection from brain to organs, cells, tissues, glands, and everything.  So no wonder the immune system is down, the gut isn’t receiving the message.

The gut immune system connection is as easy as saying subluxation, stress, cortisol, and inflammation (If that was easy).  Think about why so many of the children have food sensitivities?  I recognize the cause and who is controlling this entire cascade of events of the gut immune system.   Food sensitivities are becoming all too common and we always blame the gut.  At this point I hope your thinking, aha = The Nerve System!  The root cause behind the gut immune system needs to be addressed!  Your body is very smart and intelligent, allow your child to flourish the way they are supposed to!


The Cause Of Sports Injuries

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

The Cause Of Sports Injuries

The cause of sports injuries can be very abrupt and noticeable or can prolong themselves for a period of time.  In this article we are talking about sports injuries that take time to notice and can wreak havoc on an athlete’s career.  (If you want to see some noticeable sports injuries that have a direct cause, just Click ME and watch some clips).  Now, the other sports injuries that wreak havoc on an athlete we need to find the major principle of WHY.  Most bodies are not given the opportunity to adapt and heal from a problem.  Most likely, there is some sort of physical stress placed on the athlete and if this stress goes on for a pro-longed period of time then our body does not function to its potential.  Correct potential is supposed to be the optimal for an athlete!  For those sports injuries that continue on and linger we need to address the body as an entire unit, not just the area causing the issues.

The example we will use today is a very common issue, a sprained ankle.  An athlete encounters a sprained ankle, takes time to heal and boom is back on the field in no time.  The sprained ankle happens again a couple of months down the road and then again.  This injury sort of becomes chronic in nature.  So, how do we address the ankle?  Is there weakness in the ligaments and tendons protecting the ankle joint, yes.  As a chiropractor would I address and check the spine as well?  Yes!  Imagine if that athlete has a subluxation (pinched nerve/dysfunction in the nerve system) in their lumbar spine.  So, without going into too much detail about the cells, tissues, and glands being affected by this subluxation, let’s talk about the bio-mechanics.  If there is a subluxation the athletes’ gait is altered; if their gait is altered, muscles are altered, and if muscles are altered then structure is altered.  Which then, in turn, leaves a weakened structure at the ankles.  Chiropractors evaluate the body as a whole, rather than in separate parts.  When it comes to sports injuries, an athlete knows that everything is connected and everything needs to function at their optimal potential.


Children Chiropractic

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

Children Chiropractic

Children chiropractic is straight to the point here.  The greatest wealth that anyone can have is their health.  Children chiropractic is safe and effective for newborns, infants, toddlers, kids, youngster, teens, you name it!  We think of a pinched nerve or having lower back for people who need to see the chiropractor.  A subluxation can be substituted for a pinched nerve in this case.  A misaligned vertebrae applies pressure to your nerve system thus creating a subluxation (pinched nerve).  Guess what?  95% of infants have misalignments after birth.  Colic, poor sleep, failure to latch, are some examples of nerve dysfunction.  Everything that a young child is developing has to come through a clear and connected nerve system.  We learn through taste, smell, vision, touch and hearing, all which require a healthy functioning nerve system. 

The best immune system that our children have is within their own body.  As we continue to see a rise in diagnosis in children, ADHD, autism, allergies, sensory processing disorders, and asthma just to name a few there has to be a reason.  The reason is the nerve system.  If there is stress on your master control system (nerve system) then your child will exhibit signs and symptoms.  Children chiropractic is essential for a young developing individual.  Chiropractors are not going to perform surgery, prescribe medicine, or take anything away from your body.  Chiropractic allows your child to heal and adapt to their environment.  Probably in the first time of history, our children are sicker than the previous generation.  Physically, developmentally, and emotionally our children are suffering.  Children chiropractic is not based off of our current medical model.  In contrast chiropractic is on complete opposite paradigms then “western medicine.”  The sheer power of the nerve system to affect the body and general state of health is amazing.  All the nerve system needs is to make sure that it is connected and free of subluxation’s (pinched nerves).  Children chiropractic is HEALTH CARE. 


Text Neck Leading To Children Headaches

By | ADHD, Asthma, Benefits of Chiropractic

Text Neck Leading To Children Headaches

Children headaches are becoming more and more common.  A variable that we have to consider is the wonderful aspect of cellular devices.  Everyone and their mother seems to have a cell phone now and for some we cannot live without.  “Text Neck” is just a term that we like to use when people are on their phones for prolonged periods of time, with their neck looking down at their cell phone.  Usually when on the phone our neck is compromised.  You will see children with their heads hunched over and their eyes basically just glued to their phone.  Yet, this seems like just a small trivial thing throughout the day.  Repetitive motion over and over again eventually adds up.  Text neck can lead to children headaches.  Our children’s headaches our most likely caused by spinal stress.  This spinal stress is brought on by repetitive motion that compromises the cervical (neck) nerve roots, which then leads to the muscles being contracted for a prolonged period of time.  Pressure on nerves lead to signs and symptoms in our bodies which leads to our children’s headaches.

Text neck is just one small variable in the grand scheme of things.  Our children’s overall posture is the thing to watch out for.  Think about the over-bearing back-packs that our children are using.  This is also very common and leads to the same context that text neck brings about with it.  Improper spinal stress can wreak havoc on your children.  Children headaches are steadily climbing and chiropractic along with proper posture can eliminate the symptoms (or just get rid of their phones).   Specific chiropractic for your child is safe and effective.  Improper posture leads to dysfunction in the nerve system.  Chiropractors check the nerve system for dysfunction and perform adjustments if necessary.  The earlier your child is checked for nerve dysfunction the greater the opportunity for optimal neurological development.  Keep an eye out for the Text Neck!

The Perfect Immune Boosters

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

The Perfect Immune Boosters

Immune boosters are coming in all sorts of items, boxes, pills, and powders.  We expect that we have to take something to boost our immune system.  While that can definitely help you in a bind, the perfect immune boosters are within your own body!  Your nerve system is the master controller of your body.  If nerve dysfunction is present, your immune system will be functioning at a lower level, thus making your overall body more susceptible.  “In a stunning discovery that overturns decades of textbook teaching, researchers at the University of Virginia School Of Medicine have determined that the brain is directly connected to the immune system by vessels previously thought not to exist.”  Chiropractic understands that the body is an entire unit, which is directly controlled and regulated by your nerve system (your brain is at the center of this).  Yes, we sound a little repetitive, but this is not NEW NEWS to us.  The article goes on to say, “We believe that for every neurological disease that has an immune component to it, these vessels may play a major role.”  Every experience in life = controlled by your nerve system.

Want some immune boosters?  Then make sure your nerve system is functioning to it’s optimal potential.  More importantly, make sure your children are having their nerves checked for dysfunction.  Starting our children off with inappropriate rounds of antibiotics, miss-diagnosed symptoms, and unforgiving medication can wreak havoc on a young developing immune system.  Inappropriate medication is usually processed in your children’s GI system.  Our GI system plays a central role in immune system homeostasis.  So, then our children start developing food allergies, sensitivities and so on, setting up a poor model of health for our young ones.  Have your nerves checked by a chiropractor and make sure your body’s systems are connected.  Your natural immune boosters come from a connected nerve and immune system that are automatically hardwired to work together and allow your body to heal, adapt and become stronger. 


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Natural Stress Relief Through Nerves

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Natural Stress Relief Through Nerves

Natural stress relief through your nerves?  Or natural stress relief through a healthy, adapting nerve system?  Either way, the relief must come through a nerve system that is clear and free of nerve disturbance.  The stress that we are going to be addressing in this column is emotional.  Emotional stress takes a toll on our lives and plagues our body.  Talking to your very first girlfriend, talking in front of a crowd, paying bills on time, going to school every day, these are examples of emotional stress that can add up.  Do you ever get “butterflies in your stomach?”  This isn’t due to the fact that you’re walking around with your mouth open and swallowing butterflies.  This happens due to your body’s ability to adapt and to thrive.  Your body knows when and how to process danger and when to rest.  If your body is constantly being bombarded with emotional stress, you are never giving yourself a proper chance to adapt and heal.  Your body will always be perceiving “danger” and your body will be overrun.

Natural stress relief has many different potions, options, and techniques.  The “BEST” natural stress relief would be allowing your body to heal itself without having to take anything!  The chronic bombardment of the stress response on your body is controlled and regulated by your NERVE SYSTEM.  You can take things to alter cells, tissues, organs, and glands.  That is supplementing, you still need to address the cause of being in a constant state of stress.

Imagine if you have a “pinched nerve” (basically dysfunction in your nerve system) in your system, any messages from your brain controlling and perceiving your stress responses to all of your glands will be severely altered.  Communication from brain to adrenal glands is altered and vice versa, hypothalamus to pituitary is altered and vice versa and so on.  Natural stress relief is through a healthy functioning nerve system.  You don’t have to take anything.  Chiropractor’s will access/check your nerve system for possible dysfunction and provide specific adjustments if needed.