Chiropractic care for Torticollis in Infants
Torticollis or sometimes called wry neck is a condition in which an infants (or adult) head is tilted due to a “twisting” in their neck musculature. The musculature of the neck is either shortened or contracted for a prolonged period of time which then results in the head compensating. Who is responsible for the shortening or contraction of the muscles……nerves…..who checks nerves….chiropractor’s! A subluxation (what chiropractors find and adjust) in the upper cervical area is most likely responsible for the torticollis like symptoms. Either acquired or congenital torticollis results in the same outcome. Head being rotated with a shortened or contracted neck musculature. A visible mass will sometimes be noticeable if not felt on palpation of the neck. Other signs and symptoms from older children can be found such as headaches, neck pain, shoulder discomfort and crying.
Chiropractors have been helping infants and adults with torticollis for years. That is why we strongly recommend having your child checked after birth to make sure they are developing and no serious trauma was sustained during the birth. Congenital torticollis is acquired in the womb. Improper positioning of the baby can result in torticollis. Chiropractic care after birth is something that we are very passionate about in making sure that your new child is able to progress and develop the way they should be…HEALTHY.
Spinal health of our children affects their overall health and development. According to recent medical research, misalignment of spinal bones in the neck, known as subluxation, is responsible for up to 50% of congenital torticollis. The subluxation irritates nearby nerve structures and causes the muscle spasm and postural changes characteristic of torticollis. Having your child checked for subluxations makes sense!
Primary Pediatric Care, by R.A. Hoekelman.1
“Sudden difficulty in rotating the head to one side, accompanied by torticollis and muscle spasm, may occur as a result of rotational subluxation of the atlas (C1) on the axis (C2) or C2 on C3.”