Common Signs And Symptoms
Common signs and symptoms? What “condition” are we referring to when writing this is the question? Any signs and symptoms at all are an alert system for your body to let you know that something is not right! The problem with signs and symptoms is that we think they are normal for our daily lives. There are two different categories that we associate our signs and symptoms with. You can be walking down the sidewalk and take the wrong step and “BAM” you twist your ankle. When these incidents occur we have an immediate cause and effect, we instantly know what happened and what the consequences will be. The other category occurs when seemingly small but noticeable signs and symptoms plague our lives and we just continue to live with it. For some they have no pain, so is there anything wrong with their body? The entire aspect of letting pain be your guide to a healthy life is a horrible paradigm that we have created in our society.
So, what are common signs and symptoms? Anything that causes your body to function less than your optimal potential. Your body has amazing capabilities and warning systems to let you know when things are not working properly. What we tend to do in our society is cover up our signs and symptoms with over the counter medication and prescriptions. Using medication will allow you to put a “Band-Aid” on things for a short period of time but does not address the cause. Then after a while your body will reveal signs and symptoms again and have to take even more medication. This entire cycle becomes a very debilitating process and wreaks havoc on your body. Chiropractic will address your signs any symptoms, more importantly it will go after the causative factor of why. Any dysfunction that your body goes through is controlled and regulated by your nerve system. Chiropractor’s check your nerve system for possible dysfunction and adjust the cause, which in turn allows your body to heal!