
By | Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections


The word posture plays a huge role in our day to day lives.  A seemingly small thing that adds up over time.  For some we assume proper posture is sticking the chest out and holding our head up straight.  This definitely plays a role, yet there are more important factors that directly affect this.  When referring to posture we are talking about our spine.  Our spine encases and protects our most important component of our body, our nerve system.  When looking at someone from the front they should have no curves in their body (spinal curvatures that is).  When viewing somebody from the side though, there should be three spinal curvatures.  We have to remember that gravity effects us our entire life (kind of an important thing), and hose spinal curvatures serve to act as giant shock absorber’s as we go through life.posture

What plagues our overall posture?  The most notorious factor that can wreak havoc on our everyday posture is sitting.  Sitting distorts and imposes improper weight upon our spine which has a direct correlation on how our body functions.  This is due to the fact that when our nerve system has improper curvatures our entire body works differently.  Think of it this way, telephone poles are usually straight so that they can send messages back and forth without disturbance.  When a telephone line is down, there is no communication to be delivered.  A downed power line is similar to that of a subluxation.  A subluxation is when a spinal bone moves and applies direct pressure upon a nerve thus disturbing the flow of communication from your brain to your body.  Improper posture creates dysfunction within the entire body because your communication is inhibited.  Poor posture over time can create such disturbances as subluxations.  

Subluxations are re-occurring downed power lines that disrupts your entire body.  Improper posture over time can maintain and support these subluxations in a negative way.  This occurs by your body giving you signs and symptoms to let you know that something is WRONG.  Specific chiropractic adjustments will and do help correct posture by removing the interference (subluxation), thus allowing your body to maintain proper function.