Natural Stress Relief Through Nerves
Natural stress relief through your nerves? Or natural stress relief through a healthy, adapting nerve system? Either way, the relief must come through a nerve system that is clear and free of nerve disturbance. The stress that we are going to be addressing in this column is emotional. Emotional stress takes a toll on our lives and plagues our body. Talking to your very first girlfriend, talking in front of a crowd, paying bills on time, going to school every day, these are examples of emotional stress that can add up. Do you ever get “butterflies in your stomach?” This isn’t due to the fact that you’re walking around with your mouth open and swallowing butterflies. This happens due to your body’s ability to adapt and to thrive. Your body knows when and how to process danger and when to rest. If your body is constantly being bombarded with emotional stress, you are never giving yourself a proper chance to adapt and heal. Your body will always be perceiving “danger” and your body will be overrun.
Natural stress relief has many different potions, options, and techniques. The “BEST” natural stress relief would be allowing your body to heal itself without having to take anything! The chronic bombardment of the stress response on your body is controlled and regulated by your NERVE SYSTEM. You can take things to alter cells, tissues, organs, and glands. That is supplementing, you still need to address the cause of being in a constant state of stress.
Imagine if you have a “pinched nerve” (basically dysfunction in your nerve system) in your system, any messages from your brain controlling and perceiving your stress responses to all of your glands will be severely altered. Communication from brain to adrenal glands is altered and vice versa, hypothalamus to pituitary is altered and vice versa and so on. Natural stress relief is through a healthy functioning nerve system. You don’t have to take anything. Chiropractor’s will access/check your nerve system for possible dysfunction and provide specific adjustments if needed.