Migraine Headaches The Cause

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Migraine Headaches The Cause

What is the true cause of your migraine headaches?  When dealing with migraine headaches we first need to understand the body.  Understanding the body begins with the central nerve system.  The central nerve system is the master controller, every single experience good or bad that you encounter with your body is regulated and controlled via your central nerve system.  It could be as easy as saying have a migraine headache, blame your central nerve system.  Granted, there is more to it than that.

Migraine headaches are associated with dysfunction within the neck region, specifically speaking the lower portion.  A migraine headache is a chemical imbalance within the body, hormones, proteins, cells, all miscommunicating and creating a quagmire in  your body.  This dysfunction is related to how the nerves are communicating to your organs, cells, tissues, and glands.  Without proper nerve function your body begins to show you initial signs and symptoms of a migraine.

One of the most common signs of a migraine headache that many people endure are visual aura’s.  A visual disturbance that your body is giving you has to start and originate from somewhere.   You can blame the eyes, yet that is just the effect of something bigger happening.  Visual aura’s are common and easy to grasp because we should recognize them as not only visual disturbances but something bigger that is happening with our body.

What you often experience as signs and symptoms originate from your body’s inability to correctly adapt and function at your optimal potential.  Stress from everyday life can add up and create dysfunction on how you operate on a day to day basis.  When a subluxation occurs within the body, it creates an entire central nerve system dysfunction.  A subluxation being what chiropractor’s are trained to locate and adjust if necessary. Want to know more, Click ME.

Migraine Headaches Are NOT A Normal Lifestyle

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

Migraine Headaches Are NOT A Normal Lifestyle

Migraine headaches are becoming all to familiar with many people.  In fact they are becoming a lifestyle choice for people.  Then once you accept that lifestyle you begin you believe that migraine headaches are a normal occurrence for you.  Migraine headaches ARE NOT NORMAL.  Your body is designed to be healthy.  Migraine headaches are your bodies way of saying that something is not right.  Migraine headaches are your bodies way of letting you know that signs and symptoms of nerve dysfunction are present.  Nerve dysfunction is present when a subluxation is present.  A subluxation is what chiropractors find, correct, and adjust.

Why are more and more of us experiencing migraine headaches? Thyroid dysfunction!  If your nerves are not able to send a clear, 100% communication message to your thyroid, then yes…signs and symptoms will be present.  Migraine headaches are a chemical imbalance.  Why do you have a chemical imbalance?  Improper communication to your thyroid = brought on by a subluxation = a chemical imbalance.  Look into our community, our state, our nation and see how many people are experiencing thyroid dysfunction!

So, what you are telling me is that if I have nerve dysfunction, it will results in improper communication to my organs, cell’s, tissue’s, and gland’s? YES!  If we are having improper communication to my thyroid one of the early signs and symptoms are migraine headaches.    Specific chiropractic care will locate the cause of your signs and symptoms and not chase your symptoms by masking your true problem.  In order to address your migraine headaches you need only to blame your nerve system.  Proper assessment and integrity of your nerve system is established through chiropractic care.  Allowing you to have your life back is the goal.  Chiropractic has a message for people who deal with migraine headaches.