The Gut Immune System Connection
The gut immune system connection is an interesting concept that deserves answers for those searching with questions regarding their children’s health. As the rise of ADHD, ADD, Autism, Allergies, Sensory Processing, and other complications, parents need answers. So, the chiropractic view goes something like this: [A subluxation is dysfunction in our nerve system (stress), dysfunction creates disconnect between messages from the brain to organs, cells, tissues, glands, everything.] A subluxation is pressure upon a nerve, some people might call it a pinched nerve. A subluxation creates dysfunction in your nerve system which, is basically a road-block to all your other systems in your body. More importantly, the gut immune system. So, if a road-block is present, your body recognizes stress, cortisol levels increase, inflammation is produced, and your body starts to attack itself. Chiropractors are nerve system specialists that check the spinal nerves for possible interference and then if necessary adjust. One of the most common nerves affected in our children when the immune system is not working correctly is the Vagus Nerve. Remember, subluxation is pressure upon a nerve which causes disconnection from brain to organs, cells, tissues, glands, and everything. So no wonder the immune system is down, the gut isn’t receiving the message.
The gut immune system connection is as easy as saying subluxation, stress, cortisol, and inflammation (If that was easy). Think about why so many of the children have food sensitivities? I recognize the cause and who is controlling this entire cascade of events of the gut immune system. Food sensitivities are becoming all too common and we always blame the gut. At this point I hope your thinking, aha = The Nerve System! The root cause behind the gut immune system needs to be addressed! Your body is very smart and intelligent, allow your child to flourish the way they are supposed to!