Text Neck Leading To Children Headaches

By | ADHD, Asthma, Benefits of Chiropractic

Text Neck Leading To Children Headaches

Children headaches are becoming more and more common.  A variable that we have to consider is the wonderful aspect of cellular devices.  Everyone and their mother seems to have a cell phone now and for some we cannot live without.  “Text Neck” is just a term that we like to use when people are on their phones for prolonged periods of time, with their neck looking down at their cell phone.  Usually when on the phone our neck is compromised.  You will see children with their heads hunched over and their eyes basically just glued to their phone.  Yet, this seems like just a small trivial thing throughout the day.  Repetitive motion over and over again eventually adds up.  Text neck can lead to children headaches.  Our children’s headaches our most likely caused by spinal stress.  This spinal stress is brought on by repetitive motion that compromises the cervical (neck) nerve roots, which then leads to the muscles being contracted for a prolonged period of time.  Pressure on nerves lead to signs and symptoms in our bodies which leads to our children’s headaches.

Text neck is just one small variable in the grand scheme of things.  Our children’s overall posture is the thing to watch out for.  Think about the over-bearing back-packs that our children are using.  This is also very common and leads to the same context that text neck brings about with it.  Improper spinal stress can wreak havoc on your children.  Children headaches are steadily climbing and chiropractic along with proper posture can eliminate the symptoms (or just get rid of their phones).   Specific chiropractic for your child is safe and effective.  Improper posture leads to dysfunction in the nerve system.  Chiropractors check the nerve system for dysfunction and perform adjustments if necessary.  The earlier your child is checked for nerve dysfunction the greater the opportunity for optimal neurological development.  Keep an eye out for the Text Neck!