Carpal Tunnel Relief

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Carpal Tunnel Relief

Carpal tunnel relief is often linked to people wearing a brace or having some sort of surgery performed.  Carpal tunnel is caused by pressure on our median nerve which regulates and controls our hands, more specifically speaking our thumbs, index and middle fingers.  Symptoms can and will vary for each individual, the most common being weakness, numbness, and irritation in the fingers listed above.  Individuals with neck discomfort also exhibit signs and symptoms of weakness, numbness, and irritation in the fingers.  How do you actually know if what you’re experiencing is carpal tunnel?  Your top priority should be to have your nerves checked.

With carpal tunnel relief, just like anything else in your body, it starts with relief of the nerve.  Understand, if we have a bad experience in life we have to blame and look towards our nerve system for the cause and result.  Carpal tunnel is interesting because people understand that to obtain relief you have to address the nerve that is causing the discomfort.  This principle of relieving pressure on a nerve is key to understanding chiropractic.  Carpal tunnel relief is just not about looking at the wrist that is giving you the pinpoint sign and symptoms.  Everything starts from somewhere with regards to your body, and as previously stated you have to look to the nerve system first.  Ninety percent of all carpal tunnel patients were found to have nerve root irritation in their cervical spine, a condition known as double crush phenomena Journal of Neurology.  

carpal tunnel reliefYour median nerve has its beginnings in your neck, and if there is pressure upon the nerve in your neck region than you can exhibit signs and symptoms of carpal tunnel.  The stereotype is out that secretaries and individuals who type are more prone to having carpel tunnel.  Widen the outlook and see that most often the people that are prone to carpel tunnel exhibit poor posture, chronic sitting, and have a poor ergonomic work station.  All of this further contributing to a compromised nerve system, specifically speaking to our neck region.  Carpal tunnel relief is addressed by removing pressure from a nerve.  Chiropractors are nerve system specialist that check your nerves and, if necessary, perform specific adjustments.  Carpal tunnel relief = get your nerves checked.


The Known Tunnel Of Carpal Tunnel

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

The Known Tunnel Of Carpal Tunnel

Carpal tunnel we think is going to occur in most everyone who has some sort of desk job where typing is happening at an accelerated rate.  Carpal tunnel syndrome can be very debilitating and leads most to have some sort of surgery.  The surgery that is performed usually consists of some sort of “cutting” that releases pressure from a nerve!?  This has to be an amazing concept here.  Chiropractic accesses nerve dysfunction and then removes pressure (stress) from the nerve by performing specific adjustments.  What seems to be the difference between carpal tunnel surgery and seeing a chiropractor.  Well that’s a HUGE list!  Let’s see what our surgery is going to do.  You will have some ligament removed/cut to “remove” pressure off of the median nerve.  Then scar tissue will develop and this process will more than likely have to be repeated.  If your aim is to remove the symptoms than this is your proper choice.

Chiropractic and carpal tunnel seeks to go after the cause of your dysfunction.  “A study published in the British Medical Journal the Lancet found evidence of cervical neuritis (nerve irritation) in over 70% of all carpal tunnel syndrome patients.”  It is very safe to say that you have to look to the spine first when addressing carpal tunnel and any diagnosis for that matter.  Restoring proper communication to the wrist begins with addressing the spine.  Having a surgery to the wrist is one thing, kind of like putting a bandage on things.  Having specific chiropractic adjustments to the cervical region and wrist is the optimal road to choose in order to allow your body to heal.  Allow your nerve system to be connected from top down will enable your signs and symptoms of carpal tunnel to diminish by addressing the causative factors.  Have your nerves checked.