A BIG Hidden Gem of Birth Trauma
When talking about birth trauma in this blog, we are referring to the child, not the mother. The entire birthing experience has become a “Hollywood Western Medicine” show that makes sure everyone is “on time!” The entire birth experience is one of the most natural, if not the top natural human experience all parents are fortunate enough to see! How did we go wrong? Well, we started creating time tables (flow charts) that tell people the exact expected outcomes with no if’s, and’s or but’s. Birth trauma is a direct result of placing stress on our child’s nerve system. Stress can be manually administered during the delivery by instruments such as forceps or a vacuum. Stress can be due to the positioning of the child: breech position. Stress can occur while having an emergency C-Section. Birth trauma has several different ways of presenting itself.
Birth trauma often goes over-looked. A subluxation (nerve dysfunction) is a birth trauma due to stress placed on the child’s nerve system. Having a child failing to latch can be a sign and symptom of birth trauma, colic, irregular bowl movements, etc. Often when subluxation’s persist for a prolonged period of time, you begin to think signs and symptoms are “normal” for your child. It shouldn’t be “normal.” As a direct consequence of the birth trauma, your child might develop ear infections. A subluxation causes your child not to function to their fullest potential: improper drainage of the E-Tube, then a dysfunctional immune response, resulting in going for antibiotics. Bacteria did not cause the ear infection, yet we give antibiotics. After numerous ear infections we put tubes in, thus again neglecting the truth…the cause. There are certain windows of opportunity for your children to grow. These can be severely altered from birth trauma and leave parents in wonder why their child is failing to adapt. Allowing your child to function to their fullest potential with a clear and connected nerve system is the healthiest option out there.