Chiropractor Equals Pain?
Too often we think of pain with the chiropractor. By all means, YES, we can help you with pain. Chiropractic is so much more than actual pain though. Going to the chiropractor for pain is like robbing a bank and just stealing the free candy suckers and not taking anything else!
The Subluxation is what we went to school to find, detect, correct and leave alone! Let’s say you go through life, age 18 you start to develop signs and symptoms of irregular menses, cramps, and “regular” bowel movements once every 3 days. Well as you continue your life and you go through this you begin to believe that this is normal. You begin to believe that there is nothing for this and this is the life I am given. Ummmm…wrong! Finally, let’s say 10 years down the road you develop signs and symptoms of lower back pain. You wait about two weeks and then finally decide to go see a chiropractor because the pain just doesn’t seem to go away!
As a chiropractor would go through your history and find some info out you begin to tell him about your irregular menses, cramps, and “regular” bowel movements once every 3 days. LIGHT BULB! Pain sensation is always the last sensation to appear (unless you are in some sort of accident). Your nerves are designed to keep you healthy, they are trying to keep you functioning at 100%. If you have a Subluxation (In simplest terms, a subluxation (a.k.a. Vertebral Subluxation) is when one or more of the bones of your spine (vertebrae) move out of position and create pressure on, or irritate spinal nerves) that is applying pressure on your nerves, your nerves will not be sending 100% communication to your organs, cell’s, tissue’s, and gland’s!
So, when you were 18 years old and started to develop signs and symptoms of a Subluxation, you just assumed it was “normal.” You see, pain is always the last thing to show up and usually the very first thing to leave your body! Why? Because your nerves are trying to keep you functioning at 100%. When you start to have signs and symptoms that is your first cue to consult your chiropractor. Dealing with pain is not fun! Dealing with 10 years of irregular menses, cramps, and “regular” bowel movements once every 3 days is not fun! Do not assume signs and symptoms are your normal lifestyle! Have regular check-ups by your chiropractor to make sure your nerves are functioning at 100%!