Back Discomfort From A Wallet
Back discomfort from a wallet can be a very compromising situation for most. Reason being is that many just find it awkward if their wallet is not resting in their back pocket. Back discomfort from a wallet can be the source of many people’s pain or it can just be something that adds up over time. It’s not like you are going to sit down on your wallet all of a sudden and have immediate back discomfort. These things take time to manifest and to actually become a problem. Think of your body as a “house”, as many home owners know it takes work to make sure that house is properly functioning and a stable environment to live in. Now, imagine if you are constantly putting that wallet in the back pocket and every time you are sitting down you are creating an unstable foundation (your basement keeps receiving structural blows). You are not going to recognize the back discomfort initially, it will take time before you recognize “cracks” in your foundation.
Back discomfort from a wallet occurs over a long period of time. Your body will begin to shift to accommodate for the wallet and create posture distortions throughout your entire spine. These posture distortions will manifest as subluxations. A subluxation is what chiropractors check your spine for and, if necessary, adjust. Subluxations create dysfunction within your entire body by creating a central nerve system disturbance. This disturbance will put your body on a constant state of protection and more specifically on the fast track for the stress response. Back discomfort will not be apparent at first from a wallet, your body will develop signs and symptoms letting you know that organs, cells, tissues, and glands are not properly functioning. Then, years down the road the back discomfort will appear.
Specific chiropractic adjustments will ensure that your body is healing and restoring normal spinal curvatures. Taking the wallet out of the back pocket would most definitely help back discomfort. Wallet out of the back pocket and specific chiropractic adjustments would ensure you are adapting and overcoming years of compensation. Get checked!