Follow The Flow Chart To Unhealthiness …Why To Be Specific

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Follow The Flow Chart To Unhealthiness…Why To Be Specific

Be Specific Or Be Nothing

Flow charts and their lack of specificity is nothing new.  A sequence of actions or things involved in a complex system or activity is what is described as a flow chart.  In reality while a flow chart works for cars, machine, putting a construction set together, and other integrative processing of components, they are unique towards that item.  The flow chart is specific towards that entity for what it is designed for, simple.  For your health and overall well-being flow charts fail to produce.  Why?  Specificity is key.  Your body is the complete opposite of everyone else.  So be specific towards you.

I Want What They Had

With chiropractic and your health specificity  is no different.  Some people think that all chiropractor’s “do the same thing” and “adjust the same way.”  It just cannot be so.  Gonstead chiropractic is a full spine approach that focus on your spine specifically, it is one of the most advanced and scientifically sound methods of chiropractic.  With Gonstead chiropractic you do not “get” what the other person “gets”.  Speficic adjusting procedures are unique and personalized to your spine to correct your subluxations in your spine.  Thus creating a healthier version of you, and the best part is that no flow chart is required.

My Own Flow Chart

When focusing on someone’s health and well-being you must look towards the spine first.  ​”All drugs in the world cannot adjust a subluxated vertebrae.” B.J. Palmer, D.C., Ph.C.  Specific Gonstead chiropractic care creates your own, and unique version of a flow chart.  Specific spinal motion for you is like your brain’s energy generator.  It will give you more clarity and more energy.​  The key to understanding where your spine needs motion comes from understanding you.  Our job is to keep you expressing life in a healthy and substantial manner. 

Learning From Hippocrates – 3 Truths That Survive Time

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Learning From Hippocrates – 3 Truths That Survive Time

# 1 The Patient Vs The Disease

Hippocrates was basically the first known guru of studying health and what causes someone to be healthy.  They say he is the father of medicine because of the people he was able to help.  Contrary to popular belief, the word “medicine” back in the day also was focused on “Prevention.”  Nowadays, medicine is associated with disease, diagnosis, and treatment.  Hippo actually was in charge of a school, and their philosophy on how to help somebody was centered around the patient.  Hioppcrates’ rival was another school called Cnidus.  Cnidus was ran by a man called Euryphon who’s focus was on treating the disease rather than the patient.

# 2  Look Towards The Spine For The Cause

These two viewpoints on helping people: one focusing on the patient and the other focusing on the disease, have been around for a long time.   This is nothing new.  Hippocrates said “Look well to the spine for the cause of disease.”  He taught that to cure disease the cause must be sought and removed.  The physical representation (signs and symptoms) of disease in the body is always directly or indirectly related to the spine.  Subluxations limit the body from healing by not supplying adaptive forces to trigger a healing response.  Subluxation irritate a nerve fiber and nobody likes to be irritated.  Whenever a nerve becomes irritated, the body cannot function correctly.

 # 3 Hippocrates: Nature Must Heal

Hippocrates taught us that nature must do the healing.  Once again, this is not something that is new.  Hippo, writing numerous books, even wrote one called Manipulation and Importance to Good Health.  It is interesting to note that during this time another man called Herodicus, who was deemed the first great drug-less healer, was also helping people.  Herodicus claim to this world was curing diseases by correcting spinal abnormalities.  It is paramount to understand that chiropractic isn’t some new fad or trend.  It has survived the test of time and will continue to do so.  Chiropractic is the study of health and what causes someone to live…simple.

What Not To Do During A Fire

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

What Not To Do During A Fire

Let’s say that there is a fire in your house.  Would you ignore the fire and just turn the smoke detector off?  Let’s hope not! You wouldn’t focus on the smoke detector when there are bigger problems occurring.  The last thing on your mind during a fire should be the beeping of the smoke detector.  We can use this analogy to compare many cover ups in our health and society.  We often mask what our central nerve system is telling us with the use of cover-ups.

Don’t Touch That Fire!

The “fire”, for the most part, is the one aspect that is typically neglected in our health.  Think of a fire as a particular sign or symptom that your body is trying to tell you about.  When it starts burning we often take an artificial substance to mask the symptom, or “turn off the detector”.  This causes us to perceive that we are fine, when in reality, the “fire” is burning without limits to stop it.  Don’t allow yourself to become comfortable or think that your body is fine just from “turning off the detector”.  The source of the issue(s) in your body are still present.  The true cause is still manifesting and causing dysfunction within your body.

Don’t Mess With Fire…Unless Your Name Is Pyro

Cover-ups, Band-Aids, crutches, etc., are not benefiting your body.  Occasionally there will be a time and place for them such as accidents, injuries, or traumas.  Otherwise, a subluxation is the cause of ALL, not some, physical dysfunctions.  A subluxation is a disconnection from the brain-body highway.  When the body is disconnected, signs and symptoms begin to manifest.  As a direct result, your body will begin to suffer.  Stop turning off the smoke detector, and start addressing the cause of dysfunction.

Why “Popping” Your Own Neck Causes You Harm

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

“Popping” Your Own Neck Causes You Harm

Have you ever tried to “pop” your own neck?  In context, popping your neck is when someone forcefully moves their head in a twisting motion to elicit noise.  This can either be done with the use of your own hands or just by gaining enough momentum by using your head as a pendulum. Individuals that do this are called self-manipulators and are playing with fire.

Popping It like It’s Hot…Then Do It Again

Self-manipulators are attempting to correct something that only specific chiropractic adjustments can perform.  In actuality when they pop their neck they are creating chaos in a joint space that does not need to move.  Hence why after twenty minutes or so they have the sensation that this “popping” needs to occur again.  The sensation is brought on due to neuro-transmitters that are compromised.  Every manipulation is like flipping a fuse-box on and off really quickly for 5 seconds.  Why didn’t my body auto-correct the first time?

But It Feels Good

Think of manipulating your spine as a deadly-sin.  Physically it will feel good.  Chemicals are released that transmit “feel good” sensations and you think you fixed something.  Guess what else you are irritating when you manipulate your neck?  The vertebral artery.  Every manipulation irritates the lining and eventually will compromise the vertebral wall. 10/10 people that present to a chiropractor office and are suffering from a stroke, is due to their own manipulating.

Popping Long Term

What’s actually happening?  Your body has a vertebral subluxation that is unchecked and uncorrected.  A subluxation will produce lack of motion in specific areas.  Remember, everything in life requires motion.  Self-manipulators will manipulate the joints above and below an actual subluxation.  Leaving the actual cause uncorrected and creating chaos with ones health and well-being.

Picky Words

What is the difference between manipulation and adjustment?  Without going into detail too much, you can decide which sounds better.

-Manipulation – The action of manipulating someone in a clever or unscrupulous way.

-Adjustment – A small alteration or movement made to achieve a desired fit, appearance, or result.

Gut Problems – How Your Health Begins From The Inside

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Gut Problems – How Your Health Begins From The Inside

Gut problems?  Understanding the gut is crucial in how are bodies are functioning.  Often we take for granted the imporance of the gut and how it reveals our bodies overall health and well-being.  What specifically are we talking about when referring to gut problems? The particular organs associated with the “gut” are the stomach, small intestine, and large intestine.  These organs are broken down into three distinct parts of maintaining a healthy body.  The importance of maintaining the function of the gut is crucial to everything else in the body.  Why?  Because the central nerve system (CNS) controls, regultes, and coordinates every gut FUNCTION.  And most people do not associate gut problems with overall health.

Gut Problems Tell The Story Often Neglected

Healthy spine = healthy gut = healthy body.  The reason to use the gut as a picture of overall health is to understand the CNS first.  The brain sends messages down via the spinal cord and the nerves exit the spinal column and regulates the stomach, small intestine, and large intestine.  When gut problems occur people think directly that the gut is faulty, not the area controlling it.  When the spine is misaligned it will lead to altered digestive function.  Simple.  Now, if you decide to eat week old scrambled eggs and have some gut problems, don’t blame the CNS.  Cause and effect will surely do.

The Gut/Core – Your Measuring Stick

A hot topic in our society is the brain-gut connection or leaky gut or anything associated with the gut.  Now, to be witty we have always understood that the brain controls the gut.  It is not some new scientific exploration.  The light-bulbs being turned on for people is the significance of the gut and how it is used as a measuring stick for our overall health.  Misalignments in the spine do not take days off.  Which means your health does not rest.  Being healthy is hard work, it all begins and ends with the central nerve system.  If your unsure about your current health status consider your gut and how it functions.  It will lead you back to the beginning.



Have You Ever Seen Electricity?

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Have You Ever Seen Electricity?

The most obvious answer to the question that we pose is no.  You have not seen electricity.  Electricity is much as a phenomenon such as gravity is.  Whether you believe it or not, it is happening.  How do we even know if electricity works.  For the same instance that a light bulb can be powered on and energy is produced, we must assume that something is working.  Electricity has many positive merits as well as one negative, with enough electricity surged through someone it can end life.

Your Body Is Electric

It’s electricity!  When understanding the human body and what chiropractic care is, it very easy to associate with electricity.  As chiropractor’s we know that the body is a self regulating and self healing organism.  All intelligence of the human is organized and controlled via the central nerve system (CNS).  The CNS coordinates and controls all aspects of life, and it begins from the inside – out.  Messages from the CNS are sent to every cell in the human body from electrical impulses.  The energy of a nerve transmission is always electrical in nature.  When a nerve is excited and produces energy the transmission is traveling at 350 feet per second.  That’s electric!

Stay Plugged In

Nerve cells are designed specifically to transmit messages from one cell to another.  They are keen on making sure everything is communicating properly.  During “Life” stress occurs.  This stress alters the firing capacity and can even limit what the body is capable of doing.  When a nerve is acted upon (pressure) it initially becomes overstimulated.  This stimulation directly affects how the body functions.  Improper firing of the nerves occurs, abnormal patterns are initiated, and your body enters into a protection mode.  Chiropractic keeps the body properly functioning and plugged in.  Something works a lot better when it is plugged in.  Same thing with your body.  If your body is not properly plugged into the brain, chaos begins.


What Does “My Back’s Out” Actually Mean?

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

What Does “My Back’s Out” Actually Mean?

If you have ever heard someone say that “My back’s out”, what in actuality do you think that means?  In chiropractic schooling we have not been taught this meaning before.  This term “My back’s out” is something that our society uses to classify some sort of back ailment.  To answer the question, let’s look into what people are actually trying to make sense of.

 My Back’s Out To Dinner?

No, your back does not go out to dinner without you.  What are people actually feeling?  Enter the subluxation.  When a subluxtion is present within the spine for years and goes on unintended, it begins to manifest.  A subluxation is chronic irritation to a nerve fiber.  When a nerve becomes irritated the brain does not fully grasp what is going on inside the body.  The brain becomes disconnected and the body begins to suffer.  A subluxation creates different patterns within the body.  One doctor of chiropractic described a subluxation as creating a new inner reality of what we perceive as healthy.

Your Back Does Not Leave You

Your back cannot simply go “out.”  The cold hard truth is that what people actually begin to feel is often muscle imbalances.  When a subluxation exists for an extended period of time uncorrected the brain will create abnormal movement patterns.  These patterns are facilitated and controlled via an irritated nerve fiber.  Ask yourself, do you feel happy when you are irritated?  Most likely not, so imagine the distraught messages the nerve will be sending to the muscles when irritated for numerous years.  Chronic muscle spasms, knots, tension, and other characteristics of a subluxation will manifest superficially within your body.  Often, this is what people will begin to express as their “back going-out.”

Get “It” Back In

With regards to your back “going -out” the same can be said for your back “getting – in.”  When you do get adjusted your back does not simply go “back in.”  The noises that you hear after an adjustment is called a cavitation or often referred to as: popping, cracking, snapping, etc.  Instantly you can feel good after an adjustment due to hormones being released.  It takes time to fully retrain the central nerve system. Get your nerves checked and ask your chiropractor questions. #getchecked

Is Your Child Out Of Balance?

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

Is  Your Child Out Of Balance?

Understanding your child is unique and specific towards each family.  Tendencies for one child will most likely be the complete opposite for the next child.  This can be said for personality and how our children are developing.  Common signs that your child needs to be checked though are specific towards the central nerve system.  Keep in mind these are “common,”  every child is different in how they express stress on the central nerve system.  Finding the balance of your child is what we do. For Instance:

  • Slow recovery from illness
  • Poor concentration
  • Hyperactivity
  • Poor sleep
  • Sensitive to gut problems

What Is IN Balance Mean?

When the central nerve system is properly connected to the body, the body does not express symptoms.  Remember the very first developed in utero is the brain and spinal column (central nerve system, CNS).  For the CNS made everything else in the body and controls it’s action till this day.  Being in balance is meaning being connected and functioning at optimal potential.  Without limitations.

  • What does slow recovery from illness mean?  If you do get sick…great.  Now, it’s time to adapt and get over it.  You should not be sick for an extended period of time nor should you be chronically sick.
  • Poor concentration.  Imagine if you body is disconnected.  This is the same concept as an animal that is being backed up into a corner.  The body will be more in tune making sure its getting by on a day to day basis.  Concentration is the least of concerns when the body is in fight mode.
  • Hyperactivity.  This builds off our previous statement of poor concentration.  Fight mode means more adrenal gland activity.  Which in turn will suppress “relaxing” hormones.
  • Poor sleep.  The last thing the body is ready to do when disconnected is rest.  It NEEDS to rest and relax.  It will enter into this phase of healing happily though.  The body just needs the right guidance.
  • Sensitive to gut problems.  The “new” theory of the “Brain-Gut connection.”  Guess what, the brain has always been connected to the gut.  The bodies wiring has not changed for some time (enter smiley face).  Constipation, re-flux, food sensitivity, and etc etc can all be linked to improper balance.

Get your children checked for possible verterbral subluxations withing the central nerve system.  To learn more about Gonstead chiropractic check our website.


Age Is Not A Disease – Why Chiropractic Works

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Age Is Not A Disease – Why Chiropractic Works

Age is not a disease.  Many new patients that begin chiropractic care and happen to be older present with numerous health problems.  The first response that is given to why this has happened is because they are “getting older.”  Our society deems that after a certain time of living everything is just completely lost.  Time for social security, AARP, pill consumption, and hospital visits.  This does not have to be the case.  Starting with a healthy body begins and ends with the inside.

The Age Of Research

It was also great to discover that after 12 weeks of chiropractic care the participants physical component of health-related quality of life had improved significantly (The Reality Check).  One of the biggest challenges we face as we age is using all of our senses together.  All your senses coordinate specific actions that the brain has to process and utilize to allow you to function.  As we age we understand that our processing is just a “little” slower than it was when we were in our twenties.  Now, it does not mean that our processing is not there though.  Multi-sensory processing is allowing the brain to coordinate proper function through specific movement of the spine.  The spine provides all nourishment to the brain to allow proper expression of health.

Age Is Beauty

Aging does not have to feared and loathed that health problems are right around the corner. Often health challenges comes with neglect that we perceive we are healthy because we “look” good on the outside.  So, age gracefully and plan on chiropractic to keep you going.  By adjusting a specific subluxation within the spine, the brain has complete awareness of what is going on.  A subluxation puts the blindfold over the brain.  Better to have awareness than to let the body guess on your health.





Ever Become Dis-Connected In A Phone Call?

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Ever Become Dis-connected In A Phone Call?

When talking on the phone and you immediately lose connection with the other person can become very frustrating.  Often times due to poor reception or maybe even hitting a wrong button.  Regardless of the reason why it happened, it is frustrating yet the same.  The worst case is when your talking and explaining a story for 10 minutes and there is nobody else on the line.  You were dis-connected the entire time without even knowing.  The same can be said for a subluxation.  A subluxation is dis-connected.  A subluxation does not all full power to the brain to body communication lines.

I Feel Like I Know When I Am Dis-connected

The age old adage “My back is outta whack” or “My back is out.”  Perfectly honest, I do not know what that means.  Now, we know that pain itself will be the last symptom that your body reports to the brain.  What people actually are trying to convey is that their muscles have been creating ABNORMAL movements to compensate for their subluxation.  Remember, nerves control the muscles.  When the muscles are overworking thus tension, spasm, knots are created.  A subluxation can go on for years without a body fully responding to it’s limitations.  Then after years of diconnect with he brain, enter the vocabulary “My back is outta whack.”

Get Connected Not Dis-connected

Long before the subluxation actually truly manifests you are losing full power to the area that the nerve supplies.  A subluxation is like a constant dimming of the lights.  Even though you can do everything you want with half power, your body is still not at full power.  Running on half power can only last for some time.  Specific chiropractic adjustments to areas of subluxations allow the body to re-boot.  An adjustment it like re-booting your computer and starting afresh again.  It allows the body to adapt and to heal to the dysfunction that has been present for some time.  You will always heal and adapt if you let your body do what it is supposed to do.