Beauty Begins From Within The Body

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Beauty Begins From Within The Body

Taking care of the body begins from within.  In the fast paced society that we live in we are led to believe that looking good on the outside signifies health.  Yet, the “Hollywood Persona” depicts that health is young, good looking, no wrinkles, skinny, etc.  This is a complete illusion.  Being healthy begins from within the body first and foremost.  The starting point is the central nervous system.  Every human experience you have is coordinated and processed via your central nerve system.  It’s safe to say that you live your life through this system and always remember; you are worth whatever amount of time you need to take care of yourself.  So, start from the inside.

When the body is working properly, it tends to heal no matter the condition.  We recommend Chiropractic check-ups for setting the bar in the most holistic and natural manner of dealing with your health.  It’s pretty incredible how the body can function when there is no interference to the central nerve system.  Most patients that have high xyz or low xyz are that way because their body is under stress and it can’t adapt.  When the nervous system is working correctly it normalizes all of those levels all by itself in its own time.  It’s quite remarkable.

Yet, when people are suffering from a condition their typical first response is to cover it up with a medication.  Still looking beautiful on the outside yet the inside is struggling to function optimally.  Symptoms are not the cause of sickness. By suppressing symptoms you are leaving the sickness to advance.  Every single thought, action, and feeling changes your brain.  When repeated enough times, a habit is formed.   Chiropractic encourages natural healing. When the body is working properly, it tends to heal effectively, no matter what the condition.

Sustaining Your Immune System Through The Winter

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Sustaining Your Immune System Through The Winter

Sustaining your immune system is imperative every part of the year.  There just so happens to be a big push and advertisement swing during the winter months in the northern hemisphere for several reasons.  The first reason is the most obvious yet often blurred due to the fact that buying the latest and greatest immune system “boosters” is a money maker.  Are people really trying to help you “boost” your immune system with the latest and greatest? Remember capitalism is the name of the game. Instead of the latest and greatest ways to boost your immune system, stick with what works and has worked for very  long long long long (you get my drift) period of time.

Who Do You Trust

Take, for instance, something off the shelf. Do you read labels of these claims, that your immune system will become “75% better after consumption”, and yet it’s  sold at the local gas station? Do you trust that everything is safe because it wouldn’t be sold if it wasn’t? This responsibility of making sure something is safe to consume comes down to the hands of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  According to the 2003 report of the Office of Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services, a survey of CDER reviewers revealed that 66% lacked confidence in the FDA’s safety monitoring of marketed prescription drugs, and 18% had felt pressure to approve a drug despite reservations about its quality, efficacy, or safety.

David Graham, Associate Director of the FDA’s Office of Drug Safety stated, “The FDA is inherently biased in favor of the pharmaceutical industry. It views industry as its client, whose interests it must represent, it views its primary mission as approving as many drugs as it can regardless of whether the drugs are safe or needed.”, recorded in an interview that appeared in Fraud Magazine (September/October 2005 issue).

Normam Shealy, MD, PhD, International Institute of Holistic Medicine, MO:  “Interestingly, the ‘PharmacoMafia’ has to find evidence of only 5% above average placebo of 35% to claim a drug is ‘effective.’  No drug is 100% effective and virtually all produce complications called side effects. The bottom line is: What does effective mean? What does evidence – or science – based mean?”

You’ve Got To Nourish To Flourish

You’ve got to nourish the inside of the body to take care of the outside.  Sustaining the immune system is a YEAR round project. The immune system does choose to take days off and begin functioning during the winter months.  The central nervous system plays a major role in immune function. Do whatever you can to keep your immune system working properly by removing any source of irritation and keeping your spine healthy and aligned. Nature needs no help, just no interference – B.J. Palmer.


Sustaining Your Daily Energy…Naturally

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Sustaining Your Daily Energy…Naturally

Energy, energy, energy.  We have seen it all when it comes to quick fixes of “getting” your energy back.  When energy deficits begin to affect our daily routine, we have a tendency to look for external sources of energy.  The latest trends will attempt to entice you about gaining energy, e.g., caffeine pills, vitamin B shots, “natural” additive supplements and the list goes on and on.  Instead of adding external sources, let’s think about what looking within the body will do…naturally.

Restoring Your Internal Structure

Gravity, whether you believe in it or not… exists.  The spine is made up of skeletal bones and connective tissues (discs) that protect your most important system in the entire body, the central nerve system (CNS).  When you look at the human figure from the front, the spine is supposed to be completely straight. When you look at the human figure from the side, there are supposed to be three distinct curves in the spine.  The design and structure of the spine enables your body to combat gravity and function properly. For example, when you jump the spine acts as sort of a shock absorber for your body.

Subluxations can occur in the spinal column.  A subluxation is a misalignment within the spine that irritates a nerve fiber and can create a chain reaction everywhere in the body.  This can cause stress and undo tension. As a result of a subluxation, more energy will be consumed to maintain your center of gravity.  The top source of energy consumption in the body is the musculoskeletal system. The CNS made the spine (skeletal system) which then requires muscles, tendons, ligaments and other connective tissue (musculoskeletal system) to maintain proper structure.  Throw a subluxation into the mix and your muscles will begin to work OVER-TIME. The source of energy that is used internally to power contraction is adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is not abundantly stored within the tissue cells of the body. So, when an existing subluxation remains uncorrected for an extended period of time, the muscles make unnecessary amounts of ATP.  This in turn depletes your body’s overall ability to produce sustainable energy throughout the day.  In fact, when your ATP stores are quickly depleted, your muscles will gather energy from other sources within your body.  Overall, fatiguing your attempt to sustain an energy filled day.

Restoring your spine by removing subluxations will naturally increase your energy throughout the day by optimizing proper energy use.  Chiropractic care focuses on life, health, healing and well-being…naturally.

Shoulder, Knees, Hips, Ankles…It’s Still A Spine Problem

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Shoulder, Knees, Hips, Ankles…It’s Still A Spine Problem

Extremities….aka, shoulders, knees, ankles, wrists or whatever extremity you want to throw in the mix is all related to the spine.  “Look well to the spine for the cause of disease” – Hippocrates. When extremity problems present themselves in our life, we forget about the structure that provides life to those parts of our body; the spine.  Now, what about incidences that occur like with Nancy Kerrigan. For those who don’t remember, Nancy Kerrigan was an Olympian struck in the knee by an individual who wanted to cause her harm. In these cases, this is a simple cause and effect situation.  For everything else, pay attention to the spine and what it offers in your healing abilities.

The Nerve Of That Extremity

To understand that healing begins in the spine, you must understand the importance of the central nerve system.  Every tissue cell that makes up any extremity, whether it’s your shoulder, knee, wrist or whatever, is originated and can be traced back to a specific spinal nerve.  For example, think about the wrist and carpal tunnel. The concept is that the large amount of time spent typing causes inflammation in the wrist. What most fail to realize is that the wrist and any muscle movement used for typing is controlled via your lower cervical spinal nerves.  Sure, the person is typing for hours upon hours, but what about the position of the monitor.  What about their neck posture…etc? Are they constantly looking down and then back up and creating constant flexion and extension in the lower cervical part of the neck?  Most of the time…YES!  Specifically for the wrist, it’s called double crush syndrome.  The first “crush” (irritated nerve fiber) will occur at the cervical spinal nerve and then the second “crush” will occur in the shoulder, elbow or wrist.

It’s No Coincidence

Every tissue cell of your body traces back to a specific spinal nerve.  Take care of the spine first and foremost and extremity dysfunction will cease to exist.  With a healthy spine, the tissue cells in your extremities will increase its adaptability and perform at peak potential.  The most important project you’ll ever work on is yourself. Technology has become a literal “pain” in the neck. Don’t forget to mind your posture and look to the spine first.