We Can Help You With That

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We Can Help You With That

We can help you with that.  Help with what?  Your bodies overall functionality.  People say that  “Chiropractors think they can cure anything.”  There is truth and misguided information in this statement.  First, your Chiropractor should be teaching you why and how they can help the body.  Second, the word cure is thrown around way to loosely and should not be used in chiropractic care. Understand the major premise to understand your Chiropractors thought process.

The Major Premise

Scientifically we understand that the brain and spinal cord, collectively called the central nerve system (CNS) regulates, controls, and even made every system and part of you. When a nerve exiting out of the spinal column has stress placed on it, immediately the nerve deviates off of normal tone. The organs, cells, and tissues that the nerve supplies will as a result begin to become hyper or hypo, thus damaging the body.  This “major premise” is not just recognized by Chiropractors. It is no different than what medical doctors have been taught in basic physiology.  The difference however, begins in treating the damaged organ and addressing the cause which controls, and coordinates the organ to help the body adapt and function properly.

Chiropractic Enables Your Body To Adapt

Chiropractic does not treat, nor cure the body. When a Chiropractor adjusts a specific area that is placing undo stress on a specific nerve the body immediately begins to release adaptive forces. Meaning? You begin to heal yourself. This once again is not a new “made up concept.” People are demanding more natural and effective forms of healthcare. You’d be amazed with what wellness and regular chiropractic care can do to enhance your health and performance. If your lifestyle does not include specific spinal healthcare, your body cannot function efficiently.​ By eliminating stress on the CNS you will have a positive impact on your ability to adapt and function. #getchecked

You Have No Role In Your OWN Healing…Lie

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You Have No Role In Your OWN Healing…False!

The statement that we have been told in our society is that “you have no role in your own healing,” and we need to ‘trust’ the system.  What a big, fat LIE.  The more you actually believe this, the sicker we become.  Contrary to popular belief, you have every chance and opportunity to enable your body to heal.  You just need to listen to it.  You need to be taught the RIGHT way.  As a doctor of Chiropractic, I embrace the role of doctor.  Doctor means teacher.  Let’s continue.

Healing Starts from The Inside

The capacity for cells to heal starts from the inside with the Central Nerve System.  The CNS makes and coordinates every cell in your body, and cannot afford to take days off.  So, why do some heal faster than others?  If your CNS is intact and properly coordinating messages to every part of your body, your body will adapt and overcome.  Guess what?  You do not have to take any pill, supplement, or get zapped by a laser beam for this to happen.

Limiting Healing Starts from the Inside As Well

If dysfunction is present within your CNS, it’s called a subluxation.  A subluxation breaks down the communication line between your brain and body.  When the brain is unaware of what to properly heal…it doesn’t.  A subluxation will disable your body from adapting and healing properly because it is creating chaos from the inside.  This is why taking care of your spinal hygiene is crucial.

It All Comes Down To Hard Work

To be honest, to be healthy is hard work.  If you take care of your spine, it will take care of you and anything else you throw at your body.  Be wary of “new” things that people will try to sell you that are bright and shiny and get you out of the hard work.  Healing and adapting is 100% innately given.  Trust it well.

Learning From Goldilocks, Putting Health Into Perspective

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, inflammation | No Comments


Learning From Goldilocks; Putting Health into Perspective

Everyone remembers the fairytale of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  What can we learn from Goldilocks?  During her quest to find what was ‘just right’ she went through porridge, chairs, and beds.  Goldilocks found some things too hot, and some things too cold before finding the just right.  The body’s self-regulating capacity is extraordinary and innately knows what is “just right.”  Unfortunately, our society allows us to cover-up and suppress innate actions that we were born with.

Temperature IS A GOOD Thing…In Perspective

Goldilocks knew when sampling the porridge which one was the right temperature.  When your body produces too much temperature, aka inflammation, initially it is a good thing, as long as your body adequately adapts to what it is “inflaming” from.  Too little temperature and the body suffers as well. Maintaining balance is regulated and controlled via your central nerve system.

Get Rid Of The Cover-Ups… Get Rid Of Goldilocks

The cover-ups that inhibit your body from healing and adapting are artificial stimulants, or drugs.  When we consume mind altering substances they attempt to artificially make things ‘just right’ by creating improper chemical reactions.  Drugs are a crude attempt to make everything ‘just right’ in the body.  You must take care of yourself on a regular basis to remain healthy and it is not in the form of a pill.  Goldilocks did not belong just like cover-ups do not belong.  Listen to what your body needs, let your body be your guide.

Health Is Your Central Nerve System

Health begins and ends with the master controller, the central nerve system (CNS), which is perfectly protected by your skull and spine.  By removing interference and stress on the spine, the CNS will make sure that everything in your body is ‘just right.’  Influence the system that controls all other systems of your body and natural NORMAL healing ensues.  #getchecked