Sitting Vs Standing
The great debate begins… well really it should not be a debate. When it comes to sitting vs standing we always need to remember everything in moderation (and then some when it comes to standing). Any sedentary lifestyle is just a bad thing, plain and simple. Think of it this way, life is motion and motion is life. In our society many careers and job opportunities are placing undo stress upon ones central nerve system due to extended sitting for periods of time. Adequate motion is not obtained through sitting down throughout the workweek. Sitting not only places stress upon the central nerve system by way of the spine, but also to the surrounding tissues, muscles, and ligaments. Constant muscle fatigue, tightness, soreness, are just the beginning of what happens when sitting over and over again.
When choosing between sitting vs standing, the option should be an easy one. Sitting for extended periods of time has been contributed with other chronic conditions that lead to dysfunction without the body. The reason for this is because as stated earlier, life is motion. With extended sitting you begin to compromise your posture and good health begins with proper posture. With proper posture your information highway (central nerve system) is free to regulate and coordinate every single experience you encounter without interruption. Sitting will compromise your posture which in turn will compromise your spinal stability thus interrupting your central nerve system. The central nerve system controls and regulates all organs, cells, tissues, and glands to maintain your health and proper function. “More people die of a sedentary lifestyle than from smoking” – C. Everett Koop, Former Surgeon General of the U.S. When considering sitting vs standing understand the importance of the little things that add up over time. Don’t become complacent and allow your health to be sitting stagnant.