Keeping Your Plants Healthy

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At this point in time, in our crazy mixed up world, it feels we must get back to the basics of life. So, got any plants? How simple can it be? Do you know how to properly care for them? Even though it’s winter and spring is a ways away, we need to prepare properly for the months to come.

It sounds trivial, yet in reality it’s a continual state of preparation. When I take care of my plants (particularly my vegetables; flowers are fine but eating my veggies is a delicious treat), I realize that external factors are important and need to occur to keep my plants “looking” healthy. Factors such as adequate sunshine, enough water, proper spacing, and good air flow.

While these external influences are important for the plant to survive, if left all alone these external influence would not be a constant. One constant variable that is often overlooked is the soil. Many say that if you take care of the soil, regardless of the external influences, the plant will not only grow, it will thrive.

So taking care of the soil takes care of the plant, regardless of the external influences that comes its way. This is a philosophy that is based on science, backed by pure instinct. To better understand, we can switch the word soil to mean that of host (our bodies) and instead of external influences you could use seeds or external harm. “Take care of the host and it will be impervious to any harmful seed thrown its way.” (Paraphrasing the highly remarked French scientist Claude Bernard.)

“While other professions are concerned with changing environment to suit the weakened body, Chiropractic is concerned with strengthening the body to “suit” environment.”-B.J. Palmer, D.C. The best way to take your health into your own hands is to address the body from the inside out. Starting with your central nerve system (CNS). By universal law the CNS controls every human experience that you have to keep you a well adapting machine. Take care of it wisely. 

If You Don’t Know About It Does It Matter?

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Ignorance, neglect, or just a general idea of not actually knowing. Just a few reasons a person might be unhealthy. But where  does your health “come from?” It’s like a motor vehicle that runs and does not give you any cues to check your engine, rotate your tires, change your oil, etc. If you didn’t perform these actions regularly your vehicle would stop running.  What about your health? Do we just ignore the innate wisdom of the body to keep us going on a day to day basis without any routine check-ups?

Contrary to current models, health does not come in the form of a pill, a shot, or any other external influence. Your belief system will secure your future and make you separate and distinct from others.  Your course is set based on your beliefs.  These beliefs should stand the test of time and will be challenged with the “latest and greatest.”

Take, for instance, our first president. George Washington, in his terminal state, was bled on a routine basis, which was a leading factor to his demise. This “bad blood” theory gained some initial momentum much like lobotomies, electroshock therapy, and other instant fixes.

The founder of Osteopathy (Osteopaths) A.T. Still said it best in 1899 “The brain of man was God’s drugstore and had in it all liquid, drugs, lubricating oils, opiates, acids, and anti-acids, and every quality of drugs that the wisdom of God thought necessary for human happiness and health.”

The innate wisdom of your body is the top concern to keep your body lively and well.  The chain of communication in doing this depends solely on your central nerve system.  The CNS collects, interprets, and coordinates all internal systems to keep your body  in its ideal state.  “Illness hovers constantly above us, their seeds blown by the wind, but they do not set in the terrain unless the terrain is ready to receive them.” – Claude Bernard.

Aging Is Not A Disease.

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The older we become, the more marketing material we receive about our “declining health.” While it can be true that the older we get the more difficult it is to maintain optimum health, there are other things to consider. Think of it this way: the human body is the first “machine” ever created. All other machines take notice to the human body.

We need to get over the false narrative that aging is a metaphysical “thing” and that  everyone will be plagued with it. Let’s first establish that aging is NOT A DISEASE. We can all agree that there is a big difference between a living body and a dead body. And we are lectured  by the medical community, drug companies, western medicine, govt..etc) who make money off the sick that there is nothing we can do about getting “old”.

Research can actually get things wrong! Take, for instance, spinal degeneration. This degeneration is not caused by “natural” aging. Spinal degeneration is due to a subluxation (a misalignment within the spine, altering the body’s  behavior to adequately adapt to external stressors). As a result, the disc space does not get proper movement and becomes malnourished. Furthermore, when the body lives in a subluxated state, over time the disc tissue cell becomes “replaced” with bone tissue cell.

You see, once a disc tissue cell is changed to a bone tissue cell, the process cannot be reversed. It’s not normal, but it’s not due to aging, because there are young people with spinal degeneration that has accumulated over time, unnoticed and unchecked. The good news is that this is not a DISEASE. When a subluxation occurs it happens in two segments. If spinal degeneration was actually a “disease” as is falsely claimed, then the entire body would be riddled with decay.

Believe in yourself and take care of your body! Aging can be beautiful if one makes good choices and does it well.  Chiropractic keeps the body as a properly functioning machine by accommodating and making sure the central nerve system is in harmony with every part of the body. “In a state of health, people are shut off from the invasion of germs”- Louis Pasteur.

Your Body, Your Health. Choose Wisely

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Your body your choice…right? Of course the answer is YES. The year 2020 has us looking at health differently. Some interesting changes have occurred, mostly related to the pandemic. While our current “model” of  health is now changing, there remains one constant: a preventative lifestyle. Chiropractic’s course of action is just that!!

Many people assume that if they don’t have a disease, they are healthy. However, this may not always be the case. Preventive measures fit well into a healthy lifestyle. 

As opposed to the popular belief, just because you are not sick does not mean that you are healthy. Yes, you actually have to work hard at being healthy. No different than you have to work hard to be unhealthy. I am often reminded of the documentary Super Size Me when the film-maker “learns” an unhealthy diet impacts his overall health and well-being.

Your health can be robbed from you when you’re  not looking and paying attention. We become distracted with unnecessary problems that we cannot control. What we can control is our health. Starting with the most important system that regulates your health, the central nerve system.

Any interference known as a subluxation within the spinal column will create dis-organized chaos in your health and well-being. A subluxation will directly impact your systems. Even your immune system. When you have an infection, injury, trauma, or stress response that challenges your immune system your NICU’s (neuro-immune cell unit) release cytokines to help with the trauma. Every moment you spend being in a subluxated state you are silently creating abnormal physiological function to exist.

These NICU’s are always sensing information and processing it back to the brain to gather intelligence of pathogens or immune challenges that counter your health. Remember your body is designed to be healthy, in order to keep it that way you have to become exposed to certain stressors that create a healthy immune response. Chiropractic releases your body’s innate healing ability. Your body does the healing.

Welcome To What We Believe

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In this office we are Subluxation based Chiropractic care. We do not perform this because it is the doctrine in Chiropractic care. We do this because it is what Chiropractic care is. In short we are to detect and correct vertebral subluxtions by hand. Chiropractic’s definition itself was developed by Reverend Samuel H. Weed which means “done by hand”.

Some people think that Chiropractic is supplement use, vitamins, physical therapy, lasers, or other forms of modalities that are not congruent with what Chiropractic actually is. Many will attempt to “add” or limit what Chiropractic care really is. Fortunately the Subluxation model of established Chiropractic care has not been proven wrong. Genuinely speaking, Chiropractic care is working without having to “add” more.

In this office we utilize the Gonstead System Of Chiropractic which incorporates full spinal analysis to detect and corrected vertebral subluxations within the spinal column, using our tools of choice…our hands. X-ray analysis is utilized to access each spine differently ensuring your care is specific to you and, more importantly, warranted for a correction. We understand that subluxations are created by the body’s inability to adapt to the loads (stress) under which you place it. The effects of subluxations:

  • decreased vitality
  • impaired immune response
  • altered metabolism/physiology
  • altered cognitive function
  • altered behaviors
  • altered genetic expression

We believe in this office that our model of Chiropractic care is the most practical solution for you. We understand that the most probable outcome of a negative health consequence begins within the spinal column. Our focus is not to make people dependent on Chiropractic care, but rather to allow one to understand what the body is capable of while under Chiropractic care. This offers an the most practical reward for sustaining health without adding or subtracting from it.

We believe that we are crucial to the transformation and expression of allowing natural health care for the human race. Remember even long before the profession of Chiropractic was established in 1895, Hippocrates in 460 B.C. attested and said, “Look well to the spine for the cause of disease.”

Kids Chiropractic Office

By | ADHD, Allergies, Benefits of Chiropractic, chiropractic adjustment, Chiropractic Myths | No Comments

Why kids Chiropractic office? The more important question is- why would we not have an office with a focus on Kids and family? Our approach is not new and it is backed by science, more importantly though its backed by common sense. Becoming aware of making healthy choices for your kids is a process that leads to a fulfilling life for them.

Unfortunately, we have this misconception of something “new”. A newborn child is something “new”. A new vehicle that you buy and drive off the lot is new, looks new, drives new, and yet still along the way will need maintenance to ensure optimal function of those smooth, “new” mechanics. If you do not take care of the necessary precautions or maintenance of a machine it will in turn break down faster.

We have been indoctrinated that kids are “new” and nothing bad can happen to anything “new”. On the contrary. The human body is, and will always be, the first “machine” ever created. Think of it, in with good air and out with bad air. In with good food and out with bad food…etc, etc. Systems (ex. respiratory) of the body are set in place for a purpose to maintain and create health in its existence starting from the minute of birth.

The first system of the body that is created to MAKE all other systems and then regulate, control, and coordinate their actions is the central nerve system (CNS). With such an important infrastructure that the CNS has to maintain on a daily basis, wouldn’t it make sense to get “it” checked to ensure optimal function for a young developing kid?

A subluxation is a misalignment that occurs within the spinal column that disrupts the communication LINK between the brain and the body. And YES, it even happens in kids. It can even happen during the birthing process or during the first time you are breast feeding your child. We are not one to speculate on how the subluxation occurred, we are here to show awareness of what needs to happen. Chiropractic check-ups to ensure optimal development from within the body. A healthy spine is foundational key for a healthy CNS which equals a healthy child.

Stay True To Health – Staying Normal During These Times

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Handshakes, high-fives, and hugs have all too quickly transitioned into “elbow bumps” and social distancing – which we totally respect. There is no denying that in this current situation is unpleasant. However we see this as an opportunity to flip the script, and see this as an opportunity to empower our community even more. No matter what is occurring – our health is our most valuable asset. Having an abundance of health means we can take care of those that matter most to us and simply get back to doing the things we love most.

So, what does being “Healthy” mean. Health isn’t found in blood pressure numbers, temperature ranges, or in prescription medication. Put simply, health is the body having the ability to respond correctly, accurately, and the ability to ADAPT to our ever-changing environment. Now in correlation with the hysteria of the Coronavirus, bugs find their way into those whom are already sick or mal-adaptive, not individuals with proper immune resiliency. BJ Palmer said it best, “If the ‘germ theory of disease’ were correct, there’d be no one living to believe it.” You can only be a host to a virus if your perfectly made neuroimmune response is not functioning well. We all touch the same door knobs, shopping carts, breathe the same air… why do some people get sick and others simply will not? It is all about how well you ADAPT to the environment around you. It’s as simple as that. This is at the foundational core of Chiropractic and its history as well as success.

This same principle and truth can be applied to an old adage about rats in a dump… If there was a huge pile of garbage and rats all over the smelly trash, what caused the infestation? Was it the rats that caused the dump to occur, or were the rats a result of a dump already there? Which in turn attracted the rats to the delicious pile of trash. The truth is germs are opportunists – looking for an easy meal or place to harbor. With an immune response that is less than optimal or weakened, rats will arrive. The same applies to our health and Nerve System response to whatever infectious antigens cross our paths. We are on a mission to keep this nation well, and it all starts with proper Nerve System adaption and maybe a solid high-five. It is more important now than ever to Get Checked.

Attacking Stress From Within

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The current situation in the world today is stressful. At Basler Family Chiropractic we are continuing to sustain our normal routine spinal check-ups. We have made modifications and updated standard operating procedures to keep up with guidelines. With the stress that builds up during this current situation it is our job to make sure your central nerve system is free of any interference and functioning to its optimal potential to enable your body to adapt appropriately during these times.

Chiropractic does not cure anything. The science of Chiropractic is not based upon a “cure” it is based solely on adaptability. Principle No. 24 The Limits Of Adaptation. Innate Intelligence adapts forces and matter for the body as long as it can do so without breaking a universal law, or Innate Intelligence is limited by the limitations of matter.

Attacking your stress from within happens through your central nerve system. Whether you believe it or not, every human experience you have is controlled, processed, and coordinated through your central nerve system.

When your stress begins to accumulate you begin to change the trajectory of your health from within. How so? Through your central nerve system which controls the tissue cell of every organ, gland, and muscles of your body. The top three hormones that change your outlook and breed more stress are:

·  Cortisol

·  Adrenaline

·  Noreprenephrine

The more you welcome stress the more you change your health and well-being. This changes your state of adaptability and will result in incoordination of your immune system and every system for that matter. It curves your bodies ability to adapt and respond in a timely healthy manner.

By focusing on the central nerve system the bodies autonomic nerve system is better able to coordinate and function. A large study included 520 subjects receiving a single Chiropractic adjustment, and 111 subjects receiving care for a period of four weeks. Consistent significant increased total power of HRV (heart rate variability) was reported. The authors stated that results signified a return of healthy autonomic nerve system coordination upon the Chiropractic adjustment of vertebral subluxation. (Sinnott)

It’s the inside that counts. By taking care of the central nerve system you will limit the stress hormones that come with it. Your body knows what to do to heal itself. Chiropractic works by restoring the natural, innate connection between the body and the brain. 

The “Three Little Pigs” And Sustaining Your Immune System Against The Big Bad Wolf

By | ADHD, Allergies, Benefits of Chiropractic, chiropractic adjustment, Chiropractic Myths, posture | No Comments

What can we gather from “The Three Little Pigs” fable that we were taught at a very young age? Implementing a fable into our lives allows for a learning experience. Learn from history and what you have been taught since the beginning. With the growing ‘concern’ of the Coronavirus eating away at every news media, take a step back and reflect on the importance and adaptability that the human body has when hard work is implemented on a daily routine.

When building and sustaining your immune system do not settle for the ‘instant’ gratification or the quick fix that we have been led to believe works. The first two little pigs underestimate the time and hard work it takes to build a strong foundation to keep them well and protected. The other pig as we know invested more TIME and energy on something that lasts. Understand that the body is protected when you take the time to do things right..

How do you sustain your immune system?

1.    Get your spine checked by a Chiropractor. You don’t want to handicap your central nerve system, the master control system who directly regulates and coordinates everything about your immune system. Chiropractic research performed by Dr. Ronald Pero, Ph.D., chief of cancer prevention research at New York’s Preventive Medicine Institute measured the immune systems of people under chiropractic care as compared to those in the general population and those with cancer and other serious diseases. His initial three-year study was comprised of 107 individuals who had been under chiropractic care for five years or more. The chiropractic patients were found to have a 200% greater immune competence than those people who had not received chiropractic care, and they had 400% greater immune competence than those people with cancer and other serious diseases. The immune system’s superiority of those under chiropractic care did not appear to diminish with age.

2.  Get adequate rest to sustain your bodies daily routine that we love!

3.  Don’t stop exercising.

4.  Wash your hands. For real it’s that simple, wash your hands.

5.   Being consistent and diligent with your diet.

6.  Create positive thoughts or be a positive thought. By creating positive thoughts and being around positive people you will decrease the bodies ability to produce stress hormones which will breed dis-ease and compromise your immune system. Positive like a proton.

Sustaining your immune system is a tough job. This is why you should get your spine checked regularly. If you think being well is expensive, what is the price for disease/sickness care? Time has and always will perpetuate those methods which better serve mankind. Hit the sweet spot and sustain your immune system by being consistent.

Are Safety Pins Really Safe?

By | ADHD, Allergies, Benefits of Chiropractic, chiropractic adjustment, High Blood Pressure, immune system | No Comments

Are safety pins really safe? Without spreading to much controversy on this thought process. The obvious and only answer is YES. Safety pins are designed to be safe. Hence the amazing name they are warranted. Just like our body and how it is designed, its safe and works correctly when everything is working the way it should. In a closed circuit. We are not talking about cuts, bruises, contusions, lacerations, broken bones etc, we are talking about the inside of the body and how it controls your life.

Your bodies most intelligent system (the central nerve system) works in the same fashion as a safety pin does. It works to its best ability when its completely connected/closed. The nerve system works best when there is no interference in the connection from the brain to body and body to brain. If there is any disturbance within these pathways then is the nerve system safe… is the body? The safety pin is not considered ‘safe’ if it is not fully closed to complete the connection of ‘safety’.

When a disturbance exists in the spinal column it is called a subluxation. The subluxation is a misalignment within the spinal column placing stress upon a single nerve fiber. As a result it will disrupt the communication between the brain and body and create interference. A subluxation opens the safety pin, and as a direct result is no longer safe.

A great analogy to use with justification to explain the merits of what Chiropractic aims to accomplish. Some would ask why the ‘safety pin’ opens in the first place? In order to use it you have to expose it to the world and the external stressors that comes with using something. Just like your nerve system. In order to live life you must expose yourself to the elements that comes with LIVING. You do not prevent it by living in a bubble isolated from life. So, get your central nerve system checked for any imbalance that can exist.