Cough, Sneeze, Fever Much? Learn Why Your Child Is Healthy.

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Cough, Sneeze, Fever Much? Learn Why Your Child Is Healthy.

Cough, sneeze, fever much?  Would you say that these are symptoms of someone who is healthy?  Sounds like a trick question doesn’t it. These “common” symptoms are reminders that the body is functioning correctly.  Health is about how the body operates and functions accordingly. Coughing, sneezing and fever has everything to do with a “normal” healthy response in your child… in moderation.  That is the key word here…moderation.

What Does Moderation Have To Do With It?

Moderation has everything to do with everything.  For example, on Monday your child is having symptoms.  Tuesday, your child is still having symptoms. On Wednesday morning your child’s body should be back to almost full capacity.  What if your child exhibits these symptoms for days, weeks or months? Then your child’s body is not exhibiting a normal healthy response and is failing to adapt and heal.  When the body fails to adapt to a stressor then moderation is taken out of the equation.

Eliminating Confusion – Fire For Effect

When the body is failing to adapt, the central nerve system is not performing at its optimum potential.  When the CNS becomes dysfunctional it confuses other systems that it regulates and controls, e.g., the immune system.  It’s a domino effect. One thing leads to another. An unhealthy CNS leads to a confused immune system which in turn leads to a child constantly being sick over and over again.  When an immune system is constantly being bombarded and never gets an opportunity to heal, the cycle just keeps repeating itself. We begin to feel sick all the time and it becomes our new normal.  We start believing that this is just how life is! Not true! Fire for effect and get your child’s CNS checked for dysfunction. With a healthy and properly functioning CNS the immune system is able to combat and adapt a cough, sneeze or fever in an adequate and healthy time frame.


Heating Up…Why Fevers Are Controlled Burns

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Heating Up…Why Fevers Are Controlled Burns

Wildfires!  Forests in the Northwestern part of the Unites States are susceptible to wildfires.  When wildfires occur, they must be controlled and managed safely.  A short burn can be beneficial in some cases, but let it get out of control and the whole forest will be destroyed.  Like wildfires, when your body temperature rises and a fever occurs it also must be controlled.  A fever that is too high and too long will do more damage than good, but a fever that is short and within the ‘safe’ range can be beneficial to the body.  Neither are 100% preventable, but both are sometimes necessary.  Your body is ready to fight and protect itself and it is heating up for a reason.     

Fighting Infections Naturally

A fever occurs for a specific reason.  Your body’s innate intelligence detects that there is an underlying problem and causes your body to enter protection mode by adapting to the stressors that are occurring within the body.  It is important to let your body’s innate intelligence do what it is meant to do.  Your immune systems natural reaction is to burn out the bad.  A simple fever of 104 degrees and below is natural and is protecting the body from harm. 

Needs To Be A Quick Burn

When your body heats up and a battle ensues, it begins to activate and develop white blood cells (WBC’s).  WBC’s are your body’s soldiers.  Bacteria and viruses are slowed down by WBC’s, and when WBC’s are activated your body enters an ‘acute phase’.  When threatened, a healthy body will typically get a fever, adapt and overcome and eventually exit the ‘acute phase’.  In most cases this will only take a couple of days.  It is not a healthy response if your body does not exit the ‘acute phase’ and enters a ‘chronic phase’.  In a ‘chronic phase’, the fever is not controlled and your body is not adapting.   

Fevers Do Not Cause Harm

Most of us have been misinformed about fevers our whole lives.  We’ve been told that fevers are bad thing, but they do not cause harm.  Remember, your body is performing a controlled burn and it is doing this so that your body may recover quickly and effectively.  The body has an amazing ability to heal itself.  If you attempt to suppress the fever, you discredit the bodies innate process of healing, and your body will not learn to retain the proper immunity response for the next time.         


Why Lions, Tigers, Bears and Lifting Fridges While Drinking Whiskey Do Not Mix

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Why Lions, Tigers, Bears and Lifting Fridges While Drinking Whiskey Do Not Mix

This statement itself is stating the obvious, right?  Hopefully you read the title and innately knew that this title was absurd and none of these activities or animals should be played with.  Now, we are not speaking from experience nor would we condone lifting a fridge while drinking whiskey and messing with lions, tigers, and bears.  What’s the purpose of this week’s blog, then?  The purpose of this week’s blog is… stating the obvious. 

Know Us Before You Need Us.

Most people judge their health by how they feel.  Since the first symptom of our Western lifestyle induced diseased state is typically death or some sort of life altering hospital visit, it is safe to say that assessing how you feel is not the most accurate way to measure your health. Stating the obvious.

Know us before you need us.  The ‘us’ is in reference to your chiropractor.  Only go to your chiropractor when you are in pain…said nobody ever!  Only going to the chiropractor when you are in pain is equivalent to eating healthy foods only when you are sick.  Stating the obvious.

It does not make sense.  Back pain, neck pain, and any kind of pain is no fun.  We understand that.  While chiropractic can help you with the pain and get you out of pain naturally, it does not mean you are better.  Healing the body is a process.  Ignore the process of healing and ADAPTING and you will begin the insanity cycle.  Stating the obvious.

Can I Get The Quick Fix?

Every cell, organ, and tissue is controlled by your Central Nerve System.  Since your spine protects the Central Nerve System, wouldn’t it be a good idea to keep it aligned?  Stating the obvious. 

The “one and done” adjustment does not work in chiropractic nor in life.  Buyer beware!  It’s the maintenance that counts.  Your health, or more importantly, the system that regulates your health (central nerve system), is no different than anything else in life.  It requires regular check-ups.  Stating the obvious.

The Truth…

Although regular checks-ups and the maintenance of the central nerve system is important, it is not a chiropractic law.  It’s nature’s law.  Preventing future problems from occurring and old ones from returning is continual adaptation to keep one in the ideal state of health.  Stating the obvious.

Can I Get The One Time Adjustment…

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Can I Get The One Time Adjustment??

The big question that is often thought of or presumed with what actually happens in chiropractic offices is…”Can I get the one-time adjustment?”  Unfortunately some chiropractic offices create the illusion that you will only need ONE adjustment to solve all of your problems.  Which just so happens to be the farthest thing from the truth.  Let’s have some fun with this thought process as well as debunking why it just isn’t so.

Why Can’t I Get the “One and Done”?

The reason you cannot get the one and done is because it does not exist.  Why do I have pain and then get adjusted and feel better?  When a subluxation is adjusted the body automatically creates a chemical reaction releasing feel good hormones as well as a surge of ATP and dopamine.  ATP is your energy currency that every cell requires, thus allowing you to take on the day.  Dopamine rushes to your brain and releases a flood of feel good endorphins.  It does not mean that you are better though.  It means that you just started on the path to healing.

Doesn’t the Bone Move?

Yes and no.  Your chiropractor’s responsibility is to adjust the subluxation which is creating dysfunction within your central nerve system.  Adjusting the subluxation takes time and repetition to restore proper alignment within the spine. The bone does not just move from point A to point B in a matter of a milliseconds and skip all the healing properties that are required to establish proper neural memory.  THAT is drastic thinking and does not happen.  The bone moves over time to establish proper alignment.  Think of braces along the teeth. Same concept.

Awesome Analogies

Time and repetition are fundamental to maintaining your central nerve system’s functionality and peak performance.  Healthy central nerve system = healthy body.  You use it every day so maintain its integrity and limit the dysfunction that it comes in contact with.  Here are some analogies that relate to the “one and done” adjustment.

  1.  Hairstylist- Can I have the one time hair-cut so I don’t have to ever get it cut again…please?
  2. Mechanic- Can I just get my oil changed just once…please?
  3. Fitness Trainer- Can I just work-out once and have amazing six-pack abs…please?
  4. Parenting- I am just going to parent one day and teach my kids one time…hope it works!
  5. Nutrition- Can I just eat all the healthy foods just for one day and call it quits…pretty please??
  6. Religion- I read my Bible only on August 1st 2010 and learned everything I needed to!
  7. Book-keeping- Can you please just balance my books once so I don’t ever have to do it again?
  8. Doctor- So I want the labs to check for everything… please!

Myth: Chiropractic Is Addictive.

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Myth:  Chiropractic Is Addictive

You have probably heard people say that once you start seeing a chiropractor you have to keep coming back. Or that chiropractic is addictive.  While these statements are not factual, they do have some merit when in the proper context. When you understand how the body operates and was designed, being healthy becomes simple.

Being Healthy Is Addictive

Chiropractic is addictive or being healthy is addictive?  One is in the same.  Chiropractic is the study of life and what continues to make man live and be HEALTHY.  So, let’s break chiropractic down into general principles.  Chiropractic does not remove anything from your body (surgery), it does not add anything to your body (pills), it does not perform external interventions (lasers, lotions, potions, etc.).  After eliminating all extraneous “stuff”, chiropractic sounds pretty basic in this day and age of health trends.  Where does the addiction come from?  It comes from choice.

Adapting Is Addictive

When you understand that the human body is designed to adapt and heal itself, health becomes addictive. Why would you want to take, consume, or limit your body from what it actually needs?  Where does adapting come from? It comes from within your body, or it is innately given.  Innate intelligence – the mission of innate intelligence is to maintain the material of the body of a “living thing” in active organization – Chiropractic Text Book.

Living Through The Inside

The inside for this matter is the brain and spinal cord (collectively called the central nerve system, or CNS).  What is the importance of the CNS?  It made every organ, cell, tissue, and material of your body.  Every second the CNS is maintaining your life.  When the CNS has stress placed on it, the body begins to mal-adapt and become dysfunctional.  Regular check-ups via your chiropractor ensure that you have proper connection flowing through your CNS.  A healthy lifestyle begins from taking care of your CNS.  Being healthy is addictive.


4.5 Reasons To See A Chiropractor During Your Pregnancy

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4.5 Reasons to See a Chiropractor during Your Pregnancy

4.5 reasons to see a chiropractor during your pregnancy.  Why 4.5?  This is a blog, and literacy standards and protocols go out the window and we are allowed to do whatever we want.  A mom’s body is constantly changing and altering in order to develop a child. Every source of nutrition, function, and coordination to the developing child is sustained and controlled via the mother’s central nerve system and her spinal health.  Healthy spine = Healthy Pregnancy.

1. The Most Notorious = Pain

Low back pain is caused by pelvis dysfunction.  The body is changing and adapting to the new physical stress placed on it.  Most expecting mothers will try to off-set the developing child and create a type of “sway-back” that ultimately creates more problems than it should.  According to the Canadian Chiropractic Association (CCA) 16/17 women saw clinical improvement from of back pain and relief from discomfort after seeking chiropractic care.

2. Shorter Labor

According to the CCA, 50% of mothers will experience easier labor and delivery with regular chiropractic check-ups.  With regular spinal checkups the pelvis and sacrum can be balanced, creating the environment for an ideal birth.  A balanced pelvis eliminates undue tension to muscles and ligaments which will enhance optimal fetal positioning.

3. Regulating Your Hormones

Relaxin.  One of the “top” hormones that is essential for pregnant mothers is also a hormone that creates constant instability in muscle tissue.  80% of pregnant women did not receive treatment for muscle pain related to pregnancy while under chiropractic care.  Regular spinal checkups can help regulate relaxin levels, resulting in less muscle pain and tension.

4. Supporting Mother’s Health

Healthy living can be over-whelming and daunting for expectant mothers.  With regular check-ups not only are you supporting your physical needs, your emotional needs become elevated as well.  Your overall quality of pregnancy will increase by allowing you to maintain your activity level (motion).  Because life is motion and motion is life.

4.5  The Just In Case

The breech position.  Chiropractors have been trained in and can utilize a specific technique called the Webster’s Technique.   The Webster’s Technique has an 82% success rate in moving babies from breech to cephalic position.  Considering the high rate of cesareans today (plus the unwillingness of more OBs to deliver a breech baby), the Webster technique should be an option for every eligible pregnant woman.  Just in case.

3 Affects Occurring On Your Spine Due To The “I” Hunch

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3 Affects Occurring On Your Spine Due To The “I” Hunch

Your Spine Dislikes Gadgets

Your spine is prone to continual stress every single day.  Your spine is specifically designed for two important functions.  Its top priority is to protect the most important structure within your body… the central nerve system (brain and spinal cord).  Secondly, the spine is designed to withstand stress, such as gravity, that is applied every single day.  In this day and age the TOP stressor that plagues our body is “The Gadgets”.  Cellphones, iPads, Kindle’s, etc.  When we continuously look down at gadgets, our entire spinal structure is under constant stress.

#1 – The Reverse Neck Curve Begins

Postural deviations that start in childhood and are left undetected and uncorrected will generally lead to bigger problems when those children become adults.  The more children are looking down at gadgets from earlier ages, the greater significance of cervical curve changes.  These changes are not for the better.

#2 – Your Spine Is Working Overtime

Having your head in a forward posture can add up to thirty pounds of abnormal leverage on the cervical spine.  This can pull the entire spine out of alignment – Rene Cailliet, M.D.  When we focus on the immediate we only focus on the cervical spine.  When in reality the entire spine will have to work over time.  This means that constant muscle tension, knots, and irritation will be existing all over the spine due to the imbalance in the neck area.

#3 -Your Spine Creates Unnecessary Stress

Constant forward head lean will put automatic stress on the central nerve system (CNS).  When you begin to alter your spinal curvature due to repetitive stress, this will result in a variety of health problems.  Why?  Without proper spinal support, the spinal bones will create tension and stress on your CNS.  Repetitive head lean is equivalent to adding an extra 60lbs of pressure on your spinal column…which means 60lbs of undo stress on your CNS.

Everyone has had poor posture at some point.  It only becomes a problem if you decide not to do anything about it.  Checking your posture and getting your spine checked for subluxations enables your body to adapt to the constant stress.



Learn Why Patience Is Key To Healing Your Body

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Patience is the Key to Healing Your Body

Teaching Patience to Patients

In this day and age the status quo is living in the fast-food lane, meaning we want things to happen NOW.  The age of patience is becoming a lost art. Industries will cater to this fast-food lane mentality and sell you products, trends, fads, and gimmicks, trying to convince you that something can happen in the NOW.  The “sale” that strikes a nerve with chiropractic care is emergency or urgent care.  Unfortunately my profession will sell you the quick “fix”.  Chiropractic care is not an emergency room or urgent care.  Chiropractic enables your body to adapt to the external stressors that plague it.  Feeling good just comes with the territory.  If you only come in to see the chiropractor when you’re in pain, then you should only eat healthy food when you get sick.  It takes time for your body to heal and adapt.  It takes patience.

The Truth about Patience in Healing

Nobody is too busy to heal, it just comes down to your priorities and choices you make in life.  Chiropractic care is not designed to make you instantly feel better.  It is actually designed to instantaneously begin the healing process and allow your body to adapt to your stressors.  Simple enough? Patience is fundamental with chiropractic because adapting to your stressors is a process, not an event.

The Father of Patience

“Healing is a matter of time, it is sometimes a matter of opportunity,” – Hippocrates.  Think of it this way.  If you work a 9-5 job Monday through Friday, and a good majority of that time you are sitting at a desk utilizing a computer, a substantial amount of physical and emotional stress is placed on your body.  Chiropractic care enables your body to adapt to the external stressors in your life.  If you have complete loss of patience you will just conform to the “status quo” and take medication.  Your body will always go through stress, but it’s your innate responsibility to promote adapting.  Adapting comes with understanding how patience is required in healing.  If you get a cut, a scab will form and you will heal.  If you break a bone, you will heal.  The same can be said for just about ANYTHING in your body when you give it time.  Chiropractic care paired with patience will promote adapting and healing within your body. #getchecked

Pediatric Chiropractic Care – The Establishment Of Health

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Pediatric Chiropractic Care – The Establishment of Health

The First Trauma That Goes Unrecognized

When establishing health, always look towards the spine first.  Why?  The brain was the first “thing” that was made in utero. The brain then made the spinal cord and a protective coat of armor called the spine / spinal bones / vertebrae.  By accessing the health of the spine, we are accessing the entire health of the body.  The first trauma that your spine endures is the birth process.  This is often neglected and forgotten about because of the euphoric feeling that happens after a new born is brought into the world.  Early labor, active labor, delivery and the overall birth itself is stressful on a newborn.  We cannot stress enough the importance of pediatric chiropractic following birth.

Pediatric Chiropractic Care

If you want the best for your child, get them checked immediately after the birth process and continue from there.  A subluxation is an irritated nerve fiber that places undo stress upon the central nerve system.  A subluxation can be created through the birth process.  The only way to know is to get checked following birth.  Your spine is literally the backbone of your body’s ability to function properly. The focus of chiropractic care is to remove any physiological blocks to the proper expression of the body’s innate wisdom.  Pediatric chiropractic adjustments are gentle and noninvasive on your child.

The Numbers Are Not In Our Favor

Check out these statistics about the United States and the growing epidemics in our children.  These numbers are silent in nature and only hit home when it is our child that is affected.  Birth traumas that went uncorrected and neglected increased risk of autism five-fold.

  • Autism 1 in 45 children
  • Attention Deficit 1 in 10 children
  • Asthma 1 in 10 children
  • Allergies 1 in 4 children
  • Diabetes 1 in 4 children
  • Obesity 1 in 3 children
  • Major Depression 1 in 2 children

We are not saying that birth trauma causes these numbers or does not cause these numbers.  You have two choices…Stress Vulnerability or Stress Resiliency.  In our office and the community we are reaching, we are committed to Stress Resiliency Care in our office.  Pediatric chiropractic care is the foundation to health.