Don’t Cover Up Signs And Symptoms

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Don’t Cover Up Signs And Symptoms

Covering up signs and symptoms is and has been a continuing trend in our society.  When signs and symptoms are expressed in your body it should be a red flag that dysfunction is present within the entire body (think of the body as a well oiled machine).  What are signs and symptoms that something is functionally wrong with our body? High blood pressure, colic, constipation, irregular cycle, ear infections, and the list goes on and on.  Unfortunately, we grow a custom to our signs and symptoms and begin to think they are a normal way of life for us.  If the symptoms persist for a time we tend to cover them up with artificial stimuli such as medication or cope in other methods.  While the medication might be a temporary “fix” the true underlying problem is not yet addressed.  Signs and symptoms are the beginning stage of dis-ease within in the body.  Over time as your body compensates for dysfunction with a particular symptom your entire central nerve system begins to malfunction.

What Signs And Symptoms Really Are

Recognize that any sign or symptoms that your body gives you is directly related to the nerve system.  There has to be a cause and effect for what you are experiencing and the cause is related to the nerve system.  Understanding this concept is not far-fetched, the nerve system regulates and controls all functions within the body.  Now, we realize that if someone hits you with a blunt object or if you smoke a pack of cigarettes a day then obviously you have your cause.  The signs and symptoms that we are referring to are associated with everyday life that often go unexplained or point to a specific organ that is malfunctioning.  The thought process goes along the lines of this: high blood pressure = blame the heart, constipation =  blame the GI tract and so on.  While yes, the sign and symptom is apparent in that particular organ, why is it happening?  If a nerve has pressure upon it, the messages from the brain are going to be cut-off or limited to that particular organ, cell, tissue or gland.  As a consequence of not receiving proper messages from the brain, the body will develop signs and symptoms which in turn will lead to the dis-ease process.


Chiropractic focuses specifically on the nerve system.  Tell a chiropractor a specific sign and symptom and we will show you the nerve that regulates and controls that particular organ, cell, tissue or gland.  Chiropractors look to find dysfunction within the nerve system by locating subluxations.  Subluxations place undo stress on a specific nerve creating an entire central nerve system malfunction.  Subluxations can exist for years without you knowing it directly, until signs and symptoms manifest.  Specific chiropractic adjustments remove the subluxations and allow your body to HEAL.  Have your nerve system checked for possible subluxations.

Athletic Performance Via Chiropractic

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Athletic Performance Via Chiropractic

Athletic performance through chiropractic care?  Having the winning edge comes with specific training and making sure your body is functioning at its peak performance.  Regular practice in your specific sport can only do so much for you if your body is not working at full capacity.  The full capacity part comes without drugs, surgery or performance enhancing drugs!  It comes with regular chiropractic care.  Athletes are usually measured with how strong, fast, or talented they are which is focusing on the musculoskeletal system.  Chiropractic allows your musculoskeletal system to be functioning at 100% by directly focusing on the nerve system.  The nerve system is the master control system, it regulates and allows everything to function by making sure everything is properly connected.  

“I would estimate that at least 90% of world class athlete use chiropractic on a regular basis to prevent injuries and to improve their athletic performance” – Sean Atkins, Ph.D.  Athletic performance can be measured on overall function in an athlete.  Injuries, repetitive stress on joints, and overall developing the body to have optimal athletic performance can disable certain functions.  Seeking out regular chiropractic care enables your body to be at its peak performance.  Nerve dysfunction hinders athletic performance by decreasing response time, muscle development, and overall athletic ability.  Nerve dysfunction is what chiropractors are trained for to enable your athletic performance to be at its peak.  A vast majority of your nerves daily routine is firing and sending communication to your muscles.  Gravity is and will always plague the body in disproportional ways if nerve dysfunction is present.  This means using energy unnecessarily and in disproportion to your overall needs = decreasing your reaction time, healing, and overall metabolism.   Performance is directly related to your central nerve system and how your body interprets communication.  Function is only established with a clear communicating nerve system.  Look for the winning edge, enhance your athletic performance with specific chiropractic care.


Computer Posture

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Computer Posture

Computer posture in our society is becoming a struggle as more and more individuals are sitting for an extended period of time at their desk.  Correct computer posture is key for a lifetime of proper spinal alignment and allowing your body to continue to work day in and day out without any problems.  So, here are some basic simple principles when sitting down on the computer for an extended period of time.  When visualizing your monitor it is key that the bottom of the monitor be slightly above your eyes or have the monitor perpendicular to your eyes.  If you are constantly looking down at the monitor you are placing stress upon the neck muscles.  The arms need to be at a neutral position almost in a 90-degree angle when typing on the keyboard.  Computer posture for sitting down should be with a slight curve in your lumbar region.  Make sure the curve is actually in your lumbar spine and not in your pelvis.  The feet need to be flat on the floor periodically moving them.   Limit the amount of leaning forward while looking at the monitor for this adds stress upon the neck muscles yet again.

Correct computer posture is key to longevity in your current profession.  Understand that sitting down on the spine is like sugar to the teeth, it adds up over time if done incorrectly.  Chiropractic allows you to function and enable correct computer posture by allowing your nerve system to function correctly.  Overtime incorrect computer posture will wreak havoc on the muscles.  This is in part due to the amount of strain that is placed on the muscles for having to compensate.  Remember you are always fighting gravity on a daily basis, it is your nerve systems responsibility to send proper messages to the muscles to make sure they are firing appropriately and working correctly.  If you are compensating with poor posture your muscles will be working harder and faster than they should be, which in turn can create nerve system dysfunction.  Regular chiropractic care allows your nerve system to be connected without dysfunction so your muscles work accordingly.  Proper computer posture teamed up with regular chiropractic care is a win-win!  


Muscle Pain Is Caused From What?

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Muscle Pain Is Caused From What?

Muscle pain is caused from what?  Before we go on with this blog let’s attack the known muscle pain that is often associated with a “Charley Horse”.  Charley Horses are often brought on after somebody directly or indirectly makes contact with their fist (or an object) to your arm, leg or other part of your body, thus resulting in a cramping sensation.  Muscle pain will often ensure after a Charley Horse.  So, now to talk about the other muscle pain that is chronic and often burdensome to others.  The musculoskeletal system is vitally important to maintaining life and allowing you to perform functions on a daily basis.  What wreaks havoc on our muscles?  Posture!  Poor posture is a catalyst for chronic muscle pain.  Look at our society and see how many people have desk related jobs where they are sitting for extended periods of time or constantly compromising their neck muscles while texting. 

As the story goes with chronic muscle pain there has to be an underlying reason why?  Enter the Nerve System!  The nerve system regulates and controls all other systems within the human body, and the musculoskeletal system is one of those.  The nerve system is protected by your spinal bones and within your spine you are supposed to have three curvatures when visualizing somebody from the side and then a straight spine when visualizing somebody from the front or back.  Subluxations within the spine occur without you noticing and take time to manifest until you actually notice a symptom such as chronic pain.  A subluxation places stress upon your spinal nerves which in turn creates a central nerve system dysfunction within your body.  Posture plays a key role in the creation of subluxations by creating improper curvatures within the spine.  As these improper curvatures continually progress your spinal nerves are disconnected from sending proper messages to organs, cells, tissues, and muscle.  Muscle pain progresses due to your body constantly wanting to walk straight and fighting the constant improper posture brought on by subluxations.  Your muscles begin over-firing on one side and under-firing on the other side of your spine or both sides can be constantly over-firing (everyone is different).  

By correcting the subluxations with specific chiropractic care your body is properly connected and transmitting messages to your muscles.  Restoring proper curvatures within the spine enables your nerve system to function at its optimal capacity which allows your musculoskeletal system to fire appropriately, which in time decreases muscle pain.  The body is an amazing structure, treating muscle pain with over the counter medication or potions only covers up the true underlying reason.  Have your nerve system evaluated and get checked for possible subluxations.


Here is an article about chiropractic care and muscle pain: Click Me to open.

Why Kids Chiropractic?

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Why Kids Chiropractic?

Why kids chiropractic?  Why not!  Our kids our going through some important milestones as they continue to grow and develop.  All of these developmental milestones are regulated and controlled by their nerve system.  Chiropractors are nerve system specialist who locate and if necessary adjust subluxations that create dysfunction in the body.  A subluxation creates a central nerve system discommunication with the rest of the body by placing stress on the nerve system itself.  Kids experience rapid development of their spine and nerve system in their first years of life.  By seeking regular chiropractic care, you allow your kid to develop and function to their optimal potential.  Chiropractic is noninvasive, no medication is required, and no surgery is required.  Specific chiropractic adjustments allow the body to heal by returning normal communication to and from brain to body.

In some cases people might say that kids chiropractic is not valid because they don’t have back pain  Back pain?  Judging our child’s health based on pain is a flawed system.  When we say that adjustments allow the body to heal by returning normal COMMUNICATION to and from brain to body, we are saying that initially there has to be a disconnect.  A disconnect in the human body occurs at the nerve system level, specifically speaking a subluxation.  A disconnect allows signs and symptoms to appear: colic, constipation, digestive issues, ear infections, sensory processing disorders, asthma, allergies and other challenges.  Our newborn child or developing kid is not going to be telling us about pain, they are going to be admitting sign and symptoms to let us know that something is wrong.  Kids chiropractic focuses on improving proper development by allowing the body to communicate without a disconnect.  Suffering from health challenges for a kid is not the way to go nor is it normal development.  Kids chiropractic is for all kids regardless of challenges to ensure a sustainable life.


A Sense For Chronic Pain

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

A Sense For Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is and should not be the norm for individuals to have to live with!  Chronic pain is usually associated with some sort of physical suffering that our body endures.  In reality, your body is telling you that something is not right.  Your body can still function and perform, but not to its optimal potential that it is designed for.  Pain is transmitted through the sensory part of the nerve.  The sensory part of the nerve is a very small portion in comparison to the motor part (muscle, etc) and autonomic part (blood vessels, etc).  If your body is constantly sending pain messages, your nerve system is trying to tell you something.  Realize that your nerve system regulates and controls every human experience you have.  Your nerve system is not functioning to your optimal potential when chronic pain is persistent.  Someone who suffers from this needs to realize that pain is a RED FLAG and most likely there is an underlying reason why.

Pressure upon a nerve decreases the firing capacity that is supposed to be 100%.  When a spinal bone moves and puts pressure upon a nerve it is called a subluxation.  When this process first begins, typically you will not feel the sensation of pain first.   Your body will enter protection mode, muscle fatigue, spasms, low energy, any real possible signs and symptoms for that specific nerve and the vital organs, cells, and tissues it controls.  These first signs and symptoms that your body presents should be your first indicator of “chronic pain.”  As the subluxation continues uncorrected for some time, your body will eventually develop the physical sensation of pain.  That is why it is so important to have your nerves checked periodically even before the sensation of pain appears.

In a randomized controlled trial, 183 patients with neck pain were randomly allocated to manual therapy (spinal mobilization), physiotherapy (mainly exercise) or general practitioner care (counseling, education and drugs) in a 52-week study.  The clinical outcomes measures showed that manual therapy resulted in faster recovery than physiotherapy and general practitioner care.  Moreover, total costs of the manual therapy – treated patients were about one-third of the costs of physiotherapy or general practitioner care. ~ Korthals-de Bos et al (2003), British Medical Journal


Carpal Tunnel Relief

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Carpal Tunnel Relief

Carpal tunnel relief is often linked to people wearing a brace or having some sort of surgery performed.  Carpal tunnel is caused by pressure on our median nerve which regulates and controls our hands, more specifically speaking our thumbs, index and middle fingers.  Symptoms can and will vary for each individual, the most common being weakness, numbness, and irritation in the fingers listed above.  Individuals with neck discomfort also exhibit signs and symptoms of weakness, numbness, and irritation in the fingers.  How do you actually know if what you’re experiencing is carpal tunnel?  Your top priority should be to have your nerves checked.

With carpal tunnel relief, just like anything else in your body, it starts with relief of the nerve.  Understand, if we have a bad experience in life we have to blame and look towards our nerve system for the cause and result.  Carpal tunnel is interesting because people understand that to obtain relief you have to address the nerve that is causing the discomfort.  This principle of relieving pressure on a nerve is key to understanding chiropractic.  Carpal tunnel relief is just not about looking at the wrist that is giving you the pinpoint sign and symptoms.  Everything starts from somewhere with regards to your body, and as previously stated you have to look to the nerve system first.  Ninety percent of all carpal tunnel patients were found to have nerve root irritation in their cervical spine, a condition known as double crush phenomena Journal of Neurology.  

carpal tunnel reliefYour median nerve has its beginnings in your neck, and if there is pressure upon the nerve in your neck region than you can exhibit signs and symptoms of carpal tunnel.  The stereotype is out that secretaries and individuals who type are more prone to having carpel tunnel.  Widen the outlook and see that most often the people that are prone to carpel tunnel exhibit poor posture, chronic sitting, and have a poor ergonomic work station.  All of this further contributing to a compromised nerve system, specifically speaking to our neck region.  Carpal tunnel relief is addressed by removing pressure from a nerve.  Chiropractors are nerve system specialist that check your nerves and, if necessary, perform specific adjustments.  Carpal tunnel relief = get your nerves checked.


Stress Less

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Stress Less

Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress…and more Stress!  Would you like to guess the number one reason why individuals visit a chiropractic office?  Stress!  Want to stress less?  Hear what we have to say:  Chiropractic is just not low back and headaches.  Subluxation (pinched nerve) is what chiropractors find and correct.  A subluxation inhibits the communication between brain to organ, cell, tissue, gland, etc.  If the communication is blocked between brain and vital component of body, safe to say there has to be some component of stress involved.  Now, if you’re thinking that stress is just something you “think” about, you are partially correct.  If it was just something we thought about, stressing less would be easy to accomplish.  If you are chronically thinking about paying bills, speaking in public, or passing your classes then yes, “thinking/emotions” will plague your body with stress.  What about physical stress?  Repetitive motion, car accidents, jumping out of airplanes, yes, that is all physical stress on your body.  What about toxicity in your body?  Medication, too much alcohol, eating in excess, can all be toxic stress on your body.  These different types of stress (emotional, physical, toxic) affects the entire body.

From a whole body approach what can be done?  Exercise and maintain your current day to day diet!  Have your nerve system checked for possible subluxations (stress) on a consistent basis.  Allow your master control system to function at its up-most potential. That is the key to stress less.  Now, if you allow your body to heal and adapt from the emotional physical and toxic stress on your body, then you have nothing to fret about!  Use signs and symptoms as a way to realize what is going on with your body.  Weight gain, digestive problems, heart problems and many more are possible signs and symptoms that there is stress on your nerve system.  To stress less make sure your nerve system is clear and free of possible subluxations.  Remember, everyone was born to be healthy!


The Cause Of Sports Injuries

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

The Cause Of Sports Injuries

The cause of sports injuries can be very abrupt and noticeable or can prolong themselves for a period of time.  In this article we are talking about sports injuries that take time to notice and can wreak havoc on an athlete’s career.  (If you want to see some noticeable sports injuries that have a direct cause, just Click ME and watch some clips).  Now, the other sports injuries that wreak havoc on an athlete we need to find the major principle of WHY.  Most bodies are not given the opportunity to adapt and heal from a problem.  Most likely, there is some sort of physical stress placed on the athlete and if this stress goes on for a pro-longed period of time then our body does not function to its potential.  Correct potential is supposed to be the optimal for an athlete!  For those sports injuries that continue on and linger we need to address the body as an entire unit, not just the area causing the issues.

The example we will use today is a very common issue, a sprained ankle.  An athlete encounters a sprained ankle, takes time to heal and boom is back on the field in no time.  The sprained ankle happens again a couple of months down the road and then again.  This injury sort of becomes chronic in nature.  So, how do we address the ankle?  Is there weakness in the ligaments and tendons protecting the ankle joint, yes.  As a chiropractor would I address and check the spine as well?  Yes!  Imagine if that athlete has a subluxation (pinched nerve/dysfunction in the nerve system) in their lumbar spine.  So, without going into too much detail about the cells, tissues, and glands being affected by this subluxation, let’s talk about the bio-mechanics.  If there is a subluxation the athletes’ gait is altered; if their gait is altered, muscles are altered, and if muscles are altered then structure is altered.  Which then, in turn, leaves a weakened structure at the ankles.  Chiropractors evaluate the body as a whole, rather than in separate parts.  When it comes to sports injuries, an athlete knows that everything is connected and everything needs to function at their optimal potential.