If You Believe You Can…You Will!
Is it just a belief or is it a fact that you can choose to be healthy? Both are actually true. Science supports that if you choose to be healthy you will be healthy. Notice the word “choose.” If you believe you will be healthy… you still have to act upon that belief. You must lay down the foundation of health and what it means. Getting checked by your chiropractor, exercising, watching your posture, and putting the right food in your body are all great examples. Prevention does not come in the form of a pill.
Dis-ease vs Disease
Referencing the Chiropractic Textbook by R.W. Stephenson 1927 he defines dis-ease and disease as:
Dis-ease defined. “A Chiropractic term meaning not having ease; or lack of ease. It is a lack of entity. It is a condition of matter when it does not have the property of ease. Ease is the entity, and dis-ease the lack of it.”
Disease defined. “Disease is a term used by physicians for sickness. To them it is an entity and is worthy of a name, hence diagnosis.”
In order to simplify the difference between dis-ease and disease, we break down the meaning of entity. Often when we classify someone with the entity of disease, we say they things such as, “That kid is autistic,” or, ” I am diabetic.” By putting a label on somebody we dismiss the person as an actual human being and classify them as the disease, which is not the case. The body having lack of ease will create symptoms to remind us that something is amiss in the body.
You Cannot Catch Disease
Literally what the title states, you cannot simply catch disease. In our society we often hear that someone “caught” this disease. When in reality you did not catch anything. If your tissue cells have uncoordinated and non-adaptive properties, your body will be dysfunctional as a result. Remember, health is hard-work! Chiropractic ensures that your master control system, the central nervous system, is working at optimal potential. When the brain is functioning correctly and without limits, the body is at ease.