Sitting Vs Standing

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Sitting Vs Standing

The great debate begins… well really it should not be a debate.  When it comes to sitting vs standing we always need to remember everything in moderation (and then some when it comes to standing).  Any sedentary lifestyle is just a bad thing, plain and simple.  Think of it this way, life is motion and motion is life.  In our society many careers and job opportunities are placing undo stress upon ones central nerve system due to extended sitting for periods of time.  Adequate motion is not obtained through sitting down throughout the workweek.  Sitting not only places stress upon the central nerve system by way of the spine, but also to the surrounding tissues, muscles, and ligaments.  Constant muscle fatigue, tightness, soreness, are just the beginning of what happens when sitting over and over again.

When choosing between sitting vs standing, the option should be an easy one.  Sitting for extended periods of time has been contributed with other chronic conditions that lead to dysfunction without the body.  The reason for this is because as stated earlier, life is motion.  With extended sitting you begin to compromise your posture and good health begins with proper posture.  With proper posture your information highway (central nerve system) is free to regulate and coordinate every single experience you encounter without interruption.  Sitting will compromise your posture which in turn will compromise your spinal stability thus interrupting your central nerve system.  The central nerve system controls and regulates all organs, cells, tissues, and glands to maintain your health and proper function.  “More people die of a sedentary lifestyle than from smoking” –  C. Everett Koop, Former Surgeon General of the U.S.  When considering sitting vs standing understand the importance of the little things that add up over time.  Don’t become complacent and allow your health to be sitting stagnant.

Proper Posture The True Story

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Proper Posture The True Story

Proper posture: the true story takes us back many many moons ago.  Well, not really.  We just need a good opening line when talking about proper posture and how it is key to your overall health and well-being.  Proper posture is fundamental in maintaining and functioning on a day to day basis without limitations or fallback.  The reason why posture is so crucial is because your spinal column is protecting the most important part of your entire body, the central nerve system.  The one thing that destroys your posture and overall quality of life is a vertebral subluxation.  A vertebral subluxation often goes unnoticed for years leading to signs and symptoms, very much like a cavity.  A vertebral subluxation places undo stress upon your entire central nerve system, not just one nerve, but everything!  This stress, over time, on your spinal column can lead to improper posture thus creating a compensation elsewhere in the spine.  This cycle can also be flipped starting out with poor posture creating muscle strain and improper bio-mechanics, resulting in your body needing to compensate from physical stress thus creating a vertebral subluxation.

Hard work pays off, such as maintaining a proper posture on a daily basis.  Visiting a chiropractor on a regular basis ensures that your body has no other option but to be functioning at your optimal potential.  By allowing your central nerve system to fire on all cylinders without dysfunction you will give your body its best chance against the daily stress of life.  After your body receives a specific chiropractic adjustment, proper posture is the number one variable that will assist your ability to adapt and to heal.  Just think how easy it is to slouch over while sitting down or to slump over while standing for an extended period of time.  The little things in life add up over time, by maintaining your central nerve system your muscles, tissues, ligaments, and even cells have the ability to receive proper communication to enable proper posture.


Beat Chronic Stress

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Beat Chronic Stress

Chronic stress in our daily lives is one of the top reasons why many of our health problems plague us on a day to day basis. Imagine a life free of stress…that would be nice!  “There is no effect without a cause. Chiropractors adjust causes, others treat effects.” B.J. Palmer, D.C., Ph.C.  Chronic stress can cause our body to be in a constant state of fight thus creating effects: headaches, immune imbalances, thyroid dysfunction, infertility, basically signs and symptoms.  Living in a state of chronic stress decreases your ability to properly function.  Emotional stress is no different than sustaining a major accident, injury or trauma.  Normally, when you sustain a physical stress in life you can remember the day and pin point the specific action of what caused your stress.  Emotional stress usually takes time to boil up and wreak havoc on your entire body.  Usually, with emotional stress it is a culmination of factors that begin to take shape.

Beat chronic stress with weekly activities that allow your body to be at its optimal potential.  The top weekly activity that ensures your body is firing on all cylinders is having your nerve system checked for possible subluxations.  Chiropractic is not about a pinched nerve, it is about allowing your body to function at it’s optimal potential without limitations.  This is done by having your nerve system regularly checked to make sure your central nerve system is properly coordinating and controlling all you do in life.  If there is a subluxation present within your spinal region it is disrupting every single action that you try to accomplish, and not just the ones that you can control.  When the central nerve system is free of interruption/dysfunction your life express is lifted to an entirely different level, thus combating the effects of chronic stress.  With specific chiropractic adjustments to restore your body’s innate healing ability, you have no other option but to express life and to HEAL.  Beat the chronic stress by making sure that regular check-ups of your spine are at the forefront.


Prevention Chiropractic Care

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Prevention Chiropractic Care

Prevention chiropractic care says a lot about the title in itself.  One of the easiest things to do in life is to prevent something from happening before it begins.  Think of it sort along the lines of having regular maintenance on your vehicle.  You are making sure that you are having regular oil check-ups, rotating tires, alignments, and don’t forgot the basic weekly gas fill-ups to make sure you have enough fuel for the week.  Somewhere along the line it turns from prevention to basic common sense, of course you want your vehicle to be running at it’s peak performance.    Going through the motions at some point just becomes preventative as well.  Prevention chiropractic care runs along the same lines of making sure you vehicle is up and running.  Taking care of your body should be at the top of your list.

Prevention chiropractic care starts with the foundation of how your body operates and functions.  Every experience you encounter in your life has to be processed through your central nerve system.  Chiropractic allows your central nerve system to be free of dysfunction thus functioning at your optimal potential.  Road blocks or vertebral subluxtions develop over time in your body due to your inability to adapt or to heal from stress in your life.  When a vertebral subluxation occurs it limits the bodies ability to properly function.  A vertebral subluxation is and often does go unnoticed for periods of time, much like something going wrong with your vehicle.  Over time your body begins to express signs and symptoms that is your bodies way of saying something is dysfunctional, much like an indicator finally going off on the dashboard.  Prevention chiropractic care is making sure that your body is always at top performance and making sure you stay that way.  Prevention chiropractic care is the way to go, get checked today!

Balancing Act Of Health: Healthy Life

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Balancing Act Of Health : Healthy Life

The balancing act of health is a daily activity that cannot be taken for granted.  A man that is too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busty to take care of his tools – Spanish Proverb.  Health does not come in a cookie-cutter box that has specific instructions for what to do.  Health is different and unique to each individual with basic fundamental principles.  Diet, exercise, and a properly functioning nerve system with specific chiropractic care should be your balancing act of health. How to eat clean and regular daily exercise are not things that are new and upcoming.  They have been around for an extended period of time and will continue to be paramount in our daily lives.  Regular specific chiropractic care is also something that is not new and upcoming.  Chiropractic has been around for an extended period of time as well and will continue to be a fundamental principle of health.  Balancing all of these variables together is key, with chiropractic being at the foundation in order to sustain a healthy life.

The balancing act of all three variables is key to a healthy life.  Think of ways we often try and bend the rules with these variables.  You can go to the gym and workout everyday, if your diet is not properly suitable for what you are doing you cannot out-train a bad diet.  The same can be said for eating an amazing diet and not properly exercising.  Imagine if you are doing both of these variables and eating clean and regularly exercising and not involving chiropractic.  Chiropractic keeps your body connected so that you can live your life to your fullest potential.  With a clear and connected nerve system your body has no other option but to function and be at your best.

Life Is Motion

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Life Is Motion

Life is motion!  Every interaction that we have on this earth has to generate some sort of motion.  Ever take the time to stop and wonder?  Well, even if you do take time to stop and think about that, your body is still generating movement.  Thinking still cultivates movement along the neurological pathway to require the process of thoughts.  Even to stop and take a nap during the day your body is still producing movement, digestive enzymes, hormones, peristaltic motion, etc.  Mobility is required in just about every form of life and it’s our ability to keep healthy movement a sustainable part of our daily life.  We often think about exercising when we think about motion and for good reason.  Exercising is vital to maintaining a healthy body that is constantly being re-energized with proper chemistry to sustain an optimal quality of life.

Chiropractic Motion

Chiropractic focuses specially on the central nerve system (the master controller of your body) and making sure that there are no obstacles in the communication process between brain to body.  Chiropractors focus on identifying vertebral subluxations within the spine that limit your ability to function.  When a subluxation occurs within the body it creates an entire central nerve system dysfunction that limits…motion!  When your brain sends messages down through the spinal cord out to your vital organs, cells, tissues, and glands this is all MOTION.  Without going into too much detail about how nerves generate mobility, a subluxation produces the complete opposite.  When chiropractors find and locate the specific subluxations they then perform and adjustment to that vertebra.  Guess what?  A specific chiropractic adjustment is MOTION!  By applying the right amount of force in the right direction your body has no other option but to start healing from the subluxation and restore normal function.

Restore Proper Mobility

Understanding what is right for your body is unique to everyone.  That is why chiropractic is specific to each unique individual spine.  With restoring proper mobility within the spinal region the body restores proper communication and enables you to function at your optimal.  Think about exercising with a subluxation, think about not being able to perform at 100% and wondering why?  Proper mobility is key to living a life free of obstacles and maintaining your health.

What Is Pain?

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

What Is Pain?

What is the actual sensation of pain?  Well, what is pain?  Everyone experiences pain differently and the particular “kind” we are focusing on is physical pain.  We often assume that pain is present after being involved in a trauma (car accident, skiing accident, etc.) and that it should resolve within a couple of days.  For the most part the actual sensation of physical pain will subside after a major accident, injury or trauma.  Some individuals will not feel the sensation of pain for years down the road until they do something in their normal routine of life and BOOM the pain strikes again!  Then after waiting again for a couple of days or weeks the pain subsides and we think we are all better.  This cycle will repeat on and off depending on your quality of life and continue to be a part of you.  During your bouts of pain throughout the years your body will give you periodically signs and symptoms, which are not initially “painful” but inhibit your lifestyle.  What is pain?  Pain is your body’s way of letting you know for a brief instant that something is wrong, consider it an SOS message.

The Insanity Cycle

What is pain?  When we think about pain we often think about chiropractors.  Understand that when your body is under distress you still have to function, ultimately your body is not designed to feel the sensation of pain for periods of time.  Your body will activate your adrenal glands and other protective mechanisms to make sure you are functioning and not exhibiting pain.  Years go on with your body wasting unnecessary energy by constantly living in protection mode (not pain) enabling you to go day to day with limited function.  Then when your body needs a quick rest and “spins out” the sensation of pain is present again.  In between these bouts of pain your signs and symptoms will manifest (migraines, irregular cycle, chronic sickness, constipation, etc.).  What is pain?  The same pain you feel regulates and controls organs, cells, tissues, and glands, it is a NERVE!  Pain, signs and symptoms are all transmitted via nerves.  This entire cycle borders on insanity constantly experiencing the same difficulties without ever doing anything for it.

Pain Vs Chiropractic

What is pain?  Specific chiropractic care can help with your pain.  The sensation of pain is so small with regards to your nerves that chiropractic can get you out of pain as fast as possible.  Once you are “out” of pain though that is when your body can begin to heal with chiropractic care.  The reason for this is because if your body is in pain you are constantly protecting yourself, your body is not focused on growth and healing.  Your body cannot be in two different stages, protection and growth.  Don’t wait for pain to be your sign to seek help, be preventive and allow your body to grow to your optimal potential.


Don’t Cover Up Signs And Symptoms

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Don’t Cover Up Signs And Symptoms

Covering up signs and symptoms is and has been a continuing trend in our society.  When signs and symptoms are expressed in your body it should be a red flag that dysfunction is present within the entire body (think of the body as a well oiled machine).  What are signs and symptoms that something is functionally wrong with our body? High blood pressure, colic, constipation, irregular cycle, ear infections, and the list goes on and on.  Unfortunately, we grow a custom to our signs and symptoms and begin to think they are a normal way of life for us.  If the symptoms persist for a time we tend to cover them up with artificial stimuli such as medication or cope in other methods.  While the medication might be a temporary “fix” the true underlying problem is not yet addressed.  Signs and symptoms are the beginning stage of dis-ease within in the body.  Over time as your body compensates for dysfunction with a particular symptom your entire central nerve system begins to malfunction.

What Signs And Symptoms Really Are

Recognize that any sign or symptoms that your body gives you is directly related to the nerve system.  There has to be a cause and effect for what you are experiencing and the cause is related to the nerve system.  Understanding this concept is not far-fetched, the nerve system regulates and controls all functions within the body.  Now, we realize that if someone hits you with a blunt object or if you smoke a pack of cigarettes a day then obviously you have your cause.  The signs and symptoms that we are referring to are associated with everyday life that often go unexplained or point to a specific organ that is malfunctioning.  The thought process goes along the lines of this: high blood pressure = blame the heart, constipation =  blame the GI tract and so on.  While yes, the sign and symptom is apparent in that particular organ, why is it happening?  If a nerve has pressure upon it, the messages from the brain are going to be cut-off or limited to that particular organ, cell, tissue or gland.  As a consequence of not receiving proper messages from the brain, the body will develop signs and symptoms which in turn will lead to the dis-ease process.


Chiropractic focuses specifically on the nerve system.  Tell a chiropractor a specific sign and symptom and we will show you the nerve that regulates and controls that particular organ, cell, tissue or gland.  Chiropractors look to find dysfunction within the nerve system by locating subluxations.  Subluxations place undo stress on a specific nerve creating an entire central nerve system malfunction.  Subluxations can exist for years without you knowing it directly, until signs and symptoms manifest.  Specific chiropractic adjustments remove the subluxations and allow your body to HEAL.  Have your nerve system checked for possible subluxations.

Respiratory Infections And Chiropractic

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Respiratory Infections And Chiropractic

Chronic bronchitis, upper respiratory infections, asthma, are just a handful of some of the airway breathing disorders that inhibit our quality of life.  Respiratory disorders vary for each individual and are usually categorized into upper and lower respiratory conditions.  The most common upper respiratory tract infection that we encounter is the common cold, which directly effects the nose, throat and surrounding passages.  Lower respiratory infections that we commonly hear of are pneumonia and bronchitis.  Without going into to much detail, upper and lower infections are still respiratory disorders.  When we encounter a respiratory infection our body is susceptible due to our immune system not properly functioning.  Respiratory infections though distressful at times are a way that your body tells you something is happening.  Respiratory infections should occur for a short period of time and your immune system should be able to prevail and get stronger from it.  Chronic, reoccurring infections is a compromised immune system that is not on the path to healing but rather in a constant state of survival.

When a respiratory infection occurs we often give superficial band-aids that cover up the symptoms we are expressing.  We have a tendency to neglect the immune system and the reason we are susceptible.  Chiropractic enters the picture because it focus on the nerve system that specifically controls and regulates every experience you have in life.  The nerve system is in direct control of your immune system and how it operates.  Chiropractic does not just focus on the upper or lower respiratory tracts specifically, it utilizes a full body approach that begins with the nerve.  Nerve system dysfunction likely plays a role in chronic upper airway inflammatory disease (Otolaryngol Head & Neck Surgery Journal).  Nerve dysfunction is categorized in chiropractic as a subluxation.  A subluxation places undo stress upon a nerve limiting it’s communication to and from the brain, creating an entire central nerve system dysfunction.  Thus chronic and reoccurring respiratory infections.  Specific chiropractic adjustments relieve stress upon the nerve allowing proper function and more importantly immune system function to be re-established.