Ever Feel Disconnected From Your Body

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Ever Feel Disconnected From Your Body

Ever have the feeling that you and your body are just disconnected?  Could be a reoccurring theme for some.  Could of just happened by chance for others.  Either way the body is trying to communicate to you.  Listen to the body and head it’s advice.  Every single day in our office we talk about being disconnected.  It’s a realization that your chiropractor should explain to you.  The body is doing something for a reason. Listen.  ​Misalignment causes irritation of the spinal nerves, and this irritation, in turn, will lead to symptoms.


The simplest way to explain what a chiropractic adjustment is doing, is reconnecting.  Think of plugging a lamp back in to the outlet.  You see when a subluxation occurs it causes dysfunction within the entire central nerve system.  Which means your entire body.  Initially a subluxation is like dimming lights.  You can still see.  You can still function.  You basically can do everything you want to do.  Not at 100% though.  That should not be normal for you.  Yet, many people continue to live their lives like that.  Chiropractic is much more than just “pain treatments.”  Understanding the full capacity of chiropractic is grasping the body as a whole.

Living Connected

So, what happens when the body is connected.  This falls into play with people who get checked for subluxations on a regular basis.  Patients will report being in tune with their body.  They will recognize “symptoms” that are particular to them.  This ranges from: limited range of motion, poor energy, sickness, ear infections, to constipation.  A symptom is a red flag.  Recognize that living disconnected puts your health at risk.  Symptoms will appear and take over. Without directly attacking symptoms with medication.  Chiropractic restores proper connection to the brain-body pathways.  Which enables your body to HEAL.  Nothing is more powerful than enabling your body to adapt to the stress placed on it.