Decrease Inflammation
Why would someone want to decrease inflammation? Initially, inflammation in your body is a way to protect itself from some sort of injury/pathogen that occurred. Your immune system recognizes that some irritant affected the body so your immune system kicks into high gear to protect and remove the harmful stimuli. Your body recognizes that inflammation should only persist for a short while, remember it is part of the healing process. Chronic inflammation in your body for an extended period is unnecessary and often leads to signs and symptoms.
The inflammation we are focusing on is relating to your gut. Specifically, we are talking about your vagus nerve which regulates and controls a vast amount in your body including your stomach, large intestine, small intestines and so on. Chronic inflammation in your gut can be extremely debilitating and can lead to different symptoms. Your vagus nerve is in control of regulating and controlling gut microbiomes that sense and detect pathogens. A subluxation is when a vertebra moves and applies pressure on a nerve thus decreasing the firing potential of the nerve. Basically, a subluxation creates dysfunction in the body, which does NOT decrease inflammation. So, think if you’re constantly bloated, have stomach pains, have chronic digestive issues, or just something is affecting your body irregularly. First, look to the spine for the cause of why this is happening. If a nerve is not sending the proper communication to your vital organs, then your body will respond as best as it can leading to signs and symptoms. By properly removing pressure off of the vagus nerve you can decrease inflammation.
In society we are instructed that digestive issues are all solved by eliminating something from the diet. Why eliminating something can help, it still is not solving the cause of WHY your body is responding the way it is. Specific chiropractic adjustments allow digestion to be restored properly without elimination and decreasing the immune response of chronic inflammation. Every day you live with a subluxation you are shortened of your life potential. Decrease inflammation in the gut by addressing the cause.