Understanding Pain & Punching Walls

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Understanding Pain & Punching Walls

Well, now that we have some attention let’s break down understanding pain & punching walls.  First understanding pain and what it is and what it is not.  Pain is subjective.  What one person feels is completely different than somebody else.  Females have a higher pain threshold than males.  Yes, that is true.  Females ability to cope with pain is actually a bad thing.  Why?  Perceiving that once pain is gone you are healthy is the BIGGEST flaw.  Yes, chiropractors can get you out of pain.  Yes, it does not mean you are better.  Understand why.

Understanding Pain By Punching A Wall

Now, don’t try this at home.  Once you punch a wall your body should want to do two things (besides yelling).  The reason we want to do these two things is because it allows adrenaline and endorphin’s to finally kick on.  These are not in any particular order.  The goal of these two actions is to relieve yourself of pain.

  1. Punch a wall and you will want to immediately start shaking the hand as fast as possible.  Reason being to block mechanoreceptors (sensation feeling computers) from being transmitted that you just punched a wall.
  2. Punch a wall and you will want to immediately put your other hand over your knuckles.  Reason being to block and dampen the mechanoreceptors from being able to transmit pin point accuracy of pain.

Both of these tactics work try by block the pain messages by incorporating or limiting proprioception…movement.

Understanding Pain & Chiropractic

After getting out of pain with your hand what is left.  For starters, you will have limited range of motion, decreased sensation, poor grip strength, deep tissue bleeding, inflammation, and maybe even a broken bone.  Guess your better though!?  When visiting your chiropractor, don’t just visit for pain. If you only come in for pain care you will never experience the true benefits of what chiropractic can actually do for you.  Once a chiropractor get’s your body out pain that is when you continue care to actually HEAL.  Chiropractic is not designed for a hospital setting it is designed for lifetime healthcare.



Ever Heard Of Health Doctors Before?

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Ever Heard Of Health Doctors Before?

The entire concept of the phrase health doctors was initially brought to us by a new patient.  It’s amazing that the general public has a thorough understanding of what health is and what it is not.  This patient stated they conducted research and wanted to HEAL, they were tired of covering ‘things’ up. The biggest tenant that our society is starting to grasp, is that the body is self regulating and self healing.  You get cut, you heal.  You break a bone, it takes time and yet you still heal.  The body does not require anything else.

Who Be These Health Doctors

Well to put it in simplest form, it’s chiropractors.  Chiropractor’s do not take, add, or alter the body in any way .  Chiropractor’s simply remove interference which thus properly establishes proper communication from brain to body.  This interference comes in the form of a subluxation.  A subluxation places undo stress upon a specific nerve rendering your body in a state of fight or flight.  Think of plugging 30 electrical devices into a single outlet (with no surge protector).  Eventually when the outlet can not adapt to the stress placed on it, boom goes the breaker.  Much like a subluxation in the body.

Support Your Health

There is no specific form of healthcare like chiropractic.  While allopathic medicine has a need, much often it is resorted to replacing or covering something up.  When healing takes place you need to be omnipresent with your body and how things work and operate.  Health doctors have been around for a very long time and will continue to be productive in “getting” people better.  Ultimately you get to decide what you want to do for your own health.  There are no limits to what the human body is capable of when everything is connected.  The research is out there and will continue to mount up.

The Growing Trend Of Healthcare

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

The Growing Trend Of Healthcare

Healthcare is a very distinct word that can be skewed to mean something completely different.  For instance healthcare is not visiting your medical doctor on a frequent basis for so called “Check-ups”.  Webster’s dictionary states : Health-care – efforts made to maintain or restore physical, mental, or emotional well-being especially by trained and licensed professionals.  Taking care of your body is something that requires handwork and consistency.  It’s the little things that add up.

Healthcare Scams

Anyway that someone can try and make money off of somebody else happens all to often.  Here are some quick examples of why health sells in the marketplace.  All leading back to taking care of yourself is hard work.

  • Waist training belts. The idea that you can lose fat and get in shape by putting a vibrating belt on.  Listen up, exercise is hard to do and yet so rewarding when done right.
  • Diet pills.  Once again the concept that taking something artificial is going to change you.  Being diligent with your diet is tough work.  Limit your cheat days.
  • Fat-free food.  Depending on how much you know, trust me.  Fat is good in moderation and where it comes from.
  • Miracle Fixes.  There is nothing short of a miracle that would not have been discovered by now when it comes to health.  Health is not changing, our viewpoints are.

Back To The Basics For Specific Healthcare

When the body is weakened by stress, toxins, poor nutrition, or lack of exercise, disease has a better chance of getting a foothold.   Chiropractic ensures that the body is functioning at optimal potential without any gimmicks.  Realize that the central nerve system is what chiropractic focuses on.  A healthy and connected nerve system allows life to be expressed at 100% vitality.  ​The path to health is not easy. You must take time to eat right, prepare your day, and get adjusted. You must schedule exercise into your day. You must sleep well. You must be willing to take action.


Overcoming Chronic Inflammation

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Overcoming Chronic Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is becoming more of an acceptable form of  “sickness” in our society.  Typically we aim to eliminate a sign or symptom and assume we are okay.  This thought process never addresses the underlying reason for the disturbance in the first place.    In order to discover what inflammation is you have to understand how the healing process works.  To discover healing look first towards the tissue cell.

Irritated Tissue Cell = Chronic Inflammation

The tissue cell is the smallest part of the body.  Each cell is designed to give service to all parts of the body.  Cells allow transmission for healing and inflammation to occur.  There are lot’s of signs and symptoms associated with inflammation.  Healing begins with inflammation.

What is Chronic Inflammation

Your entire body is an organism that is derived of different parts.  Each tissue cell is specifically designed for a duty to perform for the organism (body).  Inflammation initially is seen as a positive act within the body.  This is a result of  some sort of pathogen, irritant, or other force that is disrupting tissue cells.  As a direct results of the initial attack the body triggers a defense response: inflammation.  Immune cells are then initiated to express their function to defend the entire organism.  When the body is not able to ADAPT  and overcome this initial inflammation, it then becomes chronic.

A Change In Lifestyle

While a healthy response is better than no response you still need to adapt.  Chiropractic care allows your body to properly adapt.  Chiropractic focuses specifically on the central nerve system which regulates all tissue cells.  Subluxations within the spine create dysfunction with the nerves.  Subluxations “squeeze” these nerve fibers basically creating downed power lines.  They might look happy, yet they are dangerous.  Address the spine first when looking to change your output of life.  A healthy spine is equivalent to a healthy body.  Life is easier.  Proper transmission lets you live at your max without chronic inflammation.

Before Ear Tubes, Do Your Research

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Before Ear Tubes, Do Your Research

Pretty simple topic here to talk about.  Ear tubes we are referring to are the Eustachian tubes that are failing to function appropriately for children.  When the E-tubes begin to fail, ear infections begin to ensue.  Before any consideration for your child’s health is in question you need to do research.  The age old adage “Trust me, I am a doctor” does not hold merit until it is proven.  Ultimately it is your child’s immediate health and long-term combined.  The “simple” ear infection can set up for positive health results in the near future or snowball into negative consequences based on parents actions.

Some Ear Tubes Research

  • Published research has shown that 80% of children treated with a series of chiropractic adjustments were free of ear infections for a six month period.
  • Surgical intervention to have ear tubes into the inner ear creates a short term mechanical solution that does not focus on the cause.
  • As many as 70% of ear infections are caused by viruses not by bacteria.  Routinely use of antibiotics predisposes children to repeat infections and routine illness.
  • Antibiotics leave patients far more vulnerable to other infections when being routinely treated.

100% Natural

First thing is first.  Have your child checked for possible subluxations within the central nerve system.  The subluxation wreaks havoc on the developing child as it does not present as pain.  The subluxation presents as a sign and symptom (ear infection).  Ear tubes have only specific purpose which is the same extent for a crutch.  Give yourself a crutch and you will always rely on a crutch.  Be natural, be 100% without having to add artificial stimulants.  Ear tubes are another “discovery” in health that are far worse than we imagined.  The downward spiral of what ear infections even leads to is another reassuring factor of our flawed “health” system.  So, just keep it simple and don’t over complicate health.  Do you research and always ask questions.

Ready For Optimal Function?

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Ready For Optimal Function?

The beginning of the year makes for lots of changes within our lives.  Whether we are looking to change our diet, exercise routine, business strategy or whatever it is, change has to occur.  Most individuals are scared of change, that’s why we typically wait for a change in the year to mark the point.  We need a fresh starting point and the new year is that point.  Having our body perform at optimal function is the making of the strongest foundation you can set for yourself.  Your first course of action should be to optimize your own natural health and healing from the inside out.

Optimal Function Begins When?

Being healthy begins when you want it to.  Simple.  The human body does not take vacations and every day it is always changing.  Staying on top of your daily activities transforms into weekly habits and then lifestyle changes.  You have the power to change your life at any moment. Don’t forget that!  Make lifestyle changes you can implement today to improve your overall quality of life.  Get your hands dirty and get to work.  Some of the best things that you can do for yourself are always withing reach.

Enter Chiropractic = Optimal Function

Being healthy starts with taking care of your inside first and foremost.  Chiropractic care focuses specifically and solely on the central nerve system (CNS).  The CNS controls everything you do on a daily basis to even how you digest your food and what nutrients you absorb.  There is no secret in wanting and maintaining a healthy functioning body.  Make sure you CNS is properly connected and working at it’s optimal potential ensures optimal function.  Chiropractic care allows your body to move  and operate correctly.  ​If things aren’t moving the way they are supposed to move, it will have a negative impact on your ability to function.

Low Energy Bringing You Down?

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Low Energy Bringing You Down?

Having the capacity to make it through the day can be a struggle when you have low energy.  When your body is not properly supplied and coordinated, road blocks become evident and destroy your quality of life.

Easy Reasons For Low Energy Stores

  • Not receiving enough rest at the end of the day can deplete your energy stores.  Get your 8 hours of sleep and be done with it!  Easy!
  • Let your food be your guide to a well nourished body.  Not eating sufficient amounts of substantial foods can weaken your energy stores.
  • Physical exercise on a daily basis is a must.  If you are not giving your body physical exertion you will not replenish your energy stores.
  • Poor posture.  It is really hard to have good posture and maintain it.  Though when you have bad posture your body actually works harder and faster to make sure you are walking around straight.

Subluxation Causes Low Energy

Your body is designed to coordinate and receive all information regarding life via your central nerve system.  A subluxation places a “road-block” on your communication lines by placing undo stress upon a nerve.  Think of a subluxation as a downed power line.  When the body is not properly connected to it’s source, optimal function is not fully acquired.  The subluxation results in interference with the transmission of life.  The body begins to work harder and faster than it should due to this disconnect.  As a direct result your body is in overdrive trying to survive on a day to day basis.

Re-Connect The Energy

We recommend to simply have your nerves checked for possible interference.  When the subluxation is present within the body, you cannot function at 100%.   You cannot have full energy power.  Your power source is and always will be the central nerve system.  Regardless of your health habits to assist with energy levels, starting off at the basis with chiropractic is your foundation.

The Effects Of Physical Stress On The Body

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

The Effects Of Physical Stress On The Body

The effects of physical stress on the body is one of the most detrimental factors associated with someones health and well-being.  Long-standing physical stress that goes uncorrected distorts the spinal column which protects the most important system in your entire body, the central nerve system.  Remember that the body is an entire unit.  For example if someone has a sprained ankle, the sprained ankle is not the only part of the body that suffers.

The Superhighway Of The Body

The stress that  we undergo is different for everybody.  This can include sitting down for extended periods of time, sports, looking at a screen all day, and the list goes on.  If the physical stress is a daily routine you are never giving your body proper time to heal and adapt.  Thus distorting your bodies entire bio-mechanics wreaking havoc on your spinal column.  A subluxation what chiropractors are trained to located and adjust if necessary will wreak havoc on your superhighway (central nerve system).  A subluxation is often created when the body is placed under physical stress for a period of time.

Reconnect From Physical Stress

Physical stress distorting your bodies ability to function disconnects the superhighways ability to be constantly be operating at 100%.  You need a physical solution to help fix a physical problem that your body is encountering.  Specific adjustments reconnect the body superhighway by removing subluxations thus allowing your body to heal.  To go after the true cause of your stress, look towards the spine first.  By influencing the central nerve system the effects of stress do not have to be as detrimental.  Your quality of healing from stress is directly proportional to the capacity of the central nerve system.  Remember the central nerve system regulate’s and control all aspects of the healing phase.

3 Ways To Improve Your Immune System

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

3 Ways To Improve Your Immune System

Stimulating the immune system to be at it’s peak potential is not something that should be taken for granted.  Improving your immune system is a daily fight every single day, not just when in times of crisis.  If we only pay attention to our system when in times of need we will never get stronger in the long run.  3 simple ways to improve your immune system begins with the foundation of health.

Immune Support & Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care focus specifically and solely on the central nerve system. The master system that controls every single experience you have in your life.  Chiropractor’s detect and adjust subluxations within the spine that inhibit our body from functioning at it’s peak performance.  A disturbance in the spine has a direct correlation on how our system’s function.  The focus of chiropractic care is to remove any physiological blocks to the proper expression of the body’s innate wisdom.  Specific chiropractic adjustments stimulate white blood cell production to boost your overall immunity…naturally!

Eating Right

Eating clean and choosing the right food has not changed.  Regardless of the newest and latest diet or health fad, choosing the right food is staying away from processed and pre-packaged food.  Let thy food be thy medicine is a saying that will stand the test of time.  Staying properly hydrated and maintaining regular consumption of vegetables, fruits, and protein allows your body to flourish.

Get Up & Workout

Exercises such as walking, swimming, yoga, Pilates, bicycling, martial arts, and bodybuilding all help your body.  Having a strong functioning musculoskeletal  is just the tip of the iceberg for working out.  Exercising has countless benefits for your overall body in general.  Choose fun activities that you enjoy so you can keep doing them and get the results you are looking for.

Benefits Of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Benefits Of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

One of the most important times in our lives – pregnancy.  Making sure that the mother is doing everything that she can to have an awesome amazing pregnancy comes with standards.  Regular check-ups with your midwives / OB/GYN, taking essential nutrients, and of course more naps!  Regular chiropractic care during pregnancy  is fundamental to ensure pre and post lasting results not only for the mother but child as well.

Hormonal Changes

Every experience that we encounter in life is processed and coordinated via your nerve system.  Chiropractic keeps the nerve system properly functioning so you can experience a pregnancy that is ideal.  Hormonal changes are typically one of the biggest factors that expecting mothers tend to “feel”.  By properly accessing the nerve system hormonal balances can be achieved to make sure that everything is working accordingly.  Hormones directly affect not only emotions but also muscles, ligaments, and tendons that are growing and developing.

Pelvic Changes

As the anticipation date of actual birth comes into fold, the amount of changes that the pelvis encounters is substantial.  The amount of pelvic imbalance is another reason to obtain chiropractic care during pregnancy.  Pelvis misalignment may reduce the amount of room for the developing baby and cause unnecessary discomfort for the mother.  Distortions in the pelvis also have the ability to cause problems for the baby to make it down for the birth process itself.

Other Benefits Of Care

Overall functioning during pregnancy for the mother is very ideal.  The ability to maintain a healthy pregnancy comes from a balance: healthy lifestyle, diet, and regular check-ups to your nerve system.  The central nerve system is the master controller in the body, balancing proper nerve tone is the first step in a healthy and amazing experience.  The benefits can reduce labor, decrease nausea, relieve overall joint pain

More information about chiropractic care during pregnancy click on the link.  Click Me.